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  1. I didn't know it took a snapshot of your current armor, I thought it was just modifier on your current armor. I always hit elemental ward before anyways so I guess it doesn't matter too much.
  2. I'm wanting to use this new arcane as part of my rhino build and help his iron skin. I was thinking probably glaive prime because of its range and il probably throw it at the enemies I just charged through for iron clad charge but I didn't know if anyone knew of any hidden gems with some kind of utility or something that might also be beneficial. I have been running furax wraith because it has an incarnon and an amalgam mod and it's been nice but I feel like there probably better options out there and I mean as utility and buffing other things as I want to use my primary for killing things. Any suggestions are welcome, I been around for a while but there's still a whole lot I don't know
  3. Been a while since I posted about this but I figured why not post about it again. I think we all have opinions on what augment mods should be and personally I like the idea of them, but instead of being a mod to change up an ability to maybe make the frame play differently there usually just a straight up buff that seems like they should just be part of the Warframes kit to begin with. An example of this is rhinos augments. His 1 is useless without an augment but should a ability need an augment to not be useless? His 2 NEEDS the ability to be recast, so this augment is just so you can do that and not for the little knock down effect. His 3 would really like to be able to recast but I know I don't have room in my build for a 3rd augment mod. The other effects on this mod are nice but there's just no room. His 4 is in my opinion actually a good example of what a augment mod should be, it takes an ability that's useful and makes it better. Sorry if the pictures don't work, I tried to link from the wiki but I'm not sure if it worked but I'm sure most of you are familiar with them anyways. I use rhino as an example but I'm sure he's not the only frame in this situation of receiving buffs through augments which I don't agree with. Mod slots are valuable and it just feels like there putting a bandaid on something instead of just fixing it.
  4. I don't use the phage but just looking at this I don't imagine it's worth keeping. Sorry I can't give you a better answer but I typically look for multi shot or an element I can work with at least
  5. I don't keep up with dev streams and stuff like I used too and don't know much of the lore but is there any reason I shouldn't expect there to ever be more umbra stuff? I know they made excal umbra for the Chinese version of Warframes launch so maybe that's the only reason they did it in the first place but I would love it if they did this with the original 8 frames, not all at once obviously but as anniversary or something like that would be cool and being able to get the full 3/3 set bonus from the mods would be nice to have other opinions like a umbral stretch or redirection. It just feels like something they could have expanded a bit more on but didn't
  6. Title basically, I don't know how to post a picture of it or I would but I have a red and black color scheme and these bright blue lights coming from my shoulders and chest dont look good. I have went into all my color settings, including my accessories and it seems like it's something else
  7. I know they did the umbra as an alternative to excal prime for the Chinese version of Warframes launch and all but. They came out with excal umbra around the 5 year anniversary if I remember correctly, for the 10th anniversary it would be awesome if they released another umbral frame and set of mods. Personally I'd love to see rhino and a umbra version of stretch, redirection and maybe continuity? It would be nice to have options to get the 3 set bonus for the umbral set. I know I'm gonna hear some say the game is broken enough without adding more power creep but I really don't think it'll make anything that much more broken. Just a little more broken
  8. So I feel like the main reason why DE doesn't allow adaptation to work on overguard is because of rhino and that's understandable, I don't know the math on it but my build can easily get 500k IS and if adaptation worked then that would be a ton of health, not sure how that would fair in level cap but still it's a lot. But that isn't fair for frames that can't get that kind of overguard health pool so either make iron skin its own thing and let overguard benefit from adaptation or have a closer look at iron skin. If you allow it to benefit from adaptation maybe reduce either the base health of IS or the armor multiplayer so it's not so "broken" (glaring at revenant). If they did that maybe they could make IS recastable without the augment so it would open up a mod slot and maybe give rhino a useful passive, something that synergizes with his kit and boosts either power strength and/or armor. Anyone else feel like this would work?
  9. Facts, it's so annoying to have grouped up a decent group of enemies and right before you charge through them someone blows them up. If I knew how to add a gif I would put one of Lucy pulling the football away from Charley brown right before he kicks it cuz that's how it feels lol but that among other things is why I play solo outside of sp circuit
  10. I main rhino and can reliably get a minimum of 200,000+ iron skin if i hit 2 or 3 enemies, more if I'm trying but it's usually not necessary, and over a 300% roar without having any extra boosts.
  11. Really? Yeah I thought that's what it meant that when you're controlling your Warframe that it will heal it 12 seconds at a time. That sucks! Thanks for clarifying for me!
  12. I recently unbound it but It doesn't seem to work. I was running a spy mission in a sortie the other day with Loki and wasn't healing passively. Didn't really notice if it was working on drifterr or not. I Regen my drifters health in duviri but I have max intrensics so I have that already. Am I missing something?
  13. Huh... Had no idea. Yeah seems like an easy change. Kinda weird it's not that way already honestly
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