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  1. Keep crashing every time I enter a room with the gargoyle in it
  2. I mean if you pay attention it literally tells you the amount of forma the frame you are about to subsume has had and essentially asks you “are you sure” several times. so this is pretty much on you buddy but still I agree with Skillet see if support can help you
  3. Oh most definitely Agreed and it does work on those units it’s just really bad because the slow is a measly 10% it’s basically unnoticeable and it’s a short range. by the way quick question if this mod was to get that change of procing cold and maybe getting a slight range buff what mod capacity would you think it would increase to balance that just theatrically btw?
  4. Oh yes because we don’t have companions that don’t spread viral spores room wide. Yh just stop the copium pal you clearly don’t know a what you’re talking about neither do you know anything about “balance” lmfao
  5. I believe the idea was to give the mod a decent buff to actually be considered useful not to make so “good” (in your eyes atleast) that it needs a 16 capacity drain. just making proc cold and slight range boost is more than enough it does need 16m range nor to stack procs in order for it to be useful. I’d actually like to have space especially with all the new mods expected to come with the companion rework to actually slot this mod Infact this mod as it is is honestly not even best suited for sentinels unless the frame is invisible or if buffed to proc cold, bolster CO builds. If anything it’s better used on moas and hounds for their own independent dps if you build them properly or for that A decent 5 - 10 range and procing cold like Luscinia’s Suffering is sufficient, anything that’ll cause it to “apparently” cost 16 capacity most definitely isn’t needed also this mod doesn’t even have ranks how would that 16 even work?
  6. I’m gonna stop you right there… The cold proc doesn’t even need to stack it just needs to proc with infinite duration like Luscinia’s suffering that’s all… This I agree with it should just be passive like guardian or animal instinct to stop it getting in the way of the sentinels usability anyway it’s drain should be 7 at best and 11 at worst why on earth would it now join the likes sanctuary as the highest costing sentinel mod? unless providing survivability or universally good utility like radar ect Overall good idea op hopefully they consider it 👍
  7. Exactly especially considering to even cast it you NEED a target which makes it more of a hassle so not only to do you cycle then caste then have to pick up the buff you then have it to do that 3 more times. I’d easily take an energy increase for all 4 to be cast at once even more so if it can be done WITHOUT a target being necessary but we can only hope Pablo sees and saves us
  8. Oh we have another fallen soldier 🫡 I’ll give you a like for your bravery before the “WAHHHH PVP TOO TOXIC” users come… wishing you luck brotha 🫶 -from someone who’s gone through the same…
  9. Another Nice Synergy would be to have razorflies do extra damage and proc forced slash on spellbound enemies. (and to also gain the speed boost from Razorwing blitz speed boost) but this might already be the case so I’ll just keep it in brackets
  10. This idea of putting khal mechanics in the main game will always be terrible and I truly wish for Warframe players to stop acting like khal missions and mechanics are some GOD given savour that’ll fix everything.
  11. I feel like I have to agree with the assimilate mobility change being given to the augment as I feel like that was the point to keep any type mobility of Assimilate to the augment only the only thing that I wish was the base ability to get a decent damage buff and to allow targeting to concentrate damage to a single point there was a guy in this thread that came up with some great ideas I couldn’t even think of @Azamagon you should read his they were also added to the OG post. As for the MC unit maybe they should’ve worked via enemy line of sight where they’re teleportation only teleports them back to you at the distance where if they you see you as an enemy so it would generally mean that atleast if they teleport the enemy they’re attacking wouldn’t see you either. im not sure if this is a good idea at all as I think that MC units teleportation was a buff and has only really benefited me in the context of playing, I’ve never really experienced a problem with it. But in reality tbh you should really be trying to prioritising strong longe range units anyways so making maybe a complicated code change just for trash melee units wouldn’t really be needed tbh.
  12. Comonnnnnn DE just a nice enemy to ally AI change and code to let it match colour pallets with the player we’ll have a dope augment to fight with our own Stronk Simbilyst Senti Boys
  13. It’s so crazy how actual feedback forum posts about upcoming changes get removed by the community team but this thread of insanity is left up like nothings wrong it’s honestly hilarious like look what this turned into 😭😭
  14. This is a good discussion to have but I HAVE to say this… these forums are supposed to be a place for constructive and high quality discussion and the ability to have that tarnished by an easy “dislike button” just because someone “doesn’t like” your idea not necessarily because it was not thought through or low quality but because they don’t like certain ideas brought to the table (I know WF players do that ALOT with any pvp discussion) can be very obnoxious and can steamroll out of control easily I feel the like atleast now players can comment under a post with an explanation on why they don’t like something but even then that has holes… I feel like the REAL problem with forums is how certain high quality discussions are removed or locked for no good reason meanwhile complete nonsense (as in the biggest BAITS ) gets left on here and sometimes even gets a developer response it’s kinda wild and to me disheartening on what a high quality forum is supposed to be like
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