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Posts posted by BeardyKyle

  1. 7 hours ago, BDMblue said:

    They are kinda right. Unless the melee is slow and clunky operator would basically be a warframe. More so with the melees you have shown. They all look like warframe melee weapons fast ninja type things nothing like what the drifter had.

    I agree. I don't think Operators should have melee... although the drifter did have the knife, that was kind of nice but it was slow. 

    I would suggest giving them back void blast or void based physical attacks (not melee weapons) - for example a focus tree ability that adds a shoulder charge to the end of void sling. 

  2. Syndicates need to be more immersive and not just a glorified vendor. 

    Build on the syndicate alliances and their inner faction wars, with related missions that aren't just hide and seek for medals. Have the metals as rewards.


    Really would be awesome if as the player you really felt like part of the syndicate you choose and the enemy syndicates actually felt like a threat. Also ranking up should not only give you access to more rewards but more influence and perks within that syndicate.

    • Like 1
  3. 11 hours ago, Urlan said:

    I think that is pretty reasonable, if not as base; that certainly as some modification, augment or like how Umbra has a slight variant of Radial Blind.

    On 2020-05-29 at 12:44 PM, TehGrief said:

    Renewal undeniably needs to be changed from how it currently works. It is clunky, and beyond the mechanics of the ability it will also need a visual overhaul. 

    For more details, please refer to this thread ->


    Yup...at the very least the visual changes and for god sakes give him a better passive. 

  4. 38 minutes ago, TehGrief said:

    Renewal undeniably needs to be changed from how it currently works. It is clunky, and beyond the mechanics of the ability it will also need a visual overhaul. 

    For more details, please refer to this thread ->


    Interesting ideas. Personally I miss the visuals of the original infinite range renewal and would like that back, however with the pace of the game I can understand why the AoE is better. 

    My ideal revisit would be to give him the original infinite range seeking orbs on cast in addition to a 23m aura around Oberon while it's active.

    For Phoenix Renewal I'd like to see a 5m AoE blind when it's triggered and while it's recharging the Renewal Orb orbits that player.


  5. I’m really starting to hate nightwave. It’s just a content wall...a content wall of terrible content. Which qualifies for a make warframe great again statement.

    It sucks because It’s having to do a bunch of dull, tedious, crappy sub missions, over and over. None of which are actually fun, having to do it in a time frame and not whenever I feel like.  And if I don’t do it, which I won’t cause it sucks. I miss the season, the rewards, lore, market items. 

    The alert system was bland but even that was more fun than this crap. It was certainly more engaging, felt like you were doing missions and not chores. I’m fine not doing nightwave if I don’t like it, but not when you miss out on that much content, especial-goddamn-ly lore based content.

    I’d suggest bringing back the alert system with nightwave rolled in, with longer lasting and More frequently refreshing alerts.  Say 1 alert per hour, 3hr time limit to complete, with a max of 3 active alerts and a cap of how many alerts per day. Just enough that you always have at least one when you log on.

    Use nightwave standing to increase number of max alerts or increase number of alerts you receive per day. 

    Each alert is a random mission type with an accompanying “nightwave challenge”.

    - speaking of challenges can we get rid of the unlock riven, forma a weapon etc challenges. We don’t need more incentive to do those, and it’s a waste of resources. Dumb challenge, trash can juice.

    Each mission rewards a combination of credits/resource/mod + nightwave credits + nightwave standing. 

    The nightwave credit reward is increased by defeating nightwave targets that randomly appear in missions. Nightwave standing reward is increased by completing the nightwave challenge.


    • Like 2
  6. While I agree there is an over saturation of waste mods as rewards, infested salvage being a good example. Having only rarer mods drop as mission rewards may be a better solution than removing them completely. Endo, Kuva, forma/catalyst/reactor/exilus blueprints should be more common in higher tier drop tables as well.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    First, the removal of manual blocking came after DE found that only a tiny proportion of people were using it. In addition, blocking and targeting are part of the next stage, and will likely be more important then.

    Second, Channeling is being completely removed with the next stage because even less ripple used that. It’s being replaced entirely by a new system. Why would they go back to make it easier to use when they’re doing that?

    Yes, they didn’t make the best changes to get to where we are now.

    No, they won’t be going backwards to what they’re deliberately changing away from.

    Channeling is simply being changed to not using energy. It’s basically the same manually activated system revamped, don’t be fooled by a new label. That’s a good change of course, it if comes with useful new mods. 

    If we’re removing things that aren’t used by the majority instead of improving them then the game is in for a serious trim. Blocking should be a useful element of a dedicated melee mode if that’s how a player wants to play. Which is the actual thing I’m suggesting, dedicated melee and dedicated secondary+melee equip modes each with their own benefits

  8. Removing the manual blocking and holding to channel was a horrible idea.

    Sure switching between melee/gun is seamless but it’s also quite annoying when you can’t block or channel when you want to, or you switch to Secondary by accident coming out of melee.

    Suggest reverting to the old ways and increasing the weapon switch speed so it feels faster.

    Roll the auto blocking and transition to aiming/firing as a feature for pistol+one handed melee weapons, whenever that gets added, if that’s still the plan. It just makes more sense.

    Leave the auto block for exhalted weapons only.



  9. all Good points. The way I see it is Corrosive is king because of that -armor rather than that +75

    It May be too risky a move to nerf corrosive to make the other types as viable, the backlash would be madness.

    I would suggest reducing the value on all -health/armor/shield effects but also adding them to the status effects of other damage types at various intensities. 

    For example. (And I don’t presume to know what values would make sense, if you do I’ll happily edit this post)

    -armor includes; puncture (-7.5% armor), corrosive (-15%armor), blast(-10%armor)

    -health includes; slash, heat and poison (-a%health), viral(-a% health)X1.5, gas (-a% health)x2

    -shields includes; impact, cold, electricity (-a%shields), magnetic (-a%shields)x2, radiation (-a%shields)x1.5

    This reduces the gap between the weaker elements and stronger ones and the need for corrosive, while putting more focus on using the best combination for the situation. 

    Dropping the +75 of corrosive down to +25 in this instance would be a trade off rather than a straight nerf.

    I also see adding a critical multiplier based on status chance/duration necessary to keep those sweet damage numbers up as well as keep beam weapons that don’t deal ips still viable. 

    Adding more faction variations like grineer with shields or infested units that keep their shields/armor from when they used to be grineer/corpus would be great too. Since -health effects seem to be the strongest here.


    Hopefully this makes sense.

  10. 1 hour ago, Fenrir121 said:

    Honestly I love Chroma, but I never liked his kit. I'd rather 4 just open up his wings and buff him/change his attacks sort of like Hildryn I mean I like the "pelt" being removable but it never felt right. He's supposed to be the last thing standing when all else turns to ruin, I would expect something more than shedding half your armor to lightly tickle nearby mobs. Maybe a mode that combines a bit of Valkyr and a bit of Hildryn where he runs around with his wings out slashing with claws and bursts of elemental energy in a combo sequence. Spectral scream just needs to start from scrap, a channeled ability like that, that does next to very little damage and only is useful for applying status effects (because we don't have 6000 and one ways to do that).

    I think spectral scream should be a projectile who's effect changes based on the element. For example fire would be pretty obvious he lobs up a huge fireball, pressing the skill button again makes it explode, electricity lobs a ball of lighting that if shot at arcs lightning to nearby mobs, cold fires a spear of ice that can be retrieved and thrown for slash damage (maybe? I hate ice), toxin could make him vomit up a pool of acidic bile creating area denial.

    I like your ideas to spruce up his skills but ultimately, save 2 and 3, I don't think his skills really fit him I think they really need to go back into the oven.

    Same man. Like I said the only interesting thing about his 4 is the credit drop, and that could easily just be his passive. I haven’t played Hildryn so not sure about the wings and flying around, but definitely down town have effigy be like a eidolon lure where you can command to follow or hold position. Besides that the other buffs I suggested like invisibility and the benefits to his duration abilities would make effigy actually useful.

  11. 1 hour ago, WellIHopeThisOneWorks said:

    I feel this is leaning way to heavy on being over powered, He's already like, the main damage frame with the abilities he has without any additions, adding as much as you do here seems like it would just kind of break everything.

    As much as I like the thought of having stacking elements, the warframe community as a whole is way to fast paced to ever think that be anything more than annoying. Nidus has a way of stacking quickly thanks to his little tentacle beast thing, Saryn just clicks one button and lets the numbers climb. This would make you sit there and shoot your flame, then your electricity, then your toxic, then your cold (in whatever order) to FINally get every effect you want, then after doing that, your expected to consume it all for one of them just to use your Effigy? WITH its massive energy drain? If my thoughts for Grendel getting shot down hard and fast for simply having him sit there for a few seconds to 'digest', effectively 'sitting there' for even longer just to charge up a lot of buffs I don't think many will be interested in, and many would regard as a massive nerf.

    That, and Effigy would still never be used. No one would want to have to go through that entire process again just to have a pet for a minute or too tell your energy runs out. This also doesn't fix the fact that Spectral scream still does hardly any damage thanks to it being limited to base damage elemental types (ask ember how well her x15 buff to fire damage does against...well most enemy's ever after level 60), so in higher difficulties, which is what this all seems geared toward, people wouldn't want to sit still to spit at an enemy for X amount of seconds to increase their buff when they might just get destroyed sense they're sitting mostly still, or just because they aren't actually killing anything (though the CC in front might be good enough, but once that falters he's kind of just screwed).  

    BUT, I do, like where this is going, just think it needs a bit more work. I like the thought of Vex armor helping Effigy, and having it apply elemental ward and keep it active for you and those in its radius would help it quite a bit. I think being able to use and more importantly BUFF the already ludicrous elemental ward effects (namely armor and health, not so much the other two) all at once, is a bit much, but the concept of being able to switch which one you need mid mission is a good one. You have some good ideas, just having all this stuff together with his already busted damage numbers, seems a bit much.

    Maybe, as just a thought, you still have the charge feature, but its more passive, and based off of all the damage he does, synergizing with his Vex Armor a bit more. Then, after charging up all the elements, you can cast Effigy, it slowly draining all of the damage of what elements you've charged up, and granting the elemental ward effect of each element its draining, until they all reach zero. The Effigy can be activated otherwise at a reduced energy cost, but at its higher energy cost, it will refresh the elemental wards, as well as Vex armor within it's range, justifying the energy drain as once it fades, you will still keep the effects active and be able to build up energy again to start over.

    Tis just a thought, to streamline it a bit, and allow others that still like how he's used now to still just use him as is, but allow him to scale and use all his abilities as the are still viable in the ways you've created. 

    Thanks for the suggestions. I don’t think it’s that over powered. In terms of raw damage, even maxing out your charges to 400% damage is not that much cause as you rightfully said it’s just base elemental damage. It’s mainly just for the status effect. That said, the Spectral scream changes are my least favorite in what I wrote and I’m open to suggestions on changing them.

    Same for effigy roar, the damage of the roar is negligible at higher levels. The main thing for effigy is the unlimited duration on ward and vex armor, since the energy drain is so heavy on effigy. The invisibility just adds a bit of usefulness to effigy as well. I pretty much only use it for the credit boost as it is right now. Which is not worth it. 

    Nothing really changes about elemental ward. The most op thing you can do is increase armor, shields and health at the same time - which you have to build your charges to do. He’ll still do the same amount of damage he currently does from vex armor and you still have to manage keeping the buffs active for it to make sense.

  12. I see a lot of Chroma rework threads that suffer from two problems IMO, One is being overly simplistic and not solving his issues and two is being wildly overpowered - I myself being guilty of doing both. So I'm putting in my two sense to hopefully come out somewhere in between those.

    We all know the basic goals of any Chroma rework: 

    • Change elements on the fly
    • Make Spectral Scream useful
    • Make Effigy worthwhile

    But how do you do those things in an interesting way without making him super complicated? 

    Here's an example of interesting but overly complicated changes that i'll be adapting some ideas from: 


    How I want to go about it is first by adding a charged meter that I'll call his Ruin Meter that will function similar to Nidus or Saryn's first ability IE Your first ability builds the meter, and the purpose of it is to add synergy between Spectral Scream, Elemental Ward and Effigy.

    How it works:

    • It would appear on your UI as 4 icons (Similar to Wisp's 1st ability) One icon for each element. 
    • Use your first ability to Charge the Ruin meter for the currently selected element - the higher the charge, the stronger your first ability is when using that element. Dealing up to 100% more damage per charge - charges don't run out unless you are downed or you spend them on your 4th ability.

    PASSIVE: I think the energy color selection is a big aspect of the Chromatic dragon theme. What I would change about it is to allow the player to select 4 colors in their loadout, one for each element - Now that we have enough emissives and energy slots it's more than possible.

    Spectral Scream: Goals are to have this be his most used ability - To not only switch energy colors but also buff his elemental damage and provide CC.

    • Hold to Switch between your pre-selected energy colors and therefore your elemental alignment. - your Ruin Meter indicates which element is active.
    • Tap to activate the ability
    • Inflicting a status on enemies with your first ability charges your Ruin Meter by a % and increases the damage of Spectral Scream by the same percent. (Additive for all elements up to 400% increased damage with all 4 elements fully charged) 

    Elemental Ward: Goals are not to add anything to the effects but instead allow Chroma to use multiple at a time, becoming the adaptable dragon by managing and setting up your elements.

    • Activating Elemental Ward will apply your current Elemental Aura and Secondary effect as well as the secondary effects of any fully charged element in your Ruin meter.  
      • For example Having your current element as Cold will give you the Cold Aura for damage reflection and the secondary effect, which is Increased armor.
      • Having a 100% Ruin charge for Toxin will also give you increased reload/holster speed - But not the Toxin Aura that deals DOT.
      • Having a 100% Electricity charge on top of that will also give you increase Shields - But not the electric Aura that deals damage.
      • Add 100% Fire charge will give you the increased health but not the fire aura that deals DOT.
      • Essentially you can have any 1 Aura and all 4 secondary effects with 4 charged Ruin meters in one cast of Elemental Ward

    Vex Armor: No changes besides applying the Scorn/Fury effect to Effigy increasing it's Health and Damage by 100% 

    Effigy: Goals are to make Effigy useful enough to justify the huge energy drain and balance the con of losing 50% armor.

    • Upon activation, Effigy deals a 30m AOE Roar with 100% status chance and 100% extra damage (Damage type is your current element) - Reduces your current element Ruin meter to 0% charge.
    • Within 10m of Effigy, Chroma's Elemental Ward and Vex Armor have an unlimited duration - Duration resets when you leave the radius.
    • On activation, Chroma goes invisible for 4s



    Any feedback on these ideas is welcome.

  13. 9 hours ago, BlachWolf said:

    Ability description: Damage done to chroma is reflected as elemental damage to the aggressor, based on his current elemental type with 50% status chance.

    Note: Essentially I’m taking the reflective elements of his ice and electric ward and making them accessible to every element. It’s a simple passive that goes well with his theme of “elemental master” and “hurt me plenty”.


    So my biggest peeve with most chroma reworks...including my own past suggestions, is that they tend to ignore Chorma's actual theme. He's a "Chromatic" dragon. So while all the dragon related abilities are great, Color is as important to his theme as sound is to Octavia. 

    The best Passive for him IMO is what he has currently - but definitely allow the player to swap between 4 pre-selected energy colors in mission. Also rolling in the +60% credit drop from Effigy to his passive wouldn't hurt either.

    10 hours ago, BlachWolf said:

    Ability description: Chroma produces a totem which allies can pick up, granting them his elemental passive based on the element alignment it was casted with. Enemies that walk into the totem, will be bound for a duration. Bound units will taunt the enemy, reflecting dmg like stated with his passive.

    Technical description:

    • Totem will remain on the ground till its picked up.
    • Totem count: Up to 4 can be active at once.
    • Bound enemies: Up to 4 (1 per totem type) (killing the enemy disposes of the totem).
    • Totem pickup range: 5m.
    • Totem duration: 30s.
    • Totem Cost: 25 energy.

    New augment (Dragon shrine): The original totem will stay on the ground indefinitely, allowing allies to pick them up or refresh their current one (similar to wisp).

    Note: For this ability I took inspiration from wisp, since her implementation is very suitable for what I want chroma to do. Essentially become a team buffer. Though I decided to have more restrictions on him, since his buffs are generally stronger.

    Too much inspo from Wisp I think. For me, Simply making his first ability change his energy color and provide better utility (elemental combinations) would be enough

  14. On 2019-07-01 at 12:10 AM, (PS4)LoisGordils said:

    Passive: Called Elemental Affinity, Chroma will now gain bonus elemental damage on all weapons based on the currently selected element. Does not combine with other elements.

    I'd say for balancing issues, Simply giving Chroma the passive of 60% increased credit drop rather than having it only work while Effigy is active is a huge upgrade by itself. Since it's the most attractive thing about effigy for me personally.

    On 2019-07-01 at 12:10 AM, (PS4)LoisGordils said:

    1. Spectral Scream: This ability will now allow Chroma to cycle through his arsenal of elements. Hold to cycle, tap to activate. With this change, issue #3 is solved. However, the pitiful damage still remains. I propose a range increase (the current base 10m is too low) and a base damage increase (200 damage is just bad). Now, Spectral Scream, like any good damage ability, needs to scale. My idea is that Spectral Scream takes some inspiration from Saryn's Spores. Meaning, the damage on Spectral Scream ramps up per tick and per enemy caught by the stream of elemental destruction. Upon deactivating Spectral Scream, Chroma unleashes an elemental Nova that knocks down nearby enemies and inflicts a percentage of Spectral Screams's total damage at the moment of deactivation (if SS had 10,000 damage ramped up, the nova would deal a percentage of that).

    Definitely needs to cycle through elements. I'd prefer that Chroma deals a Radial knockdown On Activation of spectral scream and the longer it's active the more the damage ramps up. Considering this ability is meant to inflict Status and have some light CC rather than deal tons of damage. 

    On 2019-07-01 at 12:10 AM, (PS4)LoisGordils said:

    2. Elemental Ward: While interesting of design, the ability itself is poor. The only worthwhile buff is the Cold one. In addition to possibly tying the aura's effect on allies to Affinity Range, buffing/tweaking the other three elements to be on-par with Cold would be a viable solution:

         a. Heat - In addition to the Health buff provided, this aura grants status immunity. Heat Spectral Scream gains the ability to proc Blast if used with EW activated.

         b. Toxin - In addition to increased dexterity, enemies near the caustic aura will have their armor degraded every second. Note that it's not Corrosive procs, per se. Merely, the aura ticks away at the enemy's base armor value (similar to Shattering Impact). This provides Chroma with valuable armor stripping. Spectral Scream gains the ability to proc Viral if used while EW is active.

         c. Electric - This aura eliminates Shield recharge delay. Meaning, shields are constantly regenerating at amount per second. Moreover, upon losing X amount of shields, a disruptive pulse is emitted that jams enemy guns and disables robotic enemies in Chroma's immediate vicinity. When Spectral Scream is used, damage caused by it allows Chroma to quickly build overshields while simultaneously draining shields from enemies and giving them to allies.

    I like a lot of these, especially the Electric. However, it's quite a lot and with everything else you suggested Chroma will be god op, taking into account arcanes, etc. you can also put on him. Personally I think Elemental Ward needs more simplistic changes. Such as:

    • On cast - remove status procs. You are Not immune, but you can remove.
    • Allow multiple casts of Elemental Ward. One for each element.
    • Fin.

    Simply put. It functions the same but you can now have all of Chromas Elemental Ward buffs active at once - each on their own timer, with icons on screen to show which are active. However, you cannot recast the same element until it's timer runs out. 

    Reason being, Cold and Heat are the most beneficial but the other other two are good for utility. There's no need for every single element to be great - but they can play off each other to make Chroma stronger as a whole without changing the way any of them work.

    On 2019-07-01 at 12:10 AM, (PS4)LoisGordils said:

    3. Vex Armor: Should remain mostly unchanged. It's a pretty straightforward ability. Some synergy based on chosen element would be nice, however:

         a. Heat - Weapons gain increased projectile speed

         b. Toxin - Weapons gain increased status chance

         c. Electric - Weapons gain increased fire-rate and punch-through

         c. Cold - Weapons gain reduced recoil and increased accuracy

    Again, it's quite a lot in the grand scheme of things and could make him op. Vex armor doesn't need to be changed - besides the annoyance of having to monitor and recast before it runs out, it's a solid ability. 

    On 2019-07-01 at 12:10 AM, (PS4)LoisGordils said:

    4. Effigy: Chroma's trusty mini-dragon should rightfully be treated as an Exalted Weapon and given its own slot. However, it should be considered a Pet and given both a slot for the Effigy itself and a slot for its offensive attack (akin to a glorified Sentinel). Effigy's Roar (codename for Effigy's breath) should incorporate beam weapon mechanics. Additionally, Effigy can serve as an extension of Chroma himself. Meaning, Effigy is affected by Elemental Ward and Vex Armor and can share the buff with allies standing near it.

    Of all his abilities, Effigy needs the most work. Though turning it into a exalted sentinel wouldn't do it for me. Instead I would prefer it function like an Eidolon Lure - with Follow, Hold commands. How it should function IMO should be based on 3 facets: Attacks, Synergies and Benefits to Chroma himself.

    • Currently it has 3 attacks: Stream, Radial attack, Radial Roar
      • Stream and Radial Attack are based on element and Roar is just a 30m Stun.
    • Radial Attack increased to 8m and has 100% status chance.
    • Radial Roar reduced to 25m but also now opens enemies to finishers.
    • While Chroma is within 8m of Effigy he is invisible. Invisibility lasts 5s after leaving the radius. (Keep in mind you can have effigy follow you to keep the invis going)
    • Synergy with Vex Armor:
      • Vex Armor increases the damage of Effigy attacks by 25% and increases Health of Effigy by 25% - That's about 2500 Element Damage/s and 10000 Health.(Affected by strength mods)
      • Effigy and Chroma share the Vex buff - if one gets hit it increases the buff for both.
    • Synergy with Elemental Ward: Within 8m of Effigy Elemental Wards have their duration reset
    • Synergy with Spectral Scream: Within 8m of Effigy changing your Element will change the element damage of Effigy as well

    The goal is to justify the huge energy drain of using effigy by making it extremely useful, essential something you could mod for instead of typically just modding for Vex armor strength and duration.

  15. 9 minutes ago, DrivaMain said:


    You didn’t read the thread and just quoted the former reply without researching, the reply was 1 month ago.

    The OP already rebalanced those changes.

    Did he make the changes in the thread or did he edit his post?

    Edit: Cause I don't see it in the thread and the edited post still looks OP to me. Genuinely wondering if I missed something.

  16. On 2019-07-01 at 1:27 AM, sharkstrangler said:

    BRUH, do you even realize just how OP Chroma would be after these changes? Jesus christ man, legit everyone would run Heat elemental as that would give you a health buff, a regen buff, a heat damage buff, and a CD buff.

    You are essential turning Chroma into a Wisp that can do everything that she can, AND MORE, AND BETTER.

    Dude, seriously wtf. I'm not responding to the rest of this.

    Holy S#&$. This. 

    I read the passive alone and realized how OP this was gonna be.


  17. 8 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:


    Strange enough, the one think I wanted when melee rework was announced was directional melee. Now that I’ve played Wukong I kind of don’t like it. You’re almost always moving and you end up unintentionally interrupting a combo when you move. Also the block combos get mixed up often and so does going into a block attack when you really wanted to aim. 

    I found myself missing the simpler hold combos at times and the certainty of control in your combos. Not that you always get them but when you do it’s satisfying, like actual fighting game combos that aren’t just button mashing.

    Also, it might just be the Wukong animation but I don’t see the point of the gap closer attack, since we already have slide attacks which cover more distance faster, does more damage with little recover.

    The solution I hope for in the final product is:

    1. One Normal interruptible combo, your E E E

    2. Change the directional combo to use the 2nd melee attack button instead of a direction key. 

    3. Hold the second button melee button to heavy attack.

    4. Two Directional attacks/combos. Only While holding block. We definitely need a consistent block button again. 

    5. Also keep 1 simply hold combo per stance. Example: B1 B1 B2(hold) B1

    I dunno man, DE has their work cut it for them with this for sure



  18. 1 hour ago, Scar.brother.help.me said:

    - snip -

    you haven't really touched on anything new that wasn't already discussed in the devstream. Directional combos, air combos, combo canceling, ground slam changes are all coming.

    If I had to say what's on my dream list for melee 3.0 it would be:

    • Dedicated Block button back in effect.
    • Channeling and Heavy attacks now share the same button.
    • Melee combo into a finisher attack 

    1. Combining channeling and strong attacks: No more energy drain, just hold to channel and release to attack. Channeling effects last for x seconds after attacking and stacks with your second channeled/heavy attack - Also works with Heavy Ground Slams.

    2. Holding the Channel/Heavy attack button while also holding Block: will parry and reflect x% of incoming damage. - Releasing Channel/Heavy attack while still holding block will cancel your heavy attack and still keep the channeling effect for x seconds. 

    Mods ideas to supplement this: Increase crit and status chance by x% while channeling, Increase range and channel duration by x%, Reduce incoming damage by x% while channeling, increase melee counter time while channeling. 

    3. Combo into finishers: In close range, tap Block while Channeling to perform a quick stun that will open up an enemy to a finisher attack/Certain stances have combos that will stun enemies and open them to finishers.  


    Complicated? A bit but so is the morse code we have now. This far more intuitive and fits the fast paced game-play better I think.

  19. 1 hour ago, Awazx said:

    The hallowed eruption mod, he has only made the skill useful now, that is, he has made it work as it should have worked from the beginning. Needing a mod slot, just so that a skill works correctly, not only does it not solve the problem, but it is an indicator of a defective base design.



    The ability was fine by itself after the rework, the change made the augment useful. The reason it didn't make sense before is that it was redundant and didn't warrant a mod slot when it did the same thing as reckoning basically, or rather reckoning did it much better. 

    The addition of the increased duration makes a huge difference. It does more damage than base reckoning and works well together with the armor strip. It's a top tier mod now that could be used instead of continuity or primed continuity. Also pretty fun.

  20. Some of these changes are fantastic. The 1st ability buffs are now very useful. The hallowed eruption mod especially actually has a purpose now.

    Seriously, some of these changes were so good I ditched my umbral Oberon setup for one based these two augments and it's so much fun.

  21. This was discussed a long time ago on a previous dev stream. The wall hop was a nice change to add more freedom to the old run which locked you in place but the animation looks terrible and feels clunky at times, especially going vertical.

    We definitely need a smoother wall run animation that still keeps the freedom of hopping on basically any surface. Maybe tap to hop and hold to sprint. Also, bring back the backflip after a vertical run, that was cool

  22. 3 hours ago, m3stuart said:

    Hmm, why not add a Hold Mechanic for Shock. As in, it affects more enemies and deals more damage, but it slows you down and it drains energy while you hold it.

    I thought volts kit was fine till I saw this. Great idea and would fit with the way it’s portrayed in the tennocon trailer

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