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  1. The hydroid rework overall I can say will likely be good for everyday play, but I do have questions on how well his abilities will scale to level cap and become good utility. Also, at the bottom of the overview I will have a video link for those of you that may want to listen instead of reading. Passive: I like the idea of being able to fully strip again with corrosive. Tempest Barrage: I like that they don't get knocked back anymore and instead staggered. I do hope they stay away from knockbacks and instead look more towards knockdown, staggers and pull in effects as knockbacks just create an annoying experience. I'm glad they took out the charge effect. Adding corrosive damage passively and adding viral to the augment was a nice touch I just hope modding for the viral doesn't slow armor stripping by to much. Tidal Surge: Making it so it removes status on you passively and changing the augment to be group with affinity range was a good change. The distance traveled I don't feel like will lead to a good experience when wanting to gather. What I would of liked to see would be a pull in ability so that you could use to make the mobs collapse onto the 4th ability's location or if they weren't present, it would be in front of the player. can add an animation of waves pushing the enemy in to match the ability name. Plunder: I like the concept of the 3rd ability, but I do have concerns that could potentially make the ability worthless. If this ability works like the venom augment for Saryn, it'll be worthless imo as it will be added into your status pool for your weapons. It has to be added like her 3rd ability at its base which just adds toxin to every attack and keeps status chances intact for your weapons. The ability scaling off the number of enemies will limit him in situations where there isn't large mob density which will make him weaker in lower count places. Not having the puddle anymore are we still going to be able to have as tight of a tentacles pile when you would puddle and cast his 4th ability. Stealing armor is a neat idea but because it won't do anything to speed up armor stripping or make it so we can fully strip mobs we can only stack 4 stacks on its kind of pointless. Doing this would make the ability worth cast in a lot more situations. The extra armor is nice for everyday play but will fall off and become worthless. Tentacle Swarm: Taking out the flailing rag doll effect for a more stationary rag doll was extremely needed. Please do this to Khoras Dome too. Adding Corrosive is nice, but we will have to see how fast it stacks. Taking the charge time out was good as I never did min cast as the longer the cast the more tentacles that would spawn. Hydroid rework video
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