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Posts posted by (PSN)TheGameTrainer

  1. I have to ask but is it worth focusing purely on surviving on higher difficulties? The reason why I asked about Nidus is because he heals himself potentially negating the need to heal himself. I believe the same can be said for any other frame that has built in healing- wether it’s for health or for shields- as the concept should still be the same.



  2. I have a specific image in mind that I’d like drawn but only 2 pictures to help support this with only one being a draft and not being finished. I’m not sure where this request should go but I believe the job I’m requesting is an $80 job if anyone is interested. It would be a full body art from the front looking down slight at 2 characters with the one I’m asking for being a specific but custom Warframe.

    I don’t have a url for the picture but I can share a picture of it through Facebook messenger.

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