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  1. I would also like to state for the record that I do not believe that DE attacked (ddosed) my stream. I have never believed that. I never said that on any stream. I did say that it seems very weird that I am not getting help from DE to resolve the issues I am having. I have already provided DE the prof that this kind of attack is possible through Warfarme. I have also proved that it is it is significantly less likely that the issue is with my network or hardware. My Stream was attacked again today and I did not blame it on DE. The truth of this issue is inconvenient but it is inconveniencing me the most not DE. I should not be punished for this when I have tried to provide as much info as I can to DE to help them resolve this network security threat.
  2. yay I take it back. Now we are getting no rewards and no reputation gains (on steel path). (THANK YOU for fixing) YAY
  3. Steel Essence coming soon for this ~10 min steel path mission ? any way we can get the bad guys (acolytes) to show up and try to disrupt the fight also?
  4. "Fixed melee weapons with projectiles launched from heavy attacks (Glaives, Gunblades, Edun, Argo & Vel, etc.) causing Kullervo’s Wrathful Advance to potentially miss its target. " Maybe so, but did you know that wrathful advance now misses 100% of the time on melee weapons with 2.5 range?
  5. someone tried to sell me plat i guess. https://imgur.com/a/LnfyTfG
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