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Posts posted by (PSN)ThanatosSloth

  1. 9 hours ago, FireSegment said:

    Actually, Harrow 4th is the other ability with a cool down (you can't recast for the invulnerable phase till the buff phase over) and Nidus's 1st and 2nd skill have a soft cool down where his 1st's can't be recast if  the spike not fully extended yet, and his 2nd can't be recast until all enemies it molested are killed.

    If you played long enough, it won't surprise you that Radial Javelin used to be his 4th and people exploited the heck out of it back in Viver era and all the way too Draco era even after DE put an line-of-sight limitation to the skill.

    In my opinion, DE kinda screwed him over by already used up all the good mechanic that could have made Radial Javelin useful to a melee frame in other frame/focus passive (disarm, status prod, increase melee damage, pulling enemy, etc ...) so any buff in damage make him closer to a nuke frame, and any CC tweak make the skill conflicting or work against Radial Blind, That's why javelin has been in a bad spot despite having a fine concept overall.

    Heck, even if you stretch his theme and make each enemy hit by javelin add healh/armor upon melee attack and make him a tank/support, that concept would also already been used by other frames and some melee mod provide superb mechanic.

    Well we do have alot of overlapping frames and I dont feel that's a bad thing...just adds flavor into a playstyle...I feel that baruuk and excalibur are under similar brackets now with baruuks new mod comming...so the only thing missing is a defensive ability to make excalibur balanced out imo...

  2. 7 hours ago, AlphaRyuuxx said:

    then it would be the only ability in the game that has a cooldown (unless I'm misremembering something). And having a cooldown on a basic ability will just make it not see use, seeing as you can just use his no cooldown exalted blade + blind to accomplish a similar thing without having to suffer a cooldown. 

    True...I think that the only ability with a cool down, and it's not really a cooldown, is harrows covenant...which was the other idea, use the cooldown as a buff dependant on how many enemies you hit, gaining defense or something...that way you dont have to have it do alot of damage, becomes non spamable, and adds a defense ability...still reliant on enemies but it's better than what it is...then I would just make it not scale and I would just make a 100% slash proc maybe?

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