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Posts posted by (PSN)Evil-Kinokon

  1. OK so pay to skip is a caused a bit of a backlash at the moment, so how about we talk about how they could do it instead of just complaining about it, the way I think I would be happy with it is:

    1. If you are going to skip content, split it up, don't do one big skip, then give those who are skipping the story a 1-2 minute story board style cinematic video of what happened in that skip.

    2. If a skip would result in a player missing out on a Item they would get from the skip that they need, give them the option to:  A) buy it with plat if it is something that takes time to build. B) tell them to far it. If it was something that you are just given at the end, just give it to them.

    3. Don't let them skip big story events, those are what makes the game what it is.

    4. Update the training and mission area it the codex, put in videos going over everything someone would need to know, and show them, showing someone something is a lot of the time better then just telling them, hell it could also be made into a competition. Add in training for Kuva Lich / Sister of Parvos, how to farm and what conditions need to be meet to spawn them, also where/how to find companions other than Sentinels.

    5. Give option for anyone who has already finished said quest of quests to see new cinematic's.

    6. Mastery Rank 1-15 remove the once per day try and the one level per day limit. Also put in the training area about MR and what it does and how to level it.

    New player and returning players need somewhere to go to catch up, and most people would be more inclined to watch a quick video if it was in game instead of having to troll through the internet to find answers to problems they have, I my self have quit games before because it was a hassle to catch up and find information I needed.


    If you want to charge for skip, I would keep it 10-20 plat per skip, it's not a crazy amount, but you should not charge if they already would have to pay for a item to skip a quest (A Necromech for example). There would still be things that would take hours to do so they Could catch up to older player (getting to steelpath), but getting to where they could play with friend would be reduced from 100+ hours to maybe a long weekend.

    The last thing that may need to be addressed is Login rewards, the Prime Mods, you may want to move them to a vendor or something and replace them with a booster pack or something, hell replace them with some Warframe skins or pet skins, having mods tied to logging 100+ days now that you want a way for player to skip content I don't think you can really do it, if they were rubbish mods I would not be saying anything, but they are good mods. So replace them with cosmetics that scream I've played for years, instead of a mod that screams ha ha you have to wait have a year to finish your build.

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