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  1. Melee weapons have a a lot of animations yet the community chooses the one that has forced slashe procs and spams it resulting in the same animation/sound similar to pseudo exalted.So where exactly is the difference? So the reason you don’t want to use usual setup on these frames is because? Excluding Baruuk’s exalted all others are outshined by meta melee’s.It would be a step in making these warframes mediocre without even having the intention to play them. Did you know that you can weave in landslide to proc path of statues increasing your total output?No?Maybe because you expect everything to be spoon-fed. Did you know that Atlas landslide hits harder than any exalted including Baruuk with no godroll stastick?No? Because you cared more about that you can’t use your melee than actually use warframe’s kit. You are asking for a change for 3 warframes that you don’t intend to use,why?
  2. You won’t, and no one who wants exalted will play it, why are you not using Gara/Khora/Atlas with normal melee right now? Maybe because it locks you out from accesing the full power of whipclaw/landslide?the strongest skills in the game So the reason that you consider them clunky is because you are asked to trade a slot to unlock a skill that is above any melee in the game, and the typical Warframe player doesn’t like to give up his COBWEB weapon Even if they change it to exalted the playstyle will remain the same, then everyone will complain that Atlas Gara and Khora are not offering anything to fit their playstyle. Spamming e instead 1 is not variety or modding any weapon in existence for COBWEB, exluding Khora which doesn’t have anything special Gara and Atlas have more expression than any melee build and playstyle. Pseudo exalted are a turn off, there are 49 other frames that cand give you what you want
  3. Atlas feels a lot better with crit chance and status.With ww you Atlas can proc status with every punch which helps a lot more on the long run. It’s the first since god know when Atlas&Gara received some direct changes and variation other than riven mods and it’s great,hope they stick to it. Regarding pseudo exalted hate, this community acts all ofended when De doen’t change Pseudo Exalted into exalted like they don’t use Atlas/Gara as mr fodder and Khora as steel path work horse.
  4. You are actually telling that a design choice for 3 frames breaks the whole fabric of warframe while nothing stops you to use any of those frames with a normal build the catch is -you won’t get maximum output and you you want both max output and normal weapon although that’s how they were intended to work It feels like asking De to change Hyldrin to have energy because using shields feels weird and you can’t build for health And De is not saying play with a scuffed melee, it’s more on the pick whatever you need: -You want full power on landslide and spam it go full ahead an mod your weapon -You still want to use your melee-you can’t have full power landslide you can’t have a cake and eat it at the same time, the same goes for other exalted users Maaaybe they are not ignoring them. they are being maintained, they are niched Because you are trying to fit a triangle through a circle hole, It’s black and white if you want maximum output which considering the power those skills have it’s unbalanced, no warframe can do over 22mil damage in steel path without a sacrifice. Even if De changes pseudo exalted you still won’t like Atlas,Khora and Gara because their kits are build around their 1, using melees brings nothing to these frames All weapons are used as stasticks, main weapons that are used as stasticks are weapons that are too old to be used for something other than MR folder and Mire and Jaw sword.The issue is with Rivens not Pseudo exalted It’s going to be nerfed due to being used in baruuk for quick 11x initial combo Riven dispo will be nerfed because it’s going to be popular,it’s a great heavy attack weapon The outrage it’s not because someone it’s going to use it Gara,Bo incarnon is a 100X better on gara than ceramic daggeR.No sane player would waste 3 damage slots to get initial combo on Gara So your feedback is that pseudo exalted weapons are bad to be turned in a way worse system because you don’t like to change your playstyle and that some popular weapons are going to be nerfed? You are asking for 3 different skills that have different scaling and usages to be alligned to a system that is limited and garbage then DE to rework all exalted weapons Because slapping damage to everything and alligning them to a combo system doesn’t fix the problem,won’t allow the warframes to stay competitive and will create more bugs.Not to mention that it requieres for another 5 exalted frames to be updated to get the exalted system up to date-which considering DE’s track record is prone to disaster It’s a feedback,it’s ok to not like stuff but asking to change on something you don’t use and don’t fully grasp the concept behind it and it’s usability just because it might change your new ceramic dagger toy it’s not something worth taking into consideration
  5. To answer the title, with all the people crying around pseudo exalted weapons, i think adding more of that would help less used weapons and also force some tenno to start using their brain and interact more with the moding system rather than rely on youtube. Pseudo exalted with interactions like mire,jaw sword,kuva weapons are great,you have a freedom of choise and even if the weapon is crap you can still use it to power up your skills. Between Rivens and Incarnon,none of them feel like the right solution.Rivens are an endless pit of despair and incarnon looks promising but they need to compete with a lot of overpowered weapons to stay relevant.Not to mention that it will take ages for de to make all the less used weapons incarnon without recycling ideas
  6. Stasticks are part of warframe for a long time,they are not “overused” it’s part of Khora,Gara and Atlas design. Stasticks allowed for a balance on melee usage a better diversity as everyone can use what they want as the weapon of choise doesn’t matter,that’s why we have a difference in riven disposition between melees and also a riven market for them(and an accesible one nonetheless) Similar to the rest of the game the stasticks evolve as the rest of the game evolves,new interactions are added and some are removed(Xoris),incarnons are the new thing and bring a new set of buffs Then you need to adress excalibur,wukong,Valkyr and Baruuk for using stasticks to get mini blood rush from gladiator mods stacking.Removing it will make those exalted garbage Gara doesn’t work like Atlas and Khora, so half of what you mentioned falls off,the rest is useless.Khora would need a new set of animations as Atlas combo is linked with his animation,not to mention his combo is tied to duration a stat that create new issues. Adjusting CC and SC woudn’t help as each one needs to fill a different role,buffing the current number will just make atlas and Gara be garbage without any way of closing the gaps Khora is between the first 15 most played warframes,it’s easy to use and set. When demanding changes think that this affects more than just one frame,and will affect other warframes as well some of them with exalted weapons (which have it way worse) Currently pseudo exalted weapons are the only abilities that can compete with meta melee.What you are asking is to nerf them into the ground by making them exalted because they requiere you to use different weapons
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