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Posts posted by (PSN)Irredeemable_Axe

  1. Quick update I guess, this bug is still happening on PS4, I tried the item linking method in chat, it didn't accept any item name typed. Also a random player joined the squad after the orb entrance cutscene, I don't know about their HUD but when they left the HUD remained broken for me. After aborting to the orbiter I found that my destreza prime was still in the Warframe's hand when I pet the kavat. It stayed in hand until going to the arsenal.

  2. While fighting borders on my railjack, I went into operator mode, while using Umbra. Umbra disappeared. I returned to the Warframe when I saw that it vanished, then I could shoot my gun but not interact with anything on the ship. No leaving, or Manning the guns or piloting. Of course a bomb was immediately planted, and I decided to abort the mission.

    In a mission before that I used operator mode while on a crewship, and became invincible. But unable to attack, void mode, or slide. -similar to leaving Archwing without doing a ground slam attack.

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