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Everything posted by SanctumExt

  1. I feel this so much. I completed both normal and "elite" archimedia solo, and didn't had a lot of hard times after I figured out the build (which is Chroma Prime, Kuva Hind, and everything else is irrelevant. No better options too, so that was best possible loadout). I had my Operator blocked, so no Necramech for me. Did I have fun? God no. This was literally Call of Dut... eh, Call of Chroma. Just run (because I had debuff, which damages you for running, and stacks Vex Armor by damaging you) and gun down enemies. No cool abilities (I also had Gara and Wukong, both of them aren't much cooler in terms of killing), no cool weapons, just assault rifle and a dream. A dream to not do it again. And "building"? I figured out build, that would allow me best possibility of finishing it, in two bad tries. No thinking about build after that, nope. I'm also not an average player in terms of preparedness. Every Prime Warframe fully modded; every unique weapon in arsenal, prepared to be modded (or just modded for a lot of them). I probably won't have difficulties with this Archimedia ever. But will I have fun? idk, probably not too.
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