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  1. So, welcome back! It seems most people enjoyed the last full fledged concept i made [here] so i thought I'd put some other ideas i had to use, and one of those is the theme of duality. Not in the frame itself, but moreso a recurring theme I'm seeing with frames, especially elemental themed ones (and some of my favorite themeings lol). What do I mean? Take gyre, a new adaptation and unique spin on electricity, and the duality of volt. Or atlas (or Oberon, but less so bc of him being paladin and natured themed, but more so bc of him dealing radiation) and qorvex. Hell, if you wanna go further back, banshee and Octavia. So, with this (semi) new trend of "same theme, new spin", let's take our old girl mag, (and magnetic damage as a whole) and give her the same treatment "steel sharpens steel, yet flesh rots apon withered bone. Envy opens the blinded eye, grasping at the dream of fools. Virulence seeps within our endless cosmos, ever persistent, ever evolving. Yet what is one to do when met with that which they cannot plauge? That which fears not the greed of man? He who defys the laws of your metal? Truly, there is no one singular image one may fabricate within their mind, to describe the horror of that which they cannot comprehend. My voidborn demon, bless this system with your crushing touch." this, is FERRO. once again, sadly no image, but I can describe him to you: ferro is a slender, inky, black frame, with "cones" and spines all over his body. This black, oozing outer layer covers him, and shifts all around him, while underneath you can see a dull grey frame, with teal lights that appear around his neck, arms, and legs, as well as back. Tendrils of ferrofluid sprout out all over him, and appear to be "hanging" onto the air. The spines and cones are most apparent on the shoulders and knees. The beat way i can describe this to you is like nidus prime, but liquidy and slick. Or if you wanna be more broad, like venom but more eldritch and mechanical stats are as follows, depicted as they would be at rank 30: Health: 400 Shields: 820 Armor: 500 Energy: 150 Sprint: 1.1 Passive: bullet attractor When ferro is hit with a bullet (or metal projectile), there is a 25% chance that the bullet will swirl around ferro and give him 5 armor per bullet, up to 25 bullets. When preforming a heavy attack, these bullets are flung at enemies, dealing 50% of the orginal bullets damage as true damage to enemies hit by a bullet. Ability 1: magnet scythe Energy: 25 Damage: 620 slash Range: 10m cone infront of him Ferro will contort his arm into a writhing, semi-solid, bladed tentacle, and preform a large, sweeping slash. Enemies that survive this, will have a damage vulnerability to magnetic damage for 20s. Ability 2: metal harvest Energy: 50 Range: 12m Damage: 700 magnetic Armor strip: 60% Ferro will hold his hand out, and charge it with magnetic energy, priming enemies with this energy, and ripping the metal out of them, either from within their bodies, or around their bodies. The more armor a enemy has, the more damage this will do. Metal collected is then absorbed into ferro, healing him. If he is at full health, it is turned into damage reduction, up to a cap of 80%, and decays overtime. Ability three: electromagnetism Energy: 50 Duration: 25s Range: affinity EMF range: 7m EMP range: 12m EMP damage: 750 magnetic Ferro will surge his body with electromagnetism, granting himself and allies a EMF that jams enemy weapons and machines, as well as leeches 5 shields per second in the eletromagnetic field's range. Holding this ability will instead release a EMP that stuns and damages enemies. Damage scales off of enemies hit. Ability four: ferrofluid Energy: 5 energy per second Damage: starts at 100 magnetic, and increases by 200 per tick. Range: 15m puddle, Attraction range: 7m around the puddle Ferro will turn himself into a semi solid liquid pile of ferrofluid, akin to hydroids old undertow. While in this form, enemies will be pulled into the puddle automatically, taking constant magnetic damage that scales infinitely. Casting his 1 will increase the attraction range by 5m, and create ferrofluid tentacles that thrash and slash at nearby enemies. While ferro is in this form, he can move at normal sprint speed, but can only move on solid surfaces like walls and floors, and cannot jump, but can dash forward quickly by pressing the roll key for 10 energy. When exiting this form, all enemies gathered will be spit out in a ragdoll state around him, open to ground finishers. Well, that's my idea, feedback is always welcome and thank you :)
  2. Hello! Guy who made vapor lol, i just wanna say i absolutely adore this concept. Plants/botany is such a cool concept for a frame and i think you did a excellent job with aster :3
  3. Thanks for feedback! I like your ideas and I'll most likely tune vapor a bit to be less clunky and complicated then he needs to be, but what I can tell you is my thought process His 3 is ment to be moreso a way to spread gas clouds on the move, without restricting himself to his 1 (your classic point and shoot) or his 4 (your aoe "nuke"), but I do see your point, with this ability clashing with his passive His 2 is ment to be a utility thing, like a toolbox for different situations. Every frame dosnt need to do the same things with different flavors, but with vapor, i thought I'd make him do something unique; turning his gases into various types of well, vapors he can use, not only fitting his theme, but also giving him more ways to play, but I do like your suggestions :) Thanks for feedback! The dash idea is pretty cool, and even if you didn't read it all, a glance is still appreciated
  4. With vapor, i tried to keep in line with his themimg on gases and the different kinds of gases, with his 2nd ability, it's ment to have synergies with the rest of his entire kit, not just a "tacky use 1 ignore the rest" deal :)
  5. That could be really cool and interesting, ill have to rethink my concept a little and tweak it. Thanks!
  6. I realized this halfway through and laughed so hard that i kept it in lol
  7. Hello! Ive been away from warframe for a little bit (due to hardware issues) but ive always, always been a huge fan of the game, and so, while ive made riff raff concepts before, i thought it would be good to actually put my thoughts to words, and my creative talent to use. Thus, this idea was born. So, a little backstory, i love elemental themes, my name is lightning (guess which element is my favorite), my main is volt, and overall, im a sucker for that kinda thing in games and series. So playing warframe is a special experience for me, as i love building my frames around certian themes, elemental or not for that matter, for instance, my nidus rocks a bubonico, pox, and lesion, and uses alot of viral damage in my builds, and my volt uses the amprex, and focuses on chain lightning nuking. But looking through warframes wide roster, i noticed something alot of others have noticed; a lack of a GAS themed frame. Now i get it, gas isnt the best, but look at frost, cold isnt exactly game changing and yet hes solid, not the best, but solid. So i figured id do my best to not only give gas damage it's own frame, but make that frame viable and fun. So this, tenno, is VAPOR. "skittering about, the origin system's finest vermin tear and pick at the carcass of dying planets for resources long gone, and wage blood feuds amongst eachother for the richest of scraps. But you, you will be my exterminator. You will purge the vermin, and you will clense these stars with your silent judgement." this, is vapor I don't have official art of him, but what i can give you is a rough idea of him visually. Vapor is a heavy, industrial looking frame, with vents and pipes adorned and affixed to his body, mixed with large metal plating and blinking lights thrown in. He'll have heavy "military boots" and wide shoulders. His helmet will resemble a fumigation rebreather, like a mix of mag and lavos, and he will have two noticable vents on his palms, and feet, with large metal pipes on his arms, legs, and neck. His colors will mostly be muted greens with striking bronze and brass for the mettalics, mixed with black accents, and his energy color being a brighter forest green. He will constantly spew gas from his vents and pipes, and he will feature gas canisters attached to his lower back, and tubing on his arms. My idea with vapor, is to make a frame akin to other elemental frame, but with the same level of synergy and polish of a modern frame. Stats [at level 30] Health: 350 Shields: 400 Armor: 567 Energy: 200 Passive: chemical bonding "with a swirling mist trailing behind him, vapor harbors death in its most cruel form" When passing through a gas cloud, made from any source, vapor will heal 50 hp at base, and for every second standing in a gas cloud, he will slowly build DR at 3% per second, and will cap out at 75% DR, that will dwindle slowly at 1% every 3 seconds when outside of a gas cloud. In addition, while this effect is active, you'll have a small aura of constant gas damage that scales with DR accumulated. This also is shown with a unique UI bar above abilities. ALL ABILITIES WILL BE GIVEN STATS AS IF THEY ARE AT LEVEL 30. Ability 1: asphyxiation [25 energy] Range: a small 5m "beam" in front of you, with the end of the "beam" creating a 10m cloud for 7 seconds. The beam cannot be effected by mods but the resulting cloud can. Damage: 350 gas damage, and an additional 100 that scales over time within the cloud per tick, and gives a 100% gas proc Duration: the cloud lasts 15 seconds Apon casing, vapor will hold out one of his hands and release a stream of lingering gas at a target. A simple and cheap elemental 1 similar to fireball, freeze, or shock, and is his bread and butter for spreading his gases. Augment: chemical reaction. Similar to zephyr's tornado, the clouds can be imbued with weapon damage to deal that elemental damage, as well as add 5% of the damage of weapons to clouds up to a max of 25% additive damage. It also makes it so holding asphyxiation gives gas damage to other players in affinity range, and allow them to proc gas SEPARATELY, as not to mess up elemental combos. Ability 2: fumes [5 energy apon selecting a new gas] Strength effects the armor strip of acidic, and the damage of acidic, smog, and combustibile gases Duration effects the lingering status immunity of disinfectant, and the accuracy effect of smog Wth a unique UI, vapor can tap to switch to 1 of four gases which can be used for your other abilites. Holding this ability removes the gas from your abilities and returns it to normal. When cycling, the gas icon you stay on will be your current gas you utilize until you cycle to another gas or clear the gas. These gases are: Smog gas Acidic gas Disinfectant gas Combustibile gas Smog gas will make all of your gas clouds deal toxin as well as gas, and blind enemies for a period, and reduce their accuracy by 30% while inside, and make you and allies invisibile while inside Acidic gas will make all your gases deal corrosive damage as well as gas, as well as strip armor for enemies inside by 60% apon entering any clouds Disinfectant gas will make your clouds clense status effects for you and allies and give lingering status immunity for 10s Combustibile makes all of your gas clouds be able to cause explosions when enemies OR allies, as well as yourself, fire into the clouds, dealing huge additional blast damage (500) and procing heat onto enemies. Augment: fuming clone. When backfliping while you have 1 fume active, you will leave behind a clone made of gas, that will project a aura of that fumes abilities in a small 10m radius, and will agro enemies to the clone until it dissipates after 20 seconds. Only 1 clone can be out at a time. Ability 3: trailing haze [5 energy channel] Damage: 100 gas per tick that scales Size: 5m trail Duration: 7s Strength effects the movement speed buff And the damage of the trail Duration effects how long it lasts for range effects how large the trail will be While active, you will constantly spew gas from your body, and leave behind a trail of gas from your body. You will also have a minor movement speed buff of 15% movement speed while active Augment: cryogenic haze. The trail cannot be effected by fumes anymore, but will instead max proc cold to any enemy that touches the trail, slowing them down, as well as giving them a damage vulnerability to all gas damage Ability 4: pollution [100 energy] Damage: 750 gas per tick while inside the cloud that scales Range: 15m Duration: 20s After kicking on his vents to overdrive, vapor sucks in air for a second, before mass venting a horrific gas across a large area around himself, and stuns enemies inside the cloud, opening them up to finishers, as well as making all gas damage deal x2 damage to all enemies caught inside, this includes additional gas procs. Augment: polluted gift. Allies within pollutions range will be given 10 hp per second. And that's vapor! Im no game developer, but this is my take on a new frame with a unique theme. Let me know your thoughts and critisms, and thank you for reading :)
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