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Posts posted by (PSN)Knastcore

  1. i got 45/48 (1,495) the number in the brackets is rising each mission but is this the way to go. I also girding the whole day now.


    is there any info like if the Brackets number in the profiel hit´s like (2,000) or 3,000) im done? or will i as long as i play with randome guys not get passed 45. i also run the mission like 8 Times with the same group


    I tried to solo but almost 90% of the enemies kill me 1 Hit. I tyed it with Ash, Vauban and Volt - my other Frame arn´t lvl 30 :/ and my lives are gone

  2. @deathfrombelow5

     it doesn´t matter when the Founder endet - it startet back in 2012 and it was needed! Watch tenno live - steve said it himself those founders from back in 2012 helped the game more than anything else. It was available until closed Beat ends and of course got updates and content in the mean time.

    It´s nice when every one of us spends money and expend the game this way. But still the founders of 2012 were needed an yes might the rest that followed in 2013 just expended a game that made it already.


    i don´t get why you all want have something the rest don´t get. I mean do you want to feel special so hard?


    Weapon will come back (it might take time) so does everything else of the exclusive stuff except those 3 Items (Ex Prime, Lato Prime, Skana Prime). I get it that people want mastery rank ok, so give a reskined version of the Exc Prime and weapons.


    I mean why shoud PS4 players get exclusive and the New PC players that showed up same time as PS4 don't?! or even the upcoming Xbox Players - there is no reason.

    So just stop all the Exclusive S#&$ once and for all.



    there are plenty of Grand masters around an "Master" paid more than 100 bucks also just because you are a founder doesn´t mean you stop spending money on the game afterwarts. I was a founder and still spending money from time to time like 100+ Bucks for Rhino Prime ect. 

    But it´s not about how spend money now, it´s about how spendet it back when it was needed the most and that was 2012

  3. I would like to see a PS4 exclusive prime. It would allow the ps4 community to be on par with the pc community as far as mastery. Personally this is the only reason I would even want excel prime at all.

    I doub you already hit mastery Rank Cap, so this is not a valid reason. You probably missed a ton of Event weapons as well as Beta Exclusives like Braton Vandal.

    You also should not compare PS4 Mastery with PC cause you will never play together so there is no reason why the Mastery Rank of PC players is in any way important for a PS4 player.


    Bringing another exclusive Frame will just causing more problems. Giving a "new" Exc to all Platforms is the best way to fix this. 


    You all should keep in mind - thanks to the Founders Warframe is still here got 14 major updates und will soon be on both Next gen Consoles. So there is a reason why they are the only "group" of Warframe players with something exclusive.


    A new Excalibur as compensate for those that want a "better" Excalibur or a fully Frame collection is ok more exclusiv just make the situation worse


    i mean there is no valid reason PS players should get any exclusive fram at all same goes for Xbox neither need the PC a second exclusive 

  4. The Update delays is more of a Sony Problem.


    But bringing alle the Time Exclusive stuff back would ruin the sense behind it.


    I mean you shouldn´t compare yourself to PC but just to the other PS4 members.


    Those new player´s that will coming to warframe next month wont get the Prova vandal (Bleeding Grounds) and so they start complaining as well.


    The special thx to thoose that had been here since Alpha should have special stuff, they helped the game growing we all love so much right now.


    the only thing i do untersatnd is, that people also want an "better" excalibur so bringing something like this may be a good idea but ofcourse not the Exc Prime itself

  5. PC did not get exclusive anything. The founders whom made this game possible received exclusive item for the gamble they took in supporting the development of Warframe. It is so tiresome to keep hearing about they got this so I deserve something special. If you children need to feel special than you might want to crawl into bed with mommy. Earn you gear and be happy with what you get. Stop the whine.



    i don´t see anybody whining. how about you stop flaming.


    We just discuss a way to bring back the EX Prime or something similar. I foundet this game back in 2012 and srsly i dont want thoose specials to be back or optainable BUT! in case of Consolplayers and late pc starter - there will always be one Frame missing in the collection. So bringing something similar in case of stats whould be a cool thing.


    I coudn´t migrate my Ex Prime i still like to have something like it on the PS4.

    And making the Prime version of another existing frame exclusive to Consols would be stupid and defilnitly pi55 of PC players so no to that.

    Maybe a Obsidian Exc with Exc Prime stats is the simplest way. So we founders don´t feel cheated and the new wave of players have the collection complete. 

  6. Im a Founder myself and seeing Exc Prime on the PS4 whould be cool... on the other hand i see why the "migration" don´t copie  EXc Prime cause the other PS4 Tennos arn´t able to get it.


    To topic


    I think Xbone and PS4 should get they´re own version of Exc Prime or something similar with equal stats. I mean without being offensiv but the Exc Prime isn´t that much of an cosmetic difference.

    So Bringing 2 more different versions is possible - but like the Founder Stuff 1 Rule: "You can olny buy this set and not receeve it ingame" 


    Idk my a "Sons of the Founders Programm" ;)

  7. No I already have a decked out PS+ account with all the new games from the console upgrade. I bought it -so soon- because I wanted to play the free to play game I blew more then a last gen console on.



    Same here, im into Warframe since a year and i prefer playing on PS4 so i would like to switch my Founder Stuff over to the PS4. Also my PC can´t run WF well anymore and Playing on PS4, and knowing it will overwritten one day, leaves me not playing it at all until the migration is available 

  8. I Bought the Founder "Master" Package so i have some extra items that arn´t and until now never were available on PS4

    What happent to those exclusive items. 

    Like the Beta Tester thx Giveaways ect. ?




    What if i Buy the Prime Access - Inferno Bundle - Will those items/Warframe carry over aswell?




    Here is the List of a few Items i´m talking about:



    - Master Badge ( Event Badge)

    - Excalibur Prime

    - Braton Vandal

    - Lato Vandal

    - Skana Prime 



    I prefer playing on PS4 so hopefully all the extra stuff i bought don´t get deleted 

  9. I Bought the Founder "Master" Package so i have some extra items that arn´t and until now never were available on PS4

    What happent to those exclusive items. 

    Also the Beta Tester Giveaways ect. ?




    2. what if i Buy the Prime Access - Inferno Bundle - Will those items/Warframe carry over aswell?








    Here is the List of a few Items i´m talking about:



    - Master Badge ( Event Badge)

    - Excalibur Prime

    - Braton Vandal

    - Lato Vandal

    - Skana Prime 



    I prefer playing on PS4 so hopefully all the extra stuff i bought don´t get deleted 

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