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Everything posted by sgt.Touchdown

  1. Host cannot, everyone else can. And yes, sometimes asking politely didn't work because people simply not paying attention to the chat :)
  2. As many knows, farming Arcanes in Tuvul Commons SP are quite popular. But the system of extraction for hosts is downright atrocious: not only you devoid of any skill, but also no immunity for damage. So, when you are low on revives, and team wants to stay more, you're pretty ran out of options to end the mission and got your loot: stay in lift and enjoy oneshots from 1000+ lvl Thrax, stay on mission and force your teammates to constantly waste time on reviving you. So, I think that extraction system needs some changes: 1) Grant players who stood in the lift immunity to damage. It could lead to abuse, I know, so maybe make it partial/resettable? 2) Allow players to use skills, at least invisibility, just to hold on
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