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Posts posted by Grenneloch

  1. My opinion on it is it'd be fine if the maps were reworked. Both the gas tileset defense and at one of the ones I'm thinking of for the asteroid bases are done in such a way that when enemies spawn, they can't immediately start shelling the objective. Cicero happened the same way with the one defense location: one spawn had them on the same side of the objective across the bridge (where they were free to take cover and open fire), another was on the opposite side with an unbreakable wall against the injector in the way, and the third was down on the ground that forced them to run up ramps. The point being, not everywhere resulted in immediate access to what the players are trying to keep from getting killed. Several of the maps, both regular and ESPECIALLY Tower Voids, have the objectives in the middle of a giant, open room. Tower tilesets are even horrendous for mobile defense in that regard as well.


    Before the change, Frost could at least pop the globe and work on other aspects of the fight; now he's pretty much stuck there or risk the globe and objective being dead in seconds. It's quite monotonous. IMO the map objective locations should have been redone the same time as Frost in such a way so that it's not a clear line of killy-shoots to what's being protected. Even chucking up some kind of mini-wall in one or two places would have been nice.


    Let's use the Gas tileset as an example:



    The main path has a solid object right in front of it where the artifact is, and since it's a down ramp on the other side, it even protects the top of the objective as well. They can also run up from the right and left, and there's still cover provided for both the players as well as enemies. It's not one giant chokepoint that results in an enemy killfest, and the players can still botch it if they don't pay attention.  This particular map is probably my favorite one right now just on design alone.

  2. Hi!

    I'm interested to join!

    Do u still have space?

    Have been aktive from closed beta, Sorry fore my bad English.


    Sincerely Jimmy/logan85


    IGN: logan85

    Region: Europa/sweden

    TZ: UTC/GMT +1 hour



    If you still have roster room I'd like to join too! 




    Invites will be awaiting you both. :)

  3. Love the name - I'd like an invite as well. 



    I'm really interested to join!


    IGN: qwertyrda

    Region: Asia

    TZ: GMT+8



    Well im back! I left to join PGO, got accepted, then I was kicked, aaaand now I need an Orgis before update 11...




    Invite please...


    Edit: I need a Orgis before I get Valkyr


    Sorry for the delays everybody. Work's been a nightmare as of late; finally got really going again this weekend. 4Z21, your invite's awaiting you. WitchDr and qwertyrda, if it doesn't work out in your current clans let me know (since both told me ingame that you're both already in one, so I assumed you found alternates by now).


    Additional thread updates: Our Dojo has the trading unit in it as of U11, and we also have a TS3 server available thanks to the ever-awesome DeatH-ReapeR! (http://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/70570-unofficial-community-teamspeak-server/)

  4. Hey, I just started out playing this past weekend, and it was love at first play. This game is awesome (and I am a Founder so I do plan on sticking around and playing consistently). I'm from CST (which is GMT -6).


    If you still have room for a fellow Tenno I'd appreciate the invite, and I'd love to help out with my Ash Warframe, and Paris bow. I'm thinking about also getting Trinity Warframe as I play as supportive roles in most of my games and she sounds really impressive.




    Can i join?





    Got room for one more?


    All are issued! :) Still have more space for those interested!

  5. I'd like to join this clan too. ^^


    You're marked ingame as being in one, so you hafta do that same thing I instructed Nova with.


    still have slot? i looking for clan who can guide me :( playing online game without friend really suck TT


    One of the others got to ya before I did, cause I already see you in here. X3


    I'd like to join the clan


    Invite shall be awaiting you. :)


    Sorry for the late replies! I had a late workday yesterday and forgot to check the thread. In other news, we finished the v10 research some time ago, so that's ready for replication.

  6. I'd like to join the clan


    It still says you're already in a clan. You need to click the Contacts button along the top when you're in the menus, then in the window that pops up click the button along the top of that that looks like a + with a circle around it. From there you should be able to extend that little dropdown of whoever has invited you to whatever clan before and reject it, and once that's gone I'll be able to send you an invite. The game will not allow me to until any other pending invites are gone.

  7. Requesting an invite.

    I'm most active in the morning, around 6:00am to 9:00am PST (GMT-8), as well as sporadically in the evening.

    Thanks in advance!


    Yes, indeedy! One shall be awaiting you. :)


    Are there any slots still open? If so, I'd love to be part of the clan.


    Yup! One for you too!



    We started at the low 30s, and now with both of you that puts us at 61, so we have roughly another 40 spots yet before we max out our tier.

  8. In this case it was with Soul Punch. In the polarity slot it of course takes 1 point, and I still had 3 points leftover with my aura. It was not allowing me to fuse that mod firectly to boost its level due to telling me I had insufficient points. I worked around it by having it unequipped and fusing them that way, then placing it back on and it used the Aura points just fine.


    I'm almost in a tossup in whether this is intentional or not, since without the mod points from the aura you wouldn't be able to unequip that mod, but in that case I think a different message should be shown instead, e.g. "Fusing this mod will require the currently equipped points from the Aura to be used. Continue? Yes/No"

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