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  1. Recently came back to the game after a couple years away. Crossplay's great for actually getting some matchmaking going on, but the lack of a cross-platform friend system kinda sucks (General feedback) I've found that the switch is prone to freezing now, seems like it happens more (but not exclusively) during loading screens and in open world prep areas like cetus, missions seems to be fine once in motion. The other issue is loading into open world areas, specifically with bounties. (oddly enough, including Zariman zones). I'll be in the loading area (elevators/the Cetus lobby) and the lighting will change as if I'm about to go in, and... nothing happens. The HUD won't change, and the door won't open. (The same has happened to people attempting to join me through matchmaking) A potential contributing factor: I'm currently based off of mobile internet, which I think means I'm stuck on Strict NAT settings.
  2. I've been having similar issues, Specifically the pro controller will (sometimes) work fine for literally everything but Warframe, but the moment I touch anything in Warframe, the controller just... Turns off? But sometimes it works fine, mostly after I've charged it. I've taken to charging it every night, but I don't think battery level really seems like something I'd need to consider specifically for warframe.
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