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Everything posted by Bob_IIII

  1. Bob_IIII

    Blinding goo

    Grineer extraction area
  2. Interception is one of the easiest actually, with one of the easiest frame to get, Vauban, from nightwave. Hold 4. With repelling bastille duration is up to 4/5 minutes. On a defense mission, however, it would only slow things down.
  3. Idk if that's what you are talking about, but duviri uses the corresponding weapon loadout to the warframe. So first frame build uses first weapon one etc. Fill every slot.
  4. During a regular interception mission, someone with overhealth/barrier or whatever it's called (from duviri) (someone else's Frost augment) was being slowed down by my vortex (Vauban) and so complain about it for a bit. While I was sorry, my response was that "it's DE that need to fix their S#&$ btw" so kindly do so. Thanks :)
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