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Posts posted by TnaneverRisen

  1. 4 minutes ago, Omega-ZX said:

    Loki is useful! Read all posts please. No rework needed. And... A little hint for you.

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    Read the post again.  I didn't say he wasn't useful.  I said make him as useful.  Any warframe with good weapons is useful, even without using any skills, but there's no way his garbage decoy skill is up to par, for example.

  2. On 2019-09-08 at 2:23 AM, Omega-ZX said:

    So... Then play Wisp, Nidus, Mesa, Baruuk or Nyx. Problem solved. Let Loki rest.

    OR...have Loki be as useful as other frames.  Why would you be against frame balance?  Seems like you have to be a crazy person to be against more viable options.

  3. On 2018-03-23 at 8:09 PM, (PSN)DrHildibrand said:

    Banshee-I find her number 4 boring to use.

    Ember- I find WoF boring to use as well.

    Equinox-I find the mass aoe boring as well to use.

    Basically, I find frames that cause mass aoe damage boring to use because I like to run around and use my actual weapons which is why I prefer CC aoes instead of damage ones like Loki's Disarm, Mesa's shatter shield/weapon jam, and Nova's molecular prime. I like using my firearms on enemies instead of killing them on the other end of the map with an aoe attack.

    I play Banshee a lot.  Her earthquake is not only boring to use, but also useless in high level content. The instant-damage augment should be its default, and add a lot more damage, or even better - scale based on weapon damage or some other reasonable metric.

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