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Posts posted by Savire510

  1. 19 minutes ago, _Tormex_ said:

    But do I really want to grind 80000 scarlet credits? Scarlet spear is really boring IMO.

    Wait for beginning of a round.

    Go public, space team. 20-25 minutes, 4000 points + 10000 from bonus.

    go again until 3 murex for full reward or leave

    Change flottila, repeat.


    Not getting these arcanes is a huge waste of opportunity, because getting 21 energizers from hydrolists will take you weeks and you still can be fcked by rng. Here you can collect that in less than a day.


    you can buy them 20plat each. After Scarlet Spear end the price will jump back again so be prepared.

  2. Aren't Warframes rabid and crazy if not linked with operator?

    I always thought that Operators put them in a sort of a dream state to lessen their suffering when they are not used.


    And I'm not sure that it's a good idea to comfront Saryn in combat, especially if you're still a weak teenager, one spore tick might transform you into a Charger

    Tenno are immune to infestation and Saryn deals with toxins, Nidus would rather turn someone into a charger.

  3. 30 minutes ago, (XB1)thebloodymess93 said:

    What would happen if a tenno was turned into a warframe and would it have it's void attacks still or something new




    Tenno(operators) are immune to infestation, so they cant be turned into Warframes.


  4. 24 minutes ago, .OwOkin. said:

    yea it kinda unfair

    but there is alot of player still doesn't have railjack yet

    in steam stats there is only 1.5% players have assemble railjack achievement.

    Isn't that like 1.5% of every player that has ever installed and played warframe since its on steam and not 1.5% of the current playerbase?

  5. 1 hour ago, Kainosh said:

    Also, you can use it for other Finisher triggered arcanes (not sure if Mercy triggers them tho).   


    Yes, mercy kills can activate Arcanes that trigger from finishers. Nightwave challenge considers them as normal finishers. You have:

    Arcane Trickery for 15% chance of 30s of invisibility and Arcane Ultimatum for 100% chance for 1200 armor for 45s. Which, honestly are pretty good arcanes, both of them.

    The problem is that opening enemies to parazon finishers is not really consistent. Overkills and other players are a problem too.

    Maybe every enemy should be eligible for a parazon finish after HP falls under a certain % to make it more consistent? ( that would really work with melee )

    Also a few new parazon mods wouldnt hurt. We have so much warframes, so much skills and arcanes that even few mods can create a compeletly new build or a new way to play the game.



    • Like 1
  6. Just now, (XB1)FazeJosh5903 said:

    Hmmm what melee do you recommend? Also couldnt ash work?


    I dont know what MR you are so i dont really know what weapon to recommend, if you just finished The War Within then i guess something like MR6-8? But that still depends how you play.

    I suggest something hardhitting, Galatine maybe? With mirage you will have a giant range, especially when you put Reach into it.

    And Ash... I havent played him for like 4 years. I dont know if he is still able to walk without tripping himself. But if we are talking speed i suggest volt or mirage.

  7. 13 minutes ago, (XB1)FazeJosh5903 said:

    I cant play with other people because i dont have gold. 😞 so playing relic fissures with other people is out of the question.

    Oh damn, i forgot you need to pay for multiplayer on consoles (which is insanity for me).

    Thats bad considering the relic system. That relic system was reworked with online in mind.

    If you have a whole team with the same relics then it vastly cuts the grind of getting the part you need.


    If you go solo void fissures then i suggest looking for missions like Capture, Exterminate, Sabotage, ( since i dont see any fast nuker frames in your arsenal, take volt (spam 2) or mirage and a melee with a giant range )

  8. 1 minute ago, Aldain said:

    There could also be other benefits, like one form having better follow through and range for crowd control while the other has a higher single target DPS due to faster swing speeds.


    I can tell you from here, people will chose range over everything else. Even if it will be half damage of the second form people will still chose range 😛

  9. 16 minutes ago, (XB1)FazeJosh5903 said:

    So i have recently finished war within and currently have volt, oberon, ash, loki and mirage.

    i do not have all the mods i need to mod these frames and i cant farm for some of them such as the corrupted ones as i dont have xbox live gold. My mom and dad wont buy me it now for some reason and i dont really get to play often. I thought to myself that it was time for a prime frame. BUT.

    I only get to play like once or twice a week in the nights and farming takes a really long time. So what im coming to is, is there an efficient way to farm for these darn parts. Right now im farming for mesa prime and ive done at least 25 relics in like 3 weeks and i have nothing. So HELP.

    Use recruiting chat. Dont open relics alone.

    Let's say you look for something Rare in Axi S6

    You go to Recruiting Chat: Type H Axi S6 Radshare or LF Axi S6  (H=hosting, LF=Looking For)

    and people will respond or not

    Radshare is really important beacuse in radshare everyone uses the same relic in radiant form. Its way easier than just doing it alone or with random people that use random relics.

    Lower end parts (bronze and silver) you can buy from other players for like 5-15plat


    And if we are talking about farming relics, then Void.

    Hepit for low tier relics and Ukko for Neo relics, Get a fast warframe and get a relic per 40 seconds.

    An example:



    Axis are harder and dont drop there, so look for highest level endless missions in the starchart.


  10. 43 minutes ago, Aldain said:

    No it performs the heavy attack THEN switches after the swing.

    This smells like times when you had to attack once with redeemer before shooting it.  I love the idea of combo weapons tho.

    If this system is to work then it NEEDS great balancing between different types. Because usually people will use the one part of a weapon they consider the best and never even change it to the other. That was the fate of Dark Split Sword. Why use double swords if great sword is clearly better? (or the other way around)

    Combo weapons need utility to work out, one part of a weapon needs something that second doesnt have and vice versa.

    I see this combo work the best between Gunblades and literally everything else.

    Other weapons not so much. People will just use one of them in the end.


  11. 1 hour ago, Kainosh said:

    If you want it to actually work, do it like this :

    1) Finisher icon Always appears when enemy HP is below 5%

    2) Impact Proc adds 2% to finisher HP threshold.     At 10 Impact Procs, Target becomes Finishable at 25% HP.


    This way it will be somewhat useful....for when you struggle hard enough to actually apply 10 Impact Procs on a single target without killing it.  

    It still wont really work. If you manage to stun the enemy for a finisher with 25%hp is it really worth the time to close the distance and finish the enemy off? I'll rather just shoot it or melee it to death. We need to have an incentive to actually parazon an enemy. A health orb or ammo is too little.

    There will be a LOT of overkills even if you actually want to parazon everyone and playing online will just make it unusable.

    I see few ways to make impact kinda viable. Remember, that is IMPACT we are talking about, if it is going to return from hell it curently resides for like 6 years it needs serious buffs.



    Your second idea but with removed 10 impact limit. 25% is still too little. When an enemy has 25%hp left it is usually ridden with statuses and already dead.

    ( this idea highly favours, fast, bullet spewing status weapons, slower, heavier weapons would be way less useful so thats a minus)

    It could be capped at 50-90%hp so player actually has to deal some damage (could be easily exploited if it went to 100%hp)


    Current impact but instead of 5% hp threshold it would be something like 40-60%, less overkills, way more useful on heavier enemies.


    Add MORE parazon mods! Using impact to create parazon finishers would be way more attractive if there were more mods that would reward doing them.

    For example, a mod that makes parazoned enemy explode dealing X%hp to everyone in X meters. Parazon an eximus or heavy and look how a whole room explodes.

    A mod that shreds armor of every enemy in X meters of parazoned enemy.

    A mod that adds up stacking armor (lets say 20 armor per parazoned enemy capping at 1.000) for each parazoned enemy untill the end of the mission (not really useful in non endless, but godlike in endless missions)

    A mod that gives X% increased damage/X%increased attack speed/X%fire rate/X% abillity strength for X seconds after parazoning an enemy.


    Even if impact will be in a perfect place and opening enemies to parazons will be easy it still wont be enough because using parazon to JUST execute an enemy is too little. We need way more mods for parazon to make these executions useful.





  12. 1 hour ago, Laxmibai said:

    I've been enjoying Warframe a lot for the past 4 weeks, and this is the best 3rd person shooter / MMO I've played in my entire lifetime of gaming.
    I did wait several years before getting the chance and mood to try it, but now I am hooked. 

    Here is my story. And I intend to add on more episodes to it like my very own Nightwave 🙂


    You are bound by warframe law to tell your story during the main quests. 😀 (the second dream, the war within, chains of harrow, the sacrifice)

  13. 5 minutes ago, Doraz_ said:

    Yeah xD pretty proud of that after years of potato.


    Card is a 1060 gtx and cpu (although that becomes relevant with particles) is an i7 at 2.60 hz at normal, can increase clock when needed.


    The "tanking of fps" if we can call it that ( it's still 100+ fps) is because some effects are more demanding or less optimized than others.


    It used to happen a lot with volumetric effects too but i don't recall having issues with them in a while.

    Maybe thermal throttling? is this a pc or laptop?

    i have 960gtx and no such dips with frost bubbles.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Nehra96 said:

    If you are in such a public position and let stranger's pass judgement on you and steal your peace of mind, then I am sorry but how will you deal with the pressure of your position? It means you are not 100% fit choice for such a position. 

    Lead Designer is not really a public position. Do you know lead designers from other companies? They are not the people that usually talk to the entire community. They arent obliged to talk to you, give you progress or even answer your questions.

    • Like 1
  15. 46 minutes ago, QUB1TO said:

    Shield gating is the best thing that has ever happened to warframe in terms of general gameplay. SG allows diversity and opens many options for all contents in the game. It also makes exhausted players like me felt like being reborn because of this new mechanic that can lead to all sorts of things. Before somehow every content in the game revolves around only 3-4 warframes, and now because of this sg mechanic, new warframes can now compete with the meta warframes. 

    Overall, shield gating is only positive, can't think of a negative. Please don't ever try to even think of removing it. 

    yeah, shield gating is glorious.

    I like the enemy aiming changes too. No more autoaim bots for enemies 100+lvl

    This opened the door for warframes that were considered too squishy to play without any enchancements.

  16. 32 minutes ago, 3NVY5W0RD said:

    Did you even listen to his respond to Brozime near the end of the stream? At 1:12:52 min mark.

    And this is the straw that breaks the camel back for you?

    This is a perfectly normal thing.


    If you think all it takes is to just


    taken it on the chin like a champ

    you are vastly mistaken. This S#&$ haunts people. It affects how they work and live. There is always a mental strain no matter how strong you think you are.

    Imagine working on something about a decade and then some rando comes and says that you dont care about it, that you want to milk your community for money and dont even know what they are doing, and should be kicked off their job.

    A lead designer has to take sometimes the hard choices affecting balance and take the "credit" for it.


    I want Pablo in his position. Hell. I'll even take Reb.

    Thank the gods that you dont decide.

    • Like 5
  17. 28 minutes ago, 3NVY5W0RD said:

    Despite all changes/nerf.

    Recent Revised was one of the best things that happened to warframe in 2020.


    And my little hope I had shattered after watching the response in Shy's video about current situation of the game and the rational behind their recent mishaps. They still wanted stick to their gun. When vocal personels try to talk on how to improve the game suddenly turn into personal attack towards them and their very being despite being very clear its about the game. Never about them.


    Also how the hell did that video made you lose hope?

    Scott was talking about problems with warframe, how Railjack is not really a good foundation for huge events, how COVID affected productivity in DE, what he would change if he could go back in time, how they are working on a test servers to keep up with bugtesting, how he is working on Revised Railjack and future Revised updates and all you got out of it is that DE wants only moar $$$?


    • Like 12
  18. Don't buy 3 day boosters, buy 30day ones.

    I dunno who buys 3 day boosters, that seems like a huge waste of plat.

     200p for 30 days is not that much honestly.

    Keeping affinity and resource booster forever active is not a problem, 400plat per month is literally nothing, and you can get all that from trading in one day easily.


    I think your ideas of perma boosters is bad both for gameplay reasons and for DE.

    Boosters should be applied to missions with scalling levels and rewards, maybe something simillar to endless void fissures or the higher the level the higher the booster for a mission.

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