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Posts posted by VarianStark

  1. 37 minutes ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

    Gonna step in and call exaggeration there. I took chroma to that exact same sortie boss and killed the hyenas easily while getting right in their faces. Chroma could use a rework, but he is still more than capable for something like that with little issue.

    I agree he is capable but his abilities absolutely need a rework. His first and second ability are laughable. 

  2. 7 hours ago, Oru5732 said:

    You say you have 90 rivens with good stats for weapons you use often? You use 90 diffrent weapons on a regular basis? If not, you should have no problem.

    This isn't an excuse on DE's part. That's like saying "We don't want to charge you too much". Especially if you're like me with many rivens and wanting to experiment with them, you will eventually want to expand your collection. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

    I took a look around on datamined stuff and such and each riven is set up with a disposition of 1-5 that in itself would sound good but they implemented the system in a way that in reality your weapon can have 1.45 and 3.29 dispositions meaning we can have a lot of useless data floating around.

    Considering this and the usual spaghetti code they use i wouldnt be suprised if each riven would be saved down as hd images in an excell document.

    Since I have only beginner knowledge of how code works, I understand there will be some useless numbers. However, to implement it so that it hurts the WHOLE game. There should be an acceptable way to implement this. First you roll on what reward you get>if riven then roll what type of riven> then roll out of the hundred or so weapons of that type>to then for whatever reason require a random task and mastery rank associated with it.> to then roll random stats....C'mon DE this was bad after step 1. This needs a rework so bad, their "system" cant even handle us getting more than 90. But no it's not the amount of rivens they can make, and absurd RNG associated with it that's the problem. It's the storing 90+ rivens on a single account that is the problem. I know I'm ranting but if youre going to make a "system" that you make us pay for to expand but have it limited because your game can't handle it. It's like saying we can't charge you anymore because we can't figure out how to let you do what you want in game. This is bad for players, it's bad for DE not earning the money that quite a few individuals are capable of spending. And YES I understand many players don't use every weapon in the game, but that is no excuse for saying you cant figure it out in the first place.

  4. 1 minute ago, Atsia said:

    They've said it's something with their servers bandwidth. Raising the riven limit now would apparently cause massive issues and slow down the entire game.

    This doesn't help their case at all. So Rivens by themselves can bring this whole game to a halt, but they can keep adding mods of any other type and keep the game running buttery smooth? It seems like Rivens were just poorly implemented.

  5. 14 hours ago, Atsia said:

    They've already said no  because of current system limitations. Use the search function to find these kind of topics beforehand.

    What kind of spaghetti code do you need to limit a single mod type but I can have hundreds of every other type of mod no problem? Seems BS on their part saying its because of the "system".

    • They locked this door behind an annoying mechanic and left it to rot for years (Soon 2019). If we don't get any update with this room for that long, why even bother with the mechanic in the first place? I know they said they have "plans" for it but they have plans for everything in Warframe, but the least they could do is just unlock it after your first time popping the zit.
  6. 9 minutes ago, Fishyflakes said:

    I am DYING to see what accessories he comes with.

    I hope to god it is an armor set.

    Please bless us with dragon in dragon armor god damn DE no junk sugatra or sigil please god oh lord 😠

    I agree, he MUST come with an armor set. I think DE should only add sugatra's as a bonus, not in place of a syandana or armor set. Sigils I sorta like but definitely shouldnt beat armor or syandanas.

  7. Whether its in their interest to limit capacity on warframes or hard to implement I forget which one they said, but it would be interesting to add 2 more regular slots so warframes can fit 10. Or even better they should add a single augment slot that needs to be unlocked with exilus. The obvious problems would be warframes doing too much at once, and being too powerful.

  8. I'm liking a lot of suggestions from this post. To put everything more simply I think we can agree on Chroma needs a rework whether it be from the ground up or changing a his abilities a bit. By no means do I expect DE to do a full overhaul and whole new set of abilities but I would just like to add some ideas for consideration. 

    Passive: One way they can change his passive is to possibly add a new tab under appearances to choose his element type. Or allow us to change his element type in game by using his 1 similar to vauban and ivaras abilities. Or Allow two energy types so chroma can do blast, corrosive and radiation damage.

    Spectral Scream: Increase range and cone range (and strength). Allow double damage on enemies afflicted with a elemental status effect. Let the Afterburn augment mod be combined with the base ability. But let the augment mod allow us to burn the environment similar to Nezhas firewalk. 

    Elemental Ward: Great ability, combine with his augment mod Everlasting ward (No reason it should be separate). 

    Vexing Armor: Not much to change but the augment mod. Vexing retaliation should instead do slash proc with radiation damage.

    Effigy: Let us pilot the dragon effigy and let us control his abilities (roar, fire knock-back and Fireblast!) add in a new mechanic where we throw elemental meteors at everything (similar to hydroids barrage but with meteors.)



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  9. I have two pyra syandanas currently in my inventory, and from what I've seen for tennobaum, there were some users with multiple of the Solstice Salix Syandana which I also have a duplicate of. I contacted support to remove it from their side but was told to wait for updates on the matter and that currently it could cause future problems for my account. So I just want to bring it to DE's attention once again, to please let us delete a duplicate of a permanent item. 

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