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  1. Yep! I managed to complete it solo after a several more attempts, thanks for the tip! I do not know if likns are allowed... delete it if it's inconvenient(
  2. I agree and disagree at the same time! I think loadout and team comp do matter, nevertheless, fact that def objectives can be killed it single shot or twoshoted is ridiculous! Well, this week i had useless loadout and bunch of warframes in pool that were gimped by -75% duration debuff. I made couple attempts to complete this mission in solo mod, but after few fails i realized that it's absolutly imposable for me. So i took Frost, made build for support and armor strim purposes only + Khora's ensnare, went to chat, found group, we had a small talk, one dude took Wukong, another one took Dante builded in Noktua dps, and last squad member were Gyre. The only damage that Auricle and Vitrium sufferd - is the one from debuff that makes them decay over time. Those guys just destroed the place, with slow from cold and ensnare - enemies barely moved and team just trashed eximuses with their exalted weapons damage, cause the rest of enemies were eithere cc'ed or slowed! Whole run were smooth and this group setup made it realy easy, and that was quite fun actually! I guess DE leave us with no choise but to buid premade grups like this, otherwise such missions will be unfun and impossable to compleate.
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