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Posts posted by (PSN)ThanatosSloth

  1. Heeeeeyyyy.....is hydroids plunder going to start counting bosses and their stacks for the damage and armor buff? Cause that's fairly annoying lol.

    Also, I noticed that the slow from cold procs does not seem to go away with tidal surge or the augment, soooo....yeah, 2 weirdly annoying hydroid things I hope doesent take long to fix...

  2. Hello tenno and DE, was not sure if this was intended or not, but bosses like those in assassination missions and others (im assuming archons function the same) are completely ignored by plunder.

    I understand the lack of stripping armor and such, but its not giving any buffs for the corrosive stacks on the target, and not even counting the boss as an enemy for the base armor and weapon buff for non corroded enemies.

    I applauded this ability initially cause even though it's enemy dependant, as you are not completely defenseless if you only have one enemy to deal with cause you can still get the buffs...in the new assassination missions, if you end up blowing away all the enemies and the timer on plunder runs out, the boss cannot give you your damage or armor buff and it was the same with the event a month or so ago aswell...

    Tldr, allow plunder to please work against bosses so hydroid doesent have to roar like everyone else...

    Edit, came across a seperate bug that seems to happen with eximus cold procs not acknowledging status immunity within simulicrum and within the new tileset, as I am using the tidal surge augment and still getting slowed regardless

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  3. Gosh...nobody cared this much when corrosion changed and destroyed hydroid the first time....I personally love the new ability, love that it's part armor strip, armor buff, and a damage buff all in one, and continues to pair with the passive and other abilities to synergize really well...puddle was unique...but it has no real purpose other than low level shenanigans imo

  4. I hope the concern over the resetting of the armor buff from the demo is being reconsidered....when I rewatched the video, I saw the armor bonus reset depending on the amount of enemies in view at the time of cast, and it went from 600 to 170...I would rather have a hard cap on the armor with recast adding to the bonus, than to have a no armor ceiling and have a reset on recast....this would help in fights like the archon or other solo or low add fights

    • Like 7
  5. 2 hours ago, (PSN)Skytt__ said:

    Off to a good start - the first bounty I did had the defeat an angel requirement, and killing the angel didn't count so I had to abort and lose everything.  I'm glad this kind of stuff keeps happening to waste what little time I have to play these days.

    Don't worry...I bought arcanes on the zarimen, logged out while on zarimen...when I logged back in the 3 arcanes I bought and 3 I already had (all molt efficiency) were gone from my inventory, and all I had was the equipped molt efficiency...at this point, I may stop playing till after the first 3 updates of the next content island...cause then the content island from before will be mostly fixed...

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  6. 20 minutes ago, (PSN)Rainbow_Neos1 said:

    Why would they hold back an update for anyone? That's not fair to the users, and besides, they use pc as a sort of way to work out bugs before going to console because they can update whenever they want for PC. They can't do that on consoles. 


    Bro... the common time for updates is 2 to 3 weeks after PC got it. Chill. What's probably gonna happen is what happened with Scarlet Spear...  they rushed it out because people were complaining, and in return, we were stuck with a broken event that could only get fixed near the end. This time, I hope to God they take their time and give us every hotfix they can (which it seems they did) because I don't want it fixed at the end, I want it to be playable and enjoyable from the beginning. 

    I used to be ok with how they have been doing things, and they truly have a great game worth playing, but their business and resource management compared to alot of other companies is lacking...the only thing I thought DE was doing better till this last few years was communicating with the player base....but that is slowly changing too. So now, do we continue on with the way things are? Or do we start asking for a bit of efficiency on content and bug managment?

    Honestly I would rather see the next 2 years spent on quality of life changes, and repairing the base game, coupled with makeing the new player experience better with less mandatory mods... this game already has more content then most games, so I personally think that new content could be put on a team that builds and adapts the future content based on the base games overhaul and use a bigger team to make the base game better...

    I'm not venting necessarily about this update...just the way everything has been handled just seems...off....and essentially why alot of people take extended breaks from this game

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  7. 8 minutes ago, (PSN)Bean_Consumer7 said:

    “after all human suffering leads to profit!” That’s how the corpus use the fortuna people. It’s Grofit not profit in warframe lingo.

    Its a sad but very true statement, there's actually a scp case for it that makes me believe that suffering of others leads to stability....fast food, walmart, and just about any corporate entity uses the suffering of either their consumer or their workforce to ensure their success...in other words, someone's always getting the S#&$ end of the stick, whether they are aware of it or not lol

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  8. 8 minutes ago, (PSN)Rainbow_Neos1 said:

    But they'd still have to send it updates through cert. They can't add content or touch on most code without cert review. 

    There is a type of cert that can be pushed same day...

    You are right though...they cannot add content in this type of cert, but they can still change what is currently in the game after a big update...shown after one of No mans skys big updates, they were able to do a patch a day for a week to make sure most bugs went splat lol.


  9. 2 hours ago, (XBOX)EternalDrk Mako said:

    but wasnt no mans sky a flop on release and took a while before it actually came to that level? (and i recall hearing it was acquired by someone else?) 

    So far i can't find anything saying no mans sky or hello games were acquired by someone else....and yes, just like warframe original, it was fairly rough...however, no mans sky and hello games literally gave their players what they wanted over the course of 3 years and has been icing for the last year with no paid content at all and no microtransactions. Warframe is approaching 10 years and can't seem to listen to what their long term players want.

    And not only that, but no mans sky is also cross play and can manage to drop hotfixes on any platform at any time...I think when hello games dropped a decent update, had some bugs that were patched within an hour and was patched once a day, every day for a week....that is the level of awesomeness I hope DE can get to.

    Edit: just for clarification, I don't mean to judge so harsh, but the comparison is glaring for me and I just want warframe to be the best it can be, I just think that perhaps there's a mismanagement of resources.

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  10. Yeah...I know the dev team is around 300+...Google is great for that knowledge...but also a game like no mans sky can take their game, that had at launch not even a freaking character model back in 2016, to having freighters, multiplayer, customizable characters, and expanding the entire universe twice i think...and they only have 26 employees....I do not want to hear about how they are 2 separate games, cause I get that, but one game has so much more depth to it while the other has layer and layers of forgotten code that needs to be reworked....and they have 274+ more employees to do it with...without microtransactions to boot

  11. 17 minutes ago, (XBOX)EternalDrk Mako said:

    i mean outriders is going to be cross play to start and now destiny is going cross play , i could understand doing the different builds prior to cert but i dont see how thats a thing anymore when other companies dont have to do nearly as much to update and patch consoles . youd think de would be able to do the cross save fairly quickly in comparison 

    This is whats getting me....I see so many other companies that can accomplish it and im like...warframe when?

  12. Not really a fan of the whole process going forward...if you are gonna put all the consoles effectively on the same patch or update, then go all the way and do cross save at lease among consoles...I swear if dauntless can make it look easy, you guys should be able to pull it off...I get that the switch is still not caught up in tennogen, so I would seriously make an effort to get switch to where it needs to be cosmetically, cause I see no other reason for lack of cross save at least

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  13. 6 hours ago, (PS4)ThanatosSloth said:

    I guess I'm the minority of wanting more of the ghost theme and a call back to the warden that he was...honestly I think of enthrall as more possession, mesmer as a ghost skin, the mist wall fits the ghost theme pretty well and the only one that was weird was number 4...

    Also ei·do·lon =  a specter or phantom

    ala Google lol

    not saying any of the opinions are wrong or right, cause absolutely they dropped the ball with his lore...I just focused on his eidolon theme and not the sentient or vampire theme


    This was my second post...where I put ghost and theme together ....good lord I'm ashamed of myself

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  14. 10 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    You are wrong in saying Revenant is ghost themed.

    But every time I tell you this you keep saying “Oh it’s just my opinion, get off my back”.

    Being objectively wrong is not defended by “Its just my opinion”.

    Lol wow..."revenant is ghost themed" got you on such a high horse to keep drilling me about what I think?... 

    Fine, I now officially restate that my thought on revenant..... shouldn't matter to you, and I regret making an objective thread on my opinion, I'll make sure that I keep you in mind forever while playing as revenant saying how much I might be wrong for all eternity....now please...stop...cause you seem like a nice person under the troll costume you seem to wear

    Edit...btw I said in my very first post..hes a ghost of his former shell.....dear god...and the only theme I said in that post that he was a swordsman...christ dude, triggered much?

  15. Just now, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    Oh yeah. Let me just apply for a job to a company that I have absolutely zero experience necessary to work for. That’ll totally work out.

    Good lord I just asked what I'm wrong about and you wont tell me...does everyone have this dificulty talking to you?

  16. 1 minute ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    But again that such a dumb argument. Because what was the point of Revenant taking a thousand year bubble bath in Eidolon juices if he gets absolutely nothing from it. They might as well not even bother with the Eidolon backstory, or the Eidolon design. Maybe they should just put his 1-3 only a completely different Warframe where they f***ing belong.

    Why dont you apply for the dev team if you think your so right?

  17. Just now, (PS4)ThanatosSloth said:

    Lolol dude...I understand what the devs said, but regardless of their intent the warframe as a whole is vague enough for it to have what ever theme the player wills it...how am I wrong for having an opinion about a character...the other world could have been the void for all we know, the rift? I dunno what you think I'm wrong about but i never stated any of my opinions as fact...I've read all the wiki, and the lore, and it's my opinion of what i think of the vague story, just like you have an opinion that eidolons have their own dimension


    7 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    What do you think the next world is?

    You also have to understand that Warframes lore can be deliberately vague at times. Tho Revenants is one of the most straight forward and easy to understand.

    You’re deliberately taking in as little information as possible just so you can remain ignorant to how wrong you are.


  18. Lolol dude...I understand what the devs said, but regardless of their intent the warframe as a whole is vague enough for it to have what ever theme the player wills it...how am I wrong for having an opinion about a character...the other world could have been the void for all we know, the rift? I dunno what you think I'm wrong about but i never stated any of my opinions as fact...I've read all the wiki, and the lore, and it's my opinion of what i think of the vague story, just like you have an opinion that eidolons have their own dimension

  19. 6 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    It’s not a theory.

    the Eidolons rise up from the ground through a green portal.

    Revenants backstory even mentions him being dragged into their dimension.

    Wiki says he sealed himself into the lake, lore says he leaves this world to go to the next...no eidolon dimension, just that he may have died and come back, or he went into the lake as an anchor...

    It's like trying to play wh40k with someone who bends the rules in their favor cause the rule is vague lol

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