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  1. Please make sure the Toroids are easier to farm. Killing Profit taker 200 times to max out Vox Solaris is annoying as it is. Just make the other Toroids easier to get. If I'm doing a Vega toroid bounty, make sure the enemies drop only Vega Toroids so that we can concentrate on the necessary farms. Don't give me Calda Toroids from enemies when I'm doing a Vega bounty and vice versa or so on. Increase the drop rates for the Toroids for their respective bounties.
  2. Instead of straight up skipping the whole thing, I have 3 suggestions. 1) Make all the main quests streamlined into one and side quests separate. I have mentored many new players, and they always have 1 problem. They don't know what to do and where to go and end up doing side quests more than the main quest. eg : You don't need Glast Gambit, Limbo Theorem etc to get to New war. Give 2 options (like in Duviri Normal mode and Lone story) Highlight the Main quests one after the other and the other mode has only side quests like WF farming quests. If the main quest is linear, then it will significantly reduce the effort and time to get to the current timeline. 2) If there is a weapon or equipment requirement for a particular quest viz. the Paracesis for New War, then give a quest only version to the player. Including Necramechs and Railjacks etc. Once the quest is completed and the item disappears, Highlight the relevant quest required to get that item along with the market link to buy it for plat. And since the players have the experience of using it fresh in their mind, they'll be more interested to farm or buy it. This will definitely need some tweaking with the rewards as stuff, but you get the general idea. 3) Add a pity system for everything hard to farm. One complaint most common among new players is how they grind for hours and the item doesn't drop. We old players are numb to this by now and makes memes about it, but not the newbies. (This is a bit irrelevant to the original post, but it's a suggestion to keep new players hooked) Warframe lore and story are one of the best I've ever seen/read. I want others to also enjoy it as well as we oldies did but with none of the hell grind that we had to go through.
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