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Posts posted by Dragon4Arrow

  1. Вы бы ещё предложили добавить фреймов МК-1 МК-2 у котрых статы отличаются друг от друга( там больше ловкости, а там брони или хп), а то что добавили возможность чарить санданы это вобще хрень. Санданы можно получить либо за пл, либо через стим, либо через ивент( и то пока только ракта была), лучше бы к ним добавили визуальные эффекты как в тф2 или дота2 которые можно присобачить на любую бронь\скин\сандану\шлём

  2. are you serious? if you cant do something better why not ask community first? what does prime vault even mean?

    i think its better to add void raid missons than remove prime parts. or better to remove all parts from void and to create some kind of Prime shop where you can buy items for prime cash that can be earned in Void missions


    (up this post if you like idea about prime shop)

  3. Look, I have an idea.


    If you want to buy platinum with a lower price you may use the 50-75% off cupon (if you got it from daily login reward). But if you don't have such opprtunity there is a way: you can buy a Prime Access for you friend or another player and trade the platinum to your own account. It's simple. You got platinum and some happy guys got prime gear and accessories.


    And yes, I also want to get benefit from this, so if you want, contact me on steam or skype my login: Dragon4Arrow.

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