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  1. did they touch it again this update?
  2. I love the sound of Test In The Field
  3. tbh honest a little too complicated, but I like the creativity.
  4. now that would be siiiiick
  5. that would be nice, but it still leaves the issue of the constant charging loop
  6. A toggle is probably simplest. Could also go based on energy colour
  7. So as we can all agree, Gauss has a near perfect kit with all his abilities playing so well together. My only gripe with him is the constant resetting of redline. You spend up to a 1/3 of the ability duration charging it up and before you know it you are back in the loop of recasting and charging again. What I'd like to see is an augment that works similar to harrow Lasting covenant, allowing us to increase the duration of the ability through a certain action. Some might say this will make him unbalanced but I beg to differ when we have warframes that can strip armour, increase attack buffs and the likes for free with no additional work needed. Gyre can become the room nuking monster and never need to recast her abilities as they maintain themselves. Wisp has a single cast ability that remains indefinitely so long as you pick up the motes from time to time. These are just two examples, but I really think Gauss redline could be a maintainable ability and not be completely broken if the augment condition is engaging enough. Edit: Could call the mod Perpetual Motion - Redline cooldown is paused while moving, standing still for x amount of time will resume redline cooldown/ drain the battery.
  8. yeah the out of bounds thing is a real problem in the labs. even double jump height triggering the black screen. It shouldn't be happening in a room that literally has a ceiling yet it does all the time.
  9. Mesa not equipping your own loadout or fashion for her regulators. when in the cave you can immediately see her regulators are the default no mod or fashion and equipping her does not apply your loadout. I've copied my build across all configs and that did not fix the issue. Some folks have reported other exalteds not working either, I did not encounter this on my titania earlier.
  10. For sure I see the logic there and could definitely work but this could also mean wasted resources on a weapon that might come preinstalled with some polarities already. Both your and my ideas are viable here though. Simplest solution for DE would be to just reduce some mod costs or increase capacity for secondaries. I think I also saw a suggestion where arcanes could act as a gun stance similar to melee stances.
  11. That could work, or simply make some mods the same polarity. Hornet strike and aptitude both madurai could instantly allow more diversity. Instead of being based on number of forma, having a new forma type similar to an aura forma could be a better solution.
  12. That could work, but I could see them making it so you have to spend more forma to set that up and the cost is already too high.
  13. So just a thought from the other day.. building a secondary gun is very expensive forma wise to slot a full build with the best mods for a given weapon, most times requiring 6 - 7 forma on a single gun. Now the issue I face here is that with that amount of set polarities it becomes impossible to set different loadouts on the same weapon. Let's use Lex as an example. I experimented with a hemorrhage build and it absolutely slaps, but originally I did not need gun co as everything dies to it regardless in one or two shots. Now if I want to slot Galv aptitude I would have to forma out hornet strike and eliminate the other direct damage approach. I think a reduction in some secondary mod energy costs could go a long way to allow more build diversity or even a capacity increase.
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