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Posts posted by Grenneloch

  1. Clan would very much like to be in this I. ... wait....



    *moments of derping later*



    I would very much like to be in this clan so may you please invite me.



    I've been clanless, but ever, since they update clan weapons. I have no choice but, to ask, "can I join?"


    4Z I of course gave you yours when ya messaged me ingame, and Makemap, I just issued yours now. :)

  2. We are still recruiting for those interested. The new research introduced with v10 is being worked on, and we're currently hovering around the mid-40s mark in players so we still have plenty of room for this bracket. Our time spread's getting nice and rounded out. At minimum there's usually 3 people on at any given time, and I our peak's hit double-digits now.

  3. Hello everyone; your Space Ninja Warlord Grenneloch here! Our clan continues at a steady pace for several months now, and we are currently holding at our Storm Barracks level in order to round out our roster with a decent range of timezones as well as to maintain a tighter-knit clan.Our dojo is complete (as things stand, barring decorating) and all of our research is completed as well.


    Here's our current clan emblem:



    And here is our current Dojo layout:

    Click for bigger



    Our only rules are:

    -Be civil. No one gets along all the time, but there's no reason to get vile with clanmates.

    -As of right now everyone in the clan has at least a basic understanding of English; if 2 or more people happen to know another language that's fine it they want to use it for quick notes to each other, but I prefer to have everyone able to stay with the conversation when it's in the main Clan Chat channel.

    -After 30 days of inactivity I trim the roster unless otherwise notified (usually at the end of the month, so there's still some leeway).


    Sound like something you'd like to be a part of? Great! As far as recruitment you can either contact:

    -Grenneloch (me of course)




    -ShAd0wF1AmE (the 0 is a zero; the 1 is a one)



    At least one of us is usually on at any given point as our schedules allow. Alternatively, you can post in the topic and I'll send invites as I see them. Hope to see you in-game!


    Everyone joins the clan as a MK-1 Ninja. After reaching Mastery Rank 4 and most of us being able to recognize your name when we see it, we'll bump it up to the standard Space Ninja.

  4. I forgot to mention:


    You do have the option of building Volt, or whatever frame again.


    It would cost you credits, but you'd get all 4 mods again.


    Nah; the one I already have is pretty much maxed out, and I'm not OCD enough to blow 100k just to get rid of 1 extraneous part.

  5. Last night I started building the Vauban parts, but when I logged back in today and picked them up, I realized I had actually built the Volt Chassis blueprint I had instead of the Vauban one. Now in my inventory I can't even sell the Volt piece I built. It's totaly useless to me; I got Volt back when you could select it still at the start instead of Mag. Would it be worth making a support ticket (and what would I file it as?), or should I just refarm the materials and let the Volt piece float in limbo for the rest of eternity?

  6. It's one of the sections that shaped sort of like an "E". The outer arms are pathways, and the center bar has the open end on the gap while the junction is another door, and the surfaces through the middle are setup for wallrunning. I was doing said wallrunning and at the last section on one end I ended up too high from jumping and went straight through the upper section, fidgeted around a bit, and would up falling in a little area behind it. Amusingly enough I could shoot enemies from behind the wall, but they couldn't shoot me, not that it did a whole lot since I had to abort the mission cause I just couldn't seem to find a way out.


    Screenshot for posterity:


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