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  1. Although this is quite a bit older at this point, I would like to interject my own view just In case people still think Gauss sucks. I'm not sure how many buffs or quality of life changes he's received since this post but I digress. Gauss is an amazingly fun frame and only pales in comparison to frames who do something so ridiculously broken, there's no contest. For 1, Gauss is a run and gun frame, his entire thing is having to move, which is his only weakness in my opinion. Due to this I will be taking into account playing the frame properly and keeping his buff up and building him right. I will also be taking into account that his ultimate buffs are, and can be considered a damage boost due to the fundamental mechanics of what shooting does. As mentioned, there is a CC build and that's all well and fun but clearly Gauss excels in Duration, if you're not going full Duration then what are you doing? All of his skills gain a benefit from it in one way or another. His 1 isn't just a mobility tool, although is generally one of the better ones out there. I find Volts to be like Ice skating and ugly to look at whilst providing no bonuses other than I ran around for 40 seconds..great. Gauss' however is a dash and a long range mobility tool that's fairly easy to control, you can make it from one side to the other, and can immediately cancel it and recast it to move in another direction. It also CCs enemies when knocking into them and walls, which means even if you fail and hit a wall, you gain from it. It can be used to move a short distance for cover, as well as generating Redline easily and will be used for that primarily when using your ult. His 2 is insane, 90% DR to direct damage and can't be staggered? I dunno about you guys but staggering, knock downs and self damage/stagger are awful, being able to prevent that entirely instead of the meta recovery mod is a god send. It also regains energy so you are constantly topped up. His 3 you can give or take, I've removed it for an additional timed skill like Rhinos Rawr for additional damage for me and my squad. His ult is insane, you press it and gain movement, cc, damage, reload speed, fire rate, swap speed, I mean you are a #*!%ing god when using it, and when you bap with your 1 and get it to 100% it will stay there unless you literally stand still. It quite literally buffs everything, improves damage for literally every weapon that you actually want to use, giving you so much freedom. There is no downtime whilst you're redline Now when you have my build, a full Duration with shards, you can quite literally have all these buffs up for around 2 minutes. 2 WHOLE MINUTES BEING A GOD, WHILST TAKING 90% LESS DAMAGE, WHILST FIRING A LIGHT SPEED AND ZOOMING AROUND WITH AN ABILITY THAT COSTS NOTHING WITH ANOTHER THAT GIVES YOU ENERGY BACK. Like my god this frame is insane and people are saying his buffs are lackluster? My guy the frame is entirely self sufficient. With my additional 30% damage from rhino Rawr (which is base), you have so much fun.
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