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Everything posted by (PSN)Lollybomb

  1. This is like the worst place to try and refer people to Warframe. People are here because they already play Warframe.
  2. I figured that the wording "hit enemies with 15 amphors" rather than "hit 15 enemies with amphors" would have been specifically to allow AOE while not making the task too easy. Which, also given the terrible direct hit detection would have made sense. It wouldn't matter how many enemies you hit at once, it would count a point as long as a single enemy was within range. Personally until they do something about it, I'm just going to do basically any other bounty. Especially since doing the assassination bounty gets credit for both the bounty, and Gargoyle's Cry. There's also no solo extraction despite it being an endless mission, which is weird.
  3. "Hit enemies with 15 cold amphors." Ok, sure. Except, they have a drop rate roughly 1/10 that of all the other amphors. On top of that the hit detection is abysmal. You can hit a whole crowd of enemies, and not get credit for anything. Actually probably because of the hit detection alone you're best off completely ignoring alchemy bounties entirely.
  4. Yes. You need a PC account, but you don't really need to do anything with it regarding gameplay. It's mostly just so you have a login to associate with. Heck, you don't even need to download Warframe prior to your linking. More information here:
  5. FYI, if it's a silicon Mac, mobile will pretty much be your only option I believe. Bootcamp isn't supported anymore there, and Parallels will only let you run Win11 due to the lack of a translation layer that can handle virtual machines. Therefore Parallels is limited to running the ARM version of Windows 11. Windows itself also (last I knew) lacks a 64bit translation layer to run Intel x64 applications on an ARM processor. They have a 32bit version, but not 64. So, unfortunately, the mobile version will likely be your only option. This is a longstanding issue with Apple, and given that they've moved away from the x86 architecture, is unlikely to improve. At least anytime in the near future. But who knows? The fact that Microsoft does have a publicly available build of Windows on ARM, and they do have their own translation layer means that they are at least looking at it. If more Windows computers start running ARM chips, developers may start targeting that more, at least as an option.
  6. What do I think about the delay? Delayed things can eventually come out well. Rushed things are almost always bad forever.
  7. Technically the limit is 8. Certain defense missions actually correctly spawn medallions, and all 8 will spawn in a single room. Though this is going by "room" as meaning "tile" since some tiles are made up of multiple rooms. However, those individual rooms will never be seen without the other rooms in their set.
  8. Endless missions are unrewarding to play for long periods on purpose. DE doesn't want to encourage that. There are limits on the chances for certain rewards on purpose. DE doesn't want people grinding these things out in a week or two.
  9. The only thing that needs to change about oncall crew is that they need better voice lines for when they're summoned. "Oh! I, killed someone!" Yes, that's literally what I hired you for. "One less boarder!" Lady, we're on a planet, inside the enemy base. I thought Cephalon Suda people were supposed to be smart.
  10. Consider, if you will, the possibility that the number was based on something in the account that is player controlled. Now, consider that you have two people on different platforms with the same name, and the same data that the number would be derived from. Oops, you now have two accounts that are the same. This reason alone makes it such that deriving the number from player controllable information is a bad idea. Also, why would they go through that much effort when they could just do "randomint(0,999);" Actually, randomint and then double check that the given combination of account and number doesn't already exist. If it does, pull another random number until you get a unique combination.
  11. Nobody in a mission where someone could pull this off was hoping to invite anyone anyway. Invites happen before the mission is even started. "Oh no, we got someone who's idling and hoping to troll. Oh well, just like any other time we put the mission on public. Literally nothing has changed."
  12. Did you recently do a high value trade? If so, likely what happened is the person you traded with had platinum that was fraudulently obtained. Unfortunately what happens in cases like this is innocent people get caught in the crossfire as despite the fact that DE seems to be able to track how platinum moves through the playerbase, they choose to remove it from and punish the person who currently has it, rather than the person who illegally obtained it.
  13. Not to try and be contrarian, but the achievements may actually cross over. Here's my reasoning: I just got a PS5, and if you don't know, the PS4 and PS5 versions of the game are effectively completely different games. Different download, different save file (it's configs only) and most importantly for this topic, different trophy lists. Well, the first time I booted up the game, it automatically awarded me 89 trophies. So, at least for the Playstation version there is code in the game that checks the in game challenge list, and updates the platform achievement system as appropriate. However, it's entirely possible that this is only a PS thing as Xbox either doesn't have explicitly different One and Series versions, or they were allowed to link to the same data. And then there's the Steam syncing that has been mentioned as non-working. There are things to fix, but it's not out of the question that they intend it to work.
  14. I kept hearing about it, and finally gave it a watch. Yep. It's GTA. That's about all I got. But then, I'm another one of those people who last played it back with SA. The somewhat forced and shoehorned in life sim elements just detracted from the game too much.
  15. In my experience there are always plenty of power carriers... That always come while I'm defending the last excavator in the room. Right before they send me 400m to the next room. Sure, you can pickup a couple powercells for the trip, but then you're still going to have to wait for the rest. Which take an eternity to come. Then you have the cycle repeat.
  16. Honestly I'm not sure why this isn't a thing. Prime frames are allowed to use the regular skins, so why not weapons?
  17. Yep, this exactly. Every single time my friend and I do railjack, if fighters stop spawning one of us goes and clears out the base and they come back like clockwork.
  18. Well, good to know it's not just me. I recently upgraded to the PS5 slim, and somehow missed it for the past two weeks. I figured it wasn't a hardware bug since it's consistent in its position, is affected by other screen effects, and only shows up during gameplay (not loading screens or menus). Ok, I finally got around to trying the suggestion of changing the particle quality. Weirdly, it was already on medium. Not even high. Good news, changing the particle setting at all makes the square go away. Bad news, it comes back on next launch. Good news, the square doesn't come back after missions, so it's at least a once per launch fix.
  19. Maybe. It might be possible that if you don't log into a console account for a while your account is made dormant. That might change when cross save actually opens up. You definitely should be able to log into the web site with the console account. Source: I've been doing that for years.
  20. It never fails. No matter how much of a head's up there is, some people will still miss the deadline.
  21. It's a caching issue. Ctrl+F5 to override the cache and all should be well.
  22. DE can't vet icons for their millions of users. But that's actually fine, they don't need to. Valve doesn't do it. Sony doesn't do it. Discord doesn't do it. I don't know if Microsoft has custom icons for Xbox Live, but I imagine they don't do it either. So what do they do? Well, Valve and Discord have ways to report offensive material. So they investigate the reports they get, and take action on those. Probably 99.9% of icons are fine, so no reports, and no investigation. Sony simply limits custom icons to people you're friends with, so outside a small group of people nobody sees it anyway. Will they do it? Extremely unlikely. But the idea that they're not doing it because they can't individually vet millions upon millions of custom icons is silly. There are better ways of handling things.
  23. That's pretty much what I was going to comment. Furries have nothing to do with this as you're correct. They are predominantly bipedial. Bit of a toss up if they're plantigrade or digitigrade, but still bipedal.
  24. PS4 ships with a mechanical drive. It wasn't until the PS5 that they default to SSD. Good news is that SSDs are not too expensive, so if you can't upgrade to the PS5, you could consider upgrading your drive instead. Personally I'm probably going to get a PS5 slim once they're available.
  25. Meh, not really sure there's a point when everyone who has shields can regain them by just backing off for a few seconds. Some might argue that health and energy are the same way, but not everyone runs builds that can recharge energy or heal on a whim. Shields on the other hand automatically replenish themselves after a pretty short delay.
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