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Posts posted by FrackingBiscuit

  1. The point is to prevent Rivens from becoming necessary for meta weapons, because they'll always be bad for meta weapons, so that people don't spend a fortune on something with random stats.

    But there seems to be a subset of the community that ignores this, spends a ton of money anyway and then complains when the system works as intended.

  2. Item labels being turned off is an incredibly small complaint because... you can just turn them on. Yeah, on should be the default. Yeah, it probably causes a moment of confusion, but most people probably hit ESC and look to see if there's an option to turn it on?

    Simaris has a different Syndicate page because his Syndicate works differently from everyone else's. He doesn't have ranks and instead has a docket of lore entries... do you really expect his page to look the same? It can't. THAT would be bad design. Or are you seriously saying that you can't find the button? Because honestly, I wouldn't believe that.

    As said above, only quick attack has auto block - reason being that right click aut-equips your gun. It's designed for a fluid transition between guns and melee, and it works pretty well. Yeah, auto-glide being attached to auto-block is obnoxious. I think Warframe could afford to be like a lot of other games with similar parkour systems where holding the jump button controls the glide. But as has already been said, equipped melee is meant for fine melee control and gives you manual blocking, which you seem to have missed.

    And honestly? These complaints are all so minor that if they make you "sad and angry" about the state of the game... That just sounds petty to me. I would genuinely suggest re-evaluating your stance. Because one, a lot of what you're upset about isn't actually true. And two, you've rushed into being upset rather than actually stopping and taking stock of the situation. That to me really raises questions about what you're trying to do here.

  3. 27 minutes ago, RaioVerusia said:

    Keleindor, what pilot rank are you? A friend told me it's an ability so perhaps it has to do with pilot skill, and the ability to attach it is directly tied with that?

    Tacticals require rank 1 in the Tactical Intrinsic.

    I just checked and I can install Seeker Volley in the third slot.

  4. These challenges exist specifically for people who like fishing/mining/conservation and who might not like Eidolon hunts and long Kuva survival missions or doing nine daggum invasion missions in a row. By asking to remove these entirely optional challenges you're basically saying you think everybody should play the game the way you play.

    Framing this as "forcing" you to do things is 100% dishonest. I don't do challenges I don't like and I'm still in prestige ranks. Nightwave is explicitly designed so you don't have to touch challenges you don't want to.

  5. 12 minutes ago, (PS4)Guardian_of_One said:

    Ok, ask yourself this... Why would the lotus willingly help us, an enemy, to become stronger?

    First Natah was sent to infiltrate the Origin system and turn the Tenno against the Orokin.

    Then she, as the Lotus, was supposed to kill off the Tenno as the last obstacle to the Sentients, but her Lotus personality rebelled and she hid us on Lua to protect us (see: Second Dream quest).

    Then, ostensibly due to the intervention of Ballas, she reverted to her Natah personality, abandoned the Tenno, and flew off into space to join her Sentient family to prepare to invade the Origin system as she was originally meant to (see: The Sacrifice).

    For various reasons Natah/Lotus has switched sides numerous times. Currently she is our enemy. You cannot simply treat her as a previous iteration of herself in the present time - don't expect any new content involving her to come around until after The New War is concluded. You can already tell this is the case because things like Disruption missions are built to work without any Lotus VO - because at the time everybody's playing them, Lotus wouldn't be our mission control. Hence, any mission where we do anything for the Lotus (like the mission you suggest) isn't going to be added to the game for a long time.

    Also, Warframe is definitely not the type of game to do any kind of licensed crossover with other IPs. Nora Night is the most explicit kind of homage we're going to get. Making frames out of modern day actors is... dramatically off-brand.

    • Like 4
  6. Really hope it either becomes a toggle or is reverted altogether.

    The problem I think stems from the fact that melee 3.0 constantly updates attack inputs through animations - so if the attack button is held accidentally during an animation, as soon as it ends it'll go into a heavy attack. Even without the heavy attack change, this leads to some unfortunate situations - like being stuck in an endless loop of hammer block attack animations (you know, the one where you do a vertical slam and then just kinda stand there for a whole second...).

    In the meantime, I've found you can dodge cancel in the middle of a heavy attack, and if you do it fast enough it doesn't drain your combo counter.

    • Like 1
  7. So let me start off by saying that I'm mostly a solo player, so I haven't experienced any of the toxicity that comes from Lich shenanigans in public games. But this is also one of those times where the responses seem to be really consistent across the board. To me, it sounds like there are two key problems with how Liches work in the co-op environment:

    1. Players are refusing to kill their Liches because they don't want to be punished, leading to all sorts of problems with teammates.

    2. Players aren't being rewarded for taking down Liches in co-op as they no longer grant murmurs to teammates, in another of these unfortunate "It worked better when it was bugged" situations.

    The second problem is probably the easiest to fix: let Liches grant murmurs to everyone in the squad. Apparently this bug was exploitable and letting people clear Liches faster than intended, but maybe there's a way to fix that problem while still encouraging players to fight Liches together. When multiple players in a squad have a Lich, only one of them can spawn in that mission - but all the other Liches that didn't spawn aid their Lich brother or sister by granting them a fraction of their power. The Lich gets a big stronger (maybe each "family" of Liches can grant a specific buff), and in turn the Lich grants murmurs to everyone there (this one Lich has everybody else's juices flowing through them) - possibly even scaling up with the number of Lich buffs it carries. At some point they could even add in voice lines to reflect that these buffs are active. "Tenno! You brought friends, Tenno? Do did I! Hahaha!"

    Another consistent complaint is that players aren't killing their Liches in public games - because usually this actually means getting killed yourself and punted across the map rather than actually killing the Lich. Meaning everybody has to deal with an unkillable Lich ruining their fun, AND they're prevented from fighting their own Lich to get murmurs. The above suggestion would help alleviate this to a degree, but the problem would still boil down to one player deciding not to chase off their Lich. For this, I have two ideas. First, some form of "Lich Repellant" - maybe a gear item, maybe something else, but something that can scare off or otherwise neutralize a Lich without having to jab it with a Parazon and hoping it doesn't punt you across the map. Fluff it however you want - a Kuva contaminant, a Void seal that drains their power, something that makes the Lich not want to fight. An incentive to NOT use this would be that a player doesn't gain any murmurs - they've only staved off their nemesis and aren't any closer to victory. Second, if some form of co-op buff is implemented, let ANY player use their Parazon on the Lich - they'll learn about their own Lich's requiem mods, and can drive the Lich out of the mission (or be punted across the map), but they can't vanquish/convert someone else's Lich. This would mainly be a failsafe for when somebody is trolling or too cowardly to take on their Lich - if you want something done, do it yourself and all that.

    Thanks for stopping by, and let me know what you think. 

  8. A rotating vault was implemented specifically because players felt Prime part drops were becoming so diluted that it was increasingly frustrating to farm new releases. 

    Simply put, there is a finite number of places where players can get rewards, and with regular Prime Access releases there are more and more items to fit into those finite drop tables, meaning individual drop rates become smaller and smaller.

    When a plant grows too big for its pot, you buy a bigger pot. The problem this plant is growing to grow constantly over its entire lifespan... rather than buying pots so big they don't fit in the house anymore, DE has chosen to prune the plant to keep it from growing so big that it becomes unmanageable.

    • Like 8
  9. DE's already acknowledged the problem. Scott on devstreams has said the plan is to drop the damage multiplier from the counter and just jack up the damage of all melee weapons. The only question is what's going to become of the counter itself and all the mods associated with it.

    This is also why melee was left out of the weapon stat audit a while back. Everything was given an MR requirement and tons of weapons were buffed to give a spread of damage outputs, but since Melee 3.0 is supposed to more fundamentally change how melee weapons performed they held off.

    Of course, that was also when they expected Melee 3.0 to be Soon rather than When It's Done, so everything's just kind of languished...

    • Like 1
  10. On 2019-04-02 at 1:40 PM, (XB1)Erudite God said:

    A lot of you seem to be missing the point. OP isn't saying that references are bad, rather he believes that Nora is a straight-up rip-off.

    I feel like a lot of you are purposefully misrepresenting his argument. 

    OP explicitly says that he doesn't think there's a difference. He doesn't want references of any sort. You're being far too charitable when he tells you exactly what he means.

    • Like 1
  11. Even on PC I think a lot of weapons could benefit from switching firemodes rather than just binding fire modes to different buttons. Every time I bring out my Euphona Prime I feel this - I'd rather switch between slug and buckshot and fire with one finger than fire different rounds with different fingers.

  12. 120% behind this. I've wanted at least a pellet count since I found my first shotgun. Status per pellet could also help people uncover the neat thing that happens at 100% status chance, in addition to just understanding what status even means for shotguns anyway.

    By the same logic, a rounds-per-burst count for burst-fire weapons would also be swell.

  13. 1. I value the time and energy I've put into Warframe, but I've never attached this to login rewards.

    2. I would imagine nobody particularly cares how long I've been playing. The only time I want it to matter to someone is when my experience is important to a conversation, and even then it's only relevant when contextualized with other facts. Time spent playing the game on its own is essentially meaningless in a vacuum.

    3. I don't think anybody cares about my "prestige" items, unless it's how they find out about something they want and spurs their interest in working toward it.

    4. It doesn't change my perception of the time I've played the game, and I honestly don't know why it would.

    5. Accessibility to gameplay related items is more important to me than cosmetics. Cosmetics have been established as a signifier of participation in Warframe for a long time. When gameplay items like weapons or mods are tied to participation, like only being available during an event or for a limited amount of time, it's generally not well-received in the long term and those weapons are eventually made more accessible for everybody. Wraith and Vandal weapons have mostly been added to the drop to activities like invasions, and event mods have been added to specific parts of the drop tables - they still represent participation in certain activities, but they no longer represent "I've been playing the game for X length of time." That's just the standard the game has been keeping to for the past few years. To me that's a good thing.

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