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Posts posted by Savire510

  1. 1 hour ago, Xepthrichros said:

    Void fissures in Railjack would help make this mode connect with the "main game" (or Star Chart stuff) better.


    Something endless (scarlet spear?) would be nice. New mission types, railjack bosses (active, flying galleons)

    Put enemy liches in Railjack modes and friendly liches as crewmates or as support in their own gunships.

    Potential for something truly great is there, DE just needs to put it all together and thats just a matter of time. I hope.

  2. You get the armor from inbox message ingame so I dont think you can do it without actually using ps4 and logging in as usual. Are you unavailable throughout the entire march? You can get the armor until 30 march. Dex weapons and syandana require finishing alerts to get, so thats impossible outside the game. I guess the only way to get these items is to get someone you can >>>trust<<<, give them your login and let them get the stuff for you.

    • Like 2
  3. 47 minutes ago, ShortCat said:


    • Universally high mobility makes it harder for AI to threaten the player.

    Did you really just say that movement 1.0 was better because stupid AI could keep up with us? Slowing people down and reducing their movement to increase challenge is a bad idea. This isnt Resident Evil ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Movement 1.0 was not good. It was slow and painful compared to what we have today. Stamina bar existed and was a thing of nightmares. This is nostalgia speaking. Though i prefer wallruning to wallhoping its not enough for me to say that today's movement is worse than that of 7 years ago.

    49 minutes ago, ShortCat said:


    • Universally high mobility limits possible Frame archetypes, as mobility cannot be the outstanding Frame feature.


    Titania, Gauss, Volt, Nezha seem to disagree. They are still way faster than most of the frames and you can see this every time in public.

    Titania with her flying, Gauss with his speed bursts prove that mobility can be a frame feature


    55 minutes ago, ShortCat said:
    • Old tilesets till this day do not support movement 2.0 as on some ledges Frames will bump their head against it and not climb up as they used to do.

    Thats why tilesets are remastered, next in line is the oldest one - corpus ship.

    • Like 1
  4. ok, so i actually read that thing of a post and your main point against liches is their taxation on your resources and stuff you get.

    I really dont see the problem, because you get everything back after you kill him. That doesnt take that long. Even if you dont have the requiems nessessary to kill him or dont want to fight him, or even you dont want their weapons and kuva there is a simple solution. DONT activate the Liches. If you want to start doing liches be prepared and own atleast 1 of every requiem mod for smooth playing.

  5. I wish we had some old warframe music like Corpus Indoctrination or The Coming Storm available in our Somachord in personal quarters. Some of these old songs would be a great fit for a orbiter due to their ambient style. Also, sweet nostalgia.

  6. You should level up some more, improve your frames and weapons. Orb Vallis Corpus are stronger than they look, their turrets can one shot a weaker frame and fightning them in open areas is different and harder than in corridors and rooms we are so used too. You will get attacked from every direction and if you cant keep up with killing every enemy you will get swarmed. It all changes when you get out there with high level bounty - elite variants of corpus will spawn, along with armored spiders making it a not so fun experience for new players.

  7. 19 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

    I already disagree at these points. He has very hard CC with a huge range which does help in mp. And his 1 opens enemies to finisher...which are combined with covert lethality to infinite damage

    Same here, his 1st with max range is great CC.



    You expect Inaros to have skills amplyfing dmg, while we got a huge bunch of frames doing just that.

    Inaros is an immortal tank with cc capabilities, thats his nature. I dont really think he needs any kind of rework for endgame.

  8. Its being worked on, but for now i think the best way is to talk to your team at the start and ask everyone how much time do you want to spend here. Im sure noone will mind if youll want to end at 20(rotation C), but people will have problems with 15 or idunno, 35.

    Leaving after Rotation C is the safest bet for everyone.

  9. Talking about reallife politics is a good reason to kick someone from chat in my opinion.

    Some people just play so they dont need remind themselfs about this.

    If you want to talk about this stuff with your friends, use whispers then.

    Also, the fact that you gave DE 1500$ means nothing, because all players should be treated the same no matter how much they payed.


  10. I had the exact same incident two weeks ago after the quest.

    Same situation, ghost clan, noone online, only me.

    And then someone somehow is on my minimap and in my trade hub.

    I never invited that person before.

    I managed to remember the player's name and then i sent him a message.

    He told me he knows nothing of this, that he did not traded with me, that he was never in my dojo.

    This is getting creepy.



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