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Posts posted by PhillipJokar

  1. Stream link: http://www.twitch.tv/yeoldecrew + http://yeoldecrew.site44.com/

    When will the stream be runing: Between 3pm-5am EST nightly, intermittent.

    Webcam and Mic?: Mixed. We have multiple streamers some with both some with just a mic.

    What games will be streamed: WARFRAME, DoTA2, LoL, EVE, SWToR, Dishonored, The War Z, Day Z, Natural Selection 2, War Thunder. Those are our primaries but a few of us stream random adventure games and old console games.

    Other info about you or the stream: We're a mixture of gamers who get drunk and mess around with each other in a variety of games. Myself and two other members are actively playing warframe and will be streaming at least a couple hours of it daily for the next week or two. We play with viewers in most of our games so if you have any of them any we've got an open spot, pipe up in chat for an invite.

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