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  1. Yuridaro is A MITW corrupted necramech/murmur frame based off of factories and assembly lines 1st ability(also the helmith ability) is a cc ability that either creates a small necraweb that increases damage delt to enemies or makes murmur hands grab at enemies from the ground pulling them to the floor for ground finishers and making enemies take more finisher damage The 2nd ability is the basic swap form ability. Lets you swap between murmur and necramech. In necramech you gain regenerating health at a slow but decent rate and during murmur you gain regenerating energy at a slower rate Main bred n butter is the 3rd ability assembly/dissasembly drones. Assembly creates things such as universal orbs, ammo pickups, possibly loot that can come from crates in that tileset, and more uniquely, damage reduction,status negation,speed,attack speed, and damage pickups that buff your stats for a few seconds. Dissasembly drones attach to enemies and deal damage to them. At a certain % health threshold of the enemy its attached to the drones become temporarily immune and deal percentage damage until the target is dead. Finally, the 4th ability is like that one multi-arm beam attack that the murmur boss has, where you sprout multiple arms, with the pure ones increasing melee something and the corrupted shooting lasers like the boss does. Merging both forms with increased effectiveness of each then going on cooldown. I think this is one of my better frame concepts! Tbh the name doesnt mean anything i just want a frame in the game with yuri in the name. Also the frame would be she/they and lesbian :3
  2. in addition to the achivements: it seems like the merge made it so the uncompleted achivements on my pc account overrided my completed ones on my xbox account. it would be nice if i could get my achivements restored in the future as i am a 100% player in warframe and multiple of those achiements are undoable since they are 1- time requirements
  3. i just enabled cross-save with my primary acc(xb1) to my pc acc, so far its pretty nice. however i do have a few gripes in the little time ive spent merged. first off i dont have all the steam achivenments that i have in my main xbox acc. such as k-driven, marathoner, fully rank solaris, to something as small as enter the dry dock. i would like all of these achivements because thats a big reason why i wanted to merge into steam. also there a weird thing going on with names as my pc acc has its old name over my xbox account. i havent booted up my xbox yet so it might just be dependant on what platform im on. thats all for now. otherwise cross save is looking nice! :3
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