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Everything posted by _4shes

  1. Pretty simple really. Short text on the screen that pops up after someone buffs you that gets pushed up when you received another. Put it somewhere inconsequential or have it togglable. "Nidus: +80 Ability strength" "Oberon: 50 HP/s" "Rhino: +150% Increased Damage" Goes away in like a second, gets pushed away by another buff. Things like this would help players know when to recast abilities (channeling or abilities with long timers), who to stick around to if their struggling to stay alive and who to come to for a hookup. I've seen Wisps ogling at their motes suddenly getting bigger numbers, question why its happening, while the Nidus who got his kills stolen all game has an obvious Parasitic Link attached to her. If you already know what a good chunk of buffs do already, good, you don't have to toggle it. I'm MR21 and some times, I don't have a clue what 50% of the buffs I received do. I see timers, big numbers and funny symbols. I look up and see 100%... Cool but 100% of what? Could just be a me thing but idk maybe everyone already knows what everything does and I have bad memory.
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