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Posts posted by Gahrzerkire

  1. Arcanes that provide a flat base bonus (I.E. +# not +%) (and by base i mean this number is added before mods are applied to the stat) to the following stats on x proc:


  2. Why do pets have health... this is one of the very few games in which pets have a health pool.
    What exactly does this balance?
    What reason is there for pets to be able to be killed?
    I see no reason for our pets to be vulnerable to attack. They should be immortal, as most pets are in most games. There is no reason for them not to be.

    Thats all.

  3. On 2/16/2017 at 1:46 AM, AdunSaveMe said:

    That's exactly the same as a fire rate though. How it works now and what you suggest are the same; number of ticks over time.

    Also no its not. 

    Currently firerate increases the percentage chance of a status being proc'd per second, and sadly the equation works like this:

    Quanta 10% status chance 

    status / second = 10%

    add shred

    status / second = 13%

    add vile excel 

    status / second = 22%


    status chance = status chance + (status chance * 100 / firerate)

    What i am saying is this.

    status procs / second  = 4

    in old terms 

    status / second = 400% 

    now i am saying the split chamber affects this multiplicative which it currently doesn't (we know this because if we put on split chamber, after putting on shred the status chance does not increase, and if we follow that with vile excel it still does not increase at a faster rate then provided by the above equation)

    this means that you apply split chamber and your status chance becomes (rounding up to 100% multishot for simplicity)

    status procs / second = 8

    in old terms 

    status / second = 800%

    this is then affected multiplicatively by regular status mods so 120% extra status chance, in old terms results in

    status / second = 1760% 

    status procs / second = 18 (i rounded up again lets keep it consistent)

    So. No. I am not talking the same thing at all. Because in my system firerate wouldnt increase status chance, instead multishot would like it does for every other weapon.

  4. 37 minutes ago, SortaRandom said:

    Suit yourself. Just be aware that claiming you're a full-fledged member of the profession despite being in the early learning stages is typically seen as arrogant.

    Never once did i say i was a professional or a full-fledged member of any profession, i stated that i was a programmer, which generally means you have a basic understanding of programming and its uses. I followed that up with, i am working toward a bachelors in game design, so i know how it is applied in video games. Again "working toward". Which is me saying that i dont know everything perfectly and am not always right, but i do know what i am talking about. 

    41 minutes ago, SortaRandom said:

    So let me get this straight-- you suggested that the Quanta tick 16 times per second, and then complained about how overpowered that would be?

    No. I said that making the quanta tick STATUS CHANCE 16 times a second would be overpowered if firerate mods were applied, and THEY ACTUALLY AFFECTED THE FIRERATE. (This is a situational case where i am talking about my solution to the issue which revolves around going to the old system making firerate effect ticks per second, and apply status either on every tick, or a set number of times per second and remove status chance all together.)

    42 minutes ago, SortaRandom said:

    There's been a miscommunication. I did not at any point say that fire rate affects ticks per second; I've stated multiple times that the "3 ticks per second" is very much constant.

    THIS RIGHT HERE IS WHAT YOU DONT GET. Firerate mods do not effect ticks of damage per second, only the amount of damage applied per tick. You know what damage mods do? They do that. Exactly. That. Hence why its stupid to have redundant mods that dont actually do anything. One of the big strengths of firerate mods is that they buff the speed at which you proc statuses (I.E. number per second)(This is a situational case where i am talking about my solution to the issue which revolves around going to the old system making firerate effect ticks per second, and apply status either on every tick, or a set number of times per second and remove status chance all together.)

    47 minutes ago, SortaRandom said:

    My point is that you don't need to remove their compatibility with fire rate. Not every buff has to be accompanied by a nerf, especially for a weapon class as all-around subpar as continuous weapons.

    I agree, but firerate mods that increase the damage per instance, and not the instances themselves, are not firerate mods. And I think that having a higher number of guaranteed status per second outweighs firerate very heavily, too the point where it would make most continous weapons endgame. 

    49 minutes ago, SortaRandom said:

    - They really, really don't. You don't think that fundamentally altering how time is calculated is a bit unnecessary for something as simple as a continuous weapon buff? You're damn right it's not a clean solution.

    - Now that you clarified where denominators are coming in, I understand.

    - The fact that you understand what a tick is, and can write an exceedingly simple skeleton code to simulate such a system... is proof that you're not oversimplifying the complexities of game coding? Your "proof" didn't even account for an unsteady framerate, let alone any other technical issues that can arise in a video game's code. You're being very naive if you think that's all there is to it, and it's very telling of your inexperience with what you claim to be a professional in.

    - Who the hell said anything about adding options for how many ticks per second you do?

    - what did i say.


    -it was proof that i had an understanding of how game coding worked, and a counter argument to all your ad hominem attacks. and of course i didnt account for unsteady frame rate, and other technical issues, because... its not my job to do their work for them, and your right i dont know all their problems, but if you want me to account for unstead framerate i can. There are many ways to do it, and its not that painful, and they are probubly already in place in the games code. you dont need to change ALL THE CODE, get small sections of it to function. And by the way, ticks, are 100% reliant on frame rate, the damage itself isnt, but the TICKS you see, those rely on frame rate, cause they are just a display, and the actual damage takes place before they show up on your screen, regardless of frame rate and all that S#&$.

    Sorry i didnt take the time to write you code. I have other work to do.

    55 minutes ago, SortaRandom said:

    You're being very naive if you think that's all there is to it, and it's very telling of your inexperience with what you claim to be a professional in.

    Nice ad hominem again, though id like to say that ive covered this in almost every post since i started talking to you. I DO NOT CLAIM TO BE IN THE PROFESSION. I claim to be working toward going into it, and can promise you i have a better understanding then sizable chunk of the player base. 

    57 minutes ago, SortaRandom said:

    I simply avoided talking about how it works and how it can be improved because I don't understand the nuances of how it currently works.

    Yeah, and yet here you are.

    Also its really easy to make things look super complicated and super difficult and go woe are they, and woe is me and all that crap. To cry fowl at "unsteady framerate" and "network lag" which yes are issues, but in the end, to someone in the business, with the understanding, who has been writing code for the game/games for the past 3 years, who has been taught to solve these problems, WHOSE JOB IT IS TO SOLVE THESE PROBLEMS, it is significantly easier for. 

    I have several professors who worked at Digital Extremes, and they speak very highly of the company and are accomplished programmers. I can say without a doubt, fixing continuous weapons isn't an issue of how long it takes, Its whether or not someone on the team is going to do it.

  5. 12 hours ago, PsiWarp said:

    Yeah, that means you hit enemies at least 245 times. His damage on 1 and 4 are meant to scale to almost modded weapons level, and even then it takes time to build up when you can simply lob that Tonkor grenade into a crowd the moment you start that defense.


  6. On 2/12/2017 at 8:55 PM, General_Durandal said:

    I just got Nidus, slapped on a reactor, and he's already overpowered.

    Steel Charge, Continuity, Intensify, Stretch, Streamline, Flow, Vitality, and Thief's Wit are his mods at rank 0.

    Just did a Helene Defense on Saturn, got to wave 20 no problem using only his 1st and 2nd.

    I saved up 49 stacks of infestation, and his 1st was doing 15k+ damage to everything with his 1st power.

    I think the scaling needs to be toned down on his first, and increased on his 4th.

    I only used his 4th twice, once at 20 stacks and once after 40 stacks,

    it didn't seem very powerful as his first, or as crowd control as his 2nd.

    His 4th seems cool, but useless.

    lol really...

    you can go to helene defense on saturn with ember and go AFK for 5 minutes at a time. 

    also... take nidus into literally any level 50+ mission that is legitimately endgame. (corrupted, sortie, kuva flood) he is very vulnerable to alpha damage. and damage in general. especially if you cant build stacks because of teammates. 

    seriously... take into anything that isnt star chart and is endgame and you will start struggling. 

  7. 12 hours ago, Xionyde134 said:

    Penalties for AFK'ing could be:

    • 50% reduced resource gain 
    • Cannot play Sorties/Alerts/Kuva missions
    • Can only play in Solo mode

    Flags should fall off over time or as the player runs missions and doesn't get reported.

    No. Make it so people with AFK flags are put into missions together. Done.

  8. 3 hours ago, bubbabenali said:

    You know when you hit hit for headsho whent the target suddenly dies with a 5 digit number floating over him.

    The typical ttl of the enemies is shorter than the time the indicator animation plays.

    Yes, because that very easy convenient and super noticeable. 

    The best part about this is i dont have to stare at my damage numbers wondering if i am headshoting, i get to see round for round, when i get headshots. TBH that is all i want. Show me my headshots, and body shots in an easy noticable way. I would even like it if it flashed grey when you wiffed a shot.  

    Makes figuring out engagement ranges easy, shows how much ammo you are wasting etc etc. 

  9. 7 hours ago, SortaRandom said:

    Whoops, I misread that bit.
    To prevent further confusion, you should probably stop claiming that you're a programmer.


    7 hours ago, SortaRandom said:

    Where on earth are you getting 16 procs per second from? If the devs reverted continuous mechanics back to the original, then the Quanta would be landing only one tick (and therefore one proc) per second.

    ^that comes from my solution to fix continuous weapons. The one where I said they should also remove firerate mods.

    7 hours ago, SortaRandom said:

    When I mentioned increasing the current tick rate and changing it from "3 ticks/s" to "15 ticks/s", that was for a hypothetical "if they are to keep the current beam mechanics". I didn't consider how a high "status/sec" stat would interact with that, since I don't understand the specifics of how it currently works in the first place. Judging from the rest of your posts, I don't think you do either.

    Want me to prove it? Sure. 

    "a tick" is simple the display of damage, its literally when they call to apply and display damage in their code. Framerate or time is everything in a game because almost all code runs once per frame.

    f you are running at 30FPS and have a tick rate of 3 per second, you will have a damage number pop up every 10 frames. If you have it running at 60 FPS then every 20 frames. Tick rate of 15 per second is every 2 at 30, and every 4 at 60.

    If we call ticks - t and seconds s in the equation for ticks per second t / s which is most likely what they are using to determine when to display damage.

    if ((Currentframe % framerate) == (t / s)) {



    (the underlined section can be written in like 12 billion different ways)

    inside of the if statement it could have framerate, or time, i dont know which but that is one of the denominators that could be modified. though modifying the numeratoris probably easier to do. 

    This is the thing, firerate doesnt increase ticks persecond, and is therefore NOT firerate, its just a damage mod that acts as a overall damage DPS increase. which is BS. firerate should increase the number of ticks per second.

    fun fact, ticks per second and shots per second are the same damn thing. 

    ticks and status per second are probubly coded identically, however it would make the most sense to treat each tick, like a shot from a gun, and then roll status chance on that. Instead of making ticks/statuses per second universal across all continous weapons, the number of stati per second should be determind by the number of ticks per second and the chanve that said weapon has to proc a status.

    7 hours ago, SortaRandom said:

    Of course there are plenty of weapons like that in the game. However, there are zero entire weapon categories like that in the game.

    Something like "____ stat is useless, _____ stat is king" should be a weapon-specific thing. Not something that applies to a gigantic group of weapons that are only related by mechanics alone.

    My point is from an arbitrary stand point, if you drastically increase their overall DPS by increase status chance they need to lose something, why not firerate?

    The truth is, i dont care what they lose, but if they lose something i would rather it be firerate then status. Especilaly because DE is so married to this status per second thing. When status should really be applied everytime the target takes damage, every tick, or whatever the hell you want to call it. (Even though its more like everytime they decide to display damage).

    7 hours ago, SortaRandom said:

    - DE does not need to alter the way time is calculated in order to improve continuous weapons.

    - That's not what a denominator is.
    - You are oversimplifying the difference between the mechanics of regular and continuous guns, and VASTLY oversimplifying how this is handled in a game's code. If you want to be a programmer in the future, step one is understanding that it's never this simple except in the cleanest, most ideal of situations. The Evolution engine does not provide such an environment.

    If you remember what continuous weapons were like before the change, you'd know this to be 100% false.
    Like I said earlier, fixing the tick rate at 3 per second (i.e. "three chunks of damage per second", not "three big numbers appear in a second while the health bar continuously drains") causes a noticeable difference in responsiveness of the weapon.

     - they could and to great effect.(see above) (though yes this isnt a clean solution i was simply listing quick fixes for the sake of illustrating how many times they could swap out one number to fix a problem)

    - no that is

    - no im not. if you want proof look for where i talk about what ticks are above. 

    tickrate means nothing, and is a tiny amount of code, it just decides when the gun does damage. all it has to do with is how responsive the weapon is as you just said, and that is why they will never add an option, and why they should never add an option, because you would have players dealing damage at different rates in the same games, with the same guns. (Also, depending on how they did their network code to display damage to other players, it might not be possible for them to increase the tick rate, without having more host to squad member inconsistencies.)

    7 hours ago, SortaRandom said:

    if you remember what continuous weapons were like before the change, you'd know this to be 100% false.
    Like I said earlier, fixing the tick rate at 3 per second (i.e. "three chunks of damage per second", not "three big numbers appear in a second while the health bar continuously drains") causes a noticeable difference in responsiveness of the weapon.

    We disagree on what the problem with continous weapons is. I think what keeps them from endgame is the complete lack of status, you think its the tick rate, truth is almost all continous weapons suck when used in the simulacron and it has nothing to do with "when they apply the damage" / how many ticks per second. Its because they cant proc secondary stats for crap.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

    Also... Vastly superior versions of both of the normal versions of these weapons along with the rest of the starter weapons (including the Strun) should be craftable items imo.

    Players really like this gear and it should have a chance to show itself in the top tiers as well.

    Make the upgraded versions MR 12 to use if need be. 

    I love you^

    yes, this is what we need. This is amazing, this is fair, this is brilliant. I think in the end this is all players want when it comes to weapons, the ability to use nostalgic weapons in end game. 

  11. 4 hours ago, Syln said:

    lato P is a founder exclusive, not aklato P they could easily do the same thing that has been done for the akstiletto P : 2 x canon 2 x receiver, 1 x link and 1 x bp and that wouldn't break any "agreement" (same for a dual skana prime actually)


    3 hours ago, Naith said:

    Aha, the special snowflake argument, how original. It's nothing to do with being a special snowflake. It's about an agreement and you're missing the point.

    You don't think it would be a problem because it doesn't affect you. Once more, that doesn't change my point.

    Also, use has no relevance whatsoever, not that it helps that it has reasonably pants stats (likely a few reasons for that but voicing them would likely cause a flamewar) without a Riven anyways.

    But yeah, please feel free to wack in /profile Naith while you're in-game and you'll get a satsifactory answer, I'm sure.

    Dude.... you need to write a script that compares aklato prime to lato prime, youll see there are two letters "a" and "k" that make it a different weapon. Also yes there was an agreement did this also extend to variants of the lato and skana? which is what the aklato are and the dual skana?

    your agreement doesnt apply, and also not to rain on your little agreement but, bub, if you read the end user license agreement they can make it void at any time. :* 

    I agree it has nothing to do with being a special snowflake, it has everything to do with blanket rules over grey areas when there shouldnt be any.

    This is literally the equivalent of excal umbra... it aint the same.  

  12. 1 hour ago, SortaRandom said:

    Why is this necessary, though? If we want continuous weapons to be more gun-like, literally all we have to do is revert to the old mechanics and call it a day. Adding needless inconsistencies only causes further confusion.

    Every continuous weapon gets extra damage from fire rate. And I'm sensing that "pretty much every build i use and see used" only includes you and a couple of (pre-Ammo-Case?) posts from folks who like their Amprexes / Synoid Gammacors ammo-efficient, and/or don't ever want to switch to their secondary.

    Shockingly, the fact that fire rate boosts DPS by a crapton makes them very desirable for weapons that can afford the ammo cost (e.g. Phage, Quanta Vandal, Not-Synoid Gammacor). Removing fire rate mods would be a devastating hit to these already-rare weapons, and for what benefit? Are Continuous weapons so overpowered that you need to take away their damage and build variety to keep them in check?

    I'm beginning to doubt that you have a bachelor's degree in game design.

    You are right i dont, im currently in a bachelors degree program for game design. 

    No actually Sortarandom, that includes me, my entire clan, and lots of people who come to me asking for DPS builds. But that isnt the point. 

    DE has never reverted back to something that "used to be a specific way" they dont like admitting they were wrong about something. Moving on, im not saying my way of doing something is the only way to do it, or that my way is the best way. Im saying my way is one way that would work. Also 16 guaranteed procs per second on the quanta would be insanely powerful. you could strip a target of armor nigh instantly with your beam (level 70 gunners take roughly 30-34 corrosive procs, you would achieve this in two seconds assuming you had split chamber, and 2 status chance mods) and then nuke em with secondary fire. 

    What i am proposing is make beam weapons the GOD status weapon, the end all status weapons. And as a downside make some mod type, nigh completely useless to them. there are plenty of weapons like that in this game.

    (also here are some solutions to S#&$ty status chance on beam weapons that take literally 2 seconds: change the number for base status per second, change the numbers they are using to calculate time in relation to frame rate, system clocks, or whatever time system they use (probably a denominator, probubly needs to be smaller). I willing to bet LARGE amounts of money, 200-300$ that they could change between 10-5 numbers and have continous weapons functional and effective agian. on top of that, i am willing to bet that getting the damage display code to work (one way or the other, not including a UI element) would also be between 2-10 number changes at max.

    (Disclaimer: this is provided that their coders arent completely incompetent and use the same code for damage calculation across weapons. Weapons are probubly just objects that they literally have to change a few numbers on to get to function the way we want them too, i would also bet that the code for continuous weapons and non continuous is already identical except for 2-3 "if" statements here and there, but that isn't the point of this, the point is, its not that complicated to change.) 

    Final note: The difference between continous weapons now and continous weapons in the past, i would imagine, is just the way they display their damage, and the way status is applied. I would also stipulate that is the same from continous weapons to hitscan weapons.

  13. All focus trees come with an ability you get every minute. 

    The ability doesnt activate passives, you just have the passives. (You can just stand at spawn until you get off cooldown. Ive done this. there is no reason for the passives to not be passive 100% of the time specially in extended duration hour long missions, that 5 minutes didnt balance anything)

    You have two focus trees your ability tree, and your passives tree.

    Your ability tree is smaller and you design it so that you can only access 1-1.5 branches at a time, all abilities / passives in this tree change the usage of the main ability. At the end of each focus line in this tree you get an "ultimate" which inherently changes how your focus ability functions in a drastic way making it significantly more powerful. Yes even with an ultimate it has a flat one minute cool down. (but it makes it so powerful!: yes however you can only have one ultimate node unlocked at a time due to having the pool that limits you to a specific number of nodes, exact same system as before, but the cap isn't the entire tree, its part of it.)

    The second ability tree is the passives tree, these are passives that will are activated when you have the tree unlocked, and that is that. done. Make it just like the above tree, so you can only have 1-1.5 passive tree lines at one time, and cant use the whole tree at once. 

    You still have to unlock the entire tree with focus to be able to quickly swap from focus build to focus build, and you design the passive tree so that the ultimates at the end can be used in place of mods ASSURING value. (and good mods, not freaking "you can now see through walls" that is so useful, its not like animal instinct does that for me.) 

    Either way, my two cents on the focus system, and why its utter junk right now, excluding a few passive abilties and thats it. (yes DE no one cares about abilities you get for 20 seconds after a 12 year cool down, a one minute cool down is manageable and worth it, you get tangible benefits, in combat, 5 minutes, is a long time.)


  14. 4 hours ago, SortaRandom said:

    That seems like a really roundabout method.
    If they took the current beam rate and just changed it from "3 ticks/s" to "15 ticks/s", then many of the problems with the beam weapon rework (especially regarding responsiveness) would be instantly solved.

    I can't really comment on the Status/Second thing, though, since I don't fully understand how it works in the first place. (For example-- if Status/sec is 100% on one gun and 200% on another, then how does each gun's status behave per tick? If you tapfire each gun ten times a second instead of letting them fire continuously, do you get more procs? I haven't tested either of these yet, so I have no clue how it works.)

    It already does. Split Chamber straight-up multiplies each damage tick's value by 1.9.

    I get where you're going from a realism perspective, but at the same time, this would be a HUGE nerf to continuous weapons. It would take away a lot of build variety, and it would remove the option for players to deal crazy damage at the cost of ammo efficiency.

    And even if you do want to be realistic about it, you could always imagine that fire-rate mods on lasers are just improvements to the intensity of the beam (at the cost of needing more fuel). This is already a billion times more plausible than firing two rockets out of one barrel.

    what i am saying in the large paragraph in the beginning of that post, is you use the same code you would use for any other gun in the game, but you display the damage differently, and maybe you make the attacks per second one, and spread the DPS across that, or the attacks per second the same as the damage value display per second. 

    Honestly... most current continous weapons dont seem to get there damage from firerate, and pretty much every build i use and see used does not have a firerate mod. what i am saying is leave their base DPS the same, and at the sacrifice of something they dont really need much, i.e. firerate, give them better status. this would be a huge buff dude. trust me. 

    The main point is this, they can fix, they know how to fix it, there are tons of options, 90-100% of them can be coded in a day, some in less then a minute by moving values around. the point is, weapon balance in this game is done at a snails pace. 

  15. 20 minutes ago, SortaRandom said:

    Man, I miss the old system so much. I absolutely can't stand using continuous weapons today because of that delay (where killing a single enemy can take up to a third of a second longer than it should), but I constantly find myself switching to Operator mode in the middle of a mission and spamming M1 just because of how satisfying it feels.

    Void Beam still uses the old continuous weapon mechanics for some reason (meaning that shooting something causes a crapton of numbers to pop up)-- making it very responsive when it comes to killing an enemy, just like a regular gun.

    This is the thing, they dont even need to calculate the damage like that, it could literally be treated like a regular gun, with one shot a second (or every 30 frames), and then they display a health bar animation that is a continous stream of health dropping after that shot (and if you swap targets you do a tiny bit of math as to the time you were on that target (say 3/4ths of a second) in relation to your guns now completely FLAT DPS (say 10K) (there it took 7.5k damage)), and display damage numbers that are 25th's of the amount of damage dealt "per shot" and then they just apply whatever the (procs/second) value is over the course of a second, and make it something like 3 at default, for medium status weapons 5 for high status weapons. (even though it should probs be 1 for weak status (full modded rifle would have 4 status's per second), 2 for a medium status (8) 4 for a high status (16)) (yes i am saying that split chamber should be multipicative of the status chance mods on continous weapons, and yes. thats why all firerate mods should be useless on them.) 

    Make it so split chamber DOUBLES this number, and status chance increases it by a percentage, and that is the number of proc's you get per second. BUT make all firerate mods completely useless on continous weapons, afterall you cant really shoot a laser beam FASTER. 

    Coding this would take a day if you know what your doing, MAYBE, two days, but its not that hard to do. I am a programmer, and getting a bachelors degree in game design. It isnt hard to do, i know what i am talking about. Unless they have some god awful damage, and networking code somewhere... it really shouldnt be that bad, but if that is the case, they should really fix that first.

  16. 1 minute ago, Pyus said:

    The Soma prime has a fire rate of 15 rounds/sec, and a status chance of 10%, meaning without mods the Soma Prime has a "Status/Sec" rate of 150%

    Compair this to the Ignis, which has a 25% status per second, or .025% status chance per round. 

    It's ridiculous and one type of systematic problem that plagues warframe, changes are made, promeses made to review and forgotten about for years. (see focus, Ash rework feed back, heavy caliber accuracy bugs ect ect ect.) 


    if i flip a coin 40 times and it lands tails every time. i still have a 50% chance of getting heads.

    i.e. the soma prime's status per second is significantly lower then 150% per second. significantly lower. cause even if 14 of the 15 shots a second dont proc a status, youll still have a 10% chance of procing a status on the final shot. 

    the problem with status weapons is not there status chance, its the fact they will never ever apply as many statuses as literally any other weapon in the space of a second, short weapons that lack status all together. 

  17. continous weapons in warframe are done horribly. why would a continous weapon have a firerate? why do they have firerates? shouldnt they... not. just have flat out damage per second? and then well... a number of statuses per second? for example:

    you list damage like this:

    Quanta Vandal:

    electric 220 electric per second

    5 status procs per second

    status chance mods directly boost the status count. 

    done, i balanced all the beam weapons and made them not **** e-z.

    (this status per second thing, is one of the worst systems ive ever seen.)

    and then you make it so firerate mods do nothing to continous weapons. 


    IE they become the best status weapons in the game, at least the ones with elem damage spreads, however they cannot use firerate mods, and as a result lose a massive source of damage, made up for... dun dun dun by status.

    go DE. fix all these bad weapons. i know being a programmer that its easy, no more excuses please. fix. them.

  18. 12 hours ago, lukinu_u said:

    Due to rigging and bones, Operator suit will probably never come in tennogen because it too much work, exept if it's only texturing (with base mesh of existing suit) but dont really seems intersting.

    wait hold up what....... you know.... the warframes and operators probubly share a  rig.... i really wouldnt be surprised. the sprint and walk animation cycles are like identical... you can also scale down models with baked animation e-z in engine... not ideal but for something as rare to show its face as the operator... whevs.... i cant think of a single reason why they wouldnt... they have roughly identical porportions... also... animations can be applied across rigs... as long as they are identical and i highly doubt that warframes and operators have differnt rig layouts... just arms, hands, legs, torso, feet, head... maybe they dont  have the same facial rigging... but.. that shouldnt be too much of an issue, depending on how you do facial animation. the question is whether or not its a good idea.

    personally i dont think a soldier would dress up as a drone. i hate the idea. no offense. im tired of how child like this game is, and is becoming.

  19. 8 hours ago, Snib said:

    so if I understand this correctly you are complaining that your negative crit damage riven is reducing your crit damage? are you for real? 

    to put it simply i think its stupid that negative crit chance does nothing, whereas negative crit damage screws you over completely i dont care if i lose all crit damage, whatever, but throwing a 0, is ridiculous.  

  20. I have -0.3x crit damage on my karak wraith, and it hits 0's, it should hit 30% less and show up as a blue crit, however it is not. I would very much like to see blue crits again or critical fails, they were very cool to me and one of the reasons i bought several riven mods on non crit weapons. Just so i could see the blue crits.

    PLEASE fix the damage, and bring back the blue crits! 

    Thank you!


    I'm actually incorrect here, sorry about that. Either way, i think it is a bug that i am hitting a 0. Other weapons with no critical potential hit for regular damage at all times, i do not think a 5% chance to hit a 0 is fair, and this should be changed. Especially when taking into consideration the potential of cats eye, resulting in a 60%? chance to hit for no damage. 

  21. First off the new Braton and Lato sounds are the most satisfying gun noises in the game yet. Honestly... I got going a bit when i heard them. The Braton was especially gorgeous! PLEASE for the Braton Prime do not make it laser-ee or mechanic like it has been, keep it nice and deep and thundering like the new defualt Braton sound... because honestly.... best gun noise in the game. hands down. It sounds like a 50 cal and i adore it. PLEASE keep it up, and add the new Braton Prime sounds soon. I got this super sick braton riven just because of the new sound fx... I hated the lasery sound from before. 

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