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Posts posted by AlakiNuva

  1. On 7/13/2016 at 3:52 PM, (PS4)RedChili69 said:

    The new system is infinitely better. Having to run around the same void mission over and over and over, fighting the same enemies over and over and over, wasting 20 minutes in a TV Survival and getting a stupid forma blueprint, is what is  boring. 



    In terms of time consumption, I agree that the new system is better.  But as it is, while there's more variety in terms of tilesets and mission types, void fissures always work the same in every alert, and that's bound to get boring at some point.  More variety in how they work would be nice, as would either not having to choose just one of four rewards or not using up rewards that nobody picks.

  2. After some thought, I've realized that as it is, using void relics is essentially like a keyshare compressed into one mission.  Everyone loses a key, everyone gets four chances at a reward... but the problem is, whereas keyshares in the past let you walk home with four rewards, void fissures only let you go home with one, despite the same cost.

    If you asked me, my suggestion would be to have relics whose rewards aren't chosen remain unconsumed, so as to at least slightly lessen the cost.  It's not a perfect solution, but it's something.

    As for the inevitable tedium of fissure farming getting to people... maybe make void fissures work differently depending on the type of mission you're in?  Or just have one of several random types of fissure missions chosen for each run?

  3. I dunno about making refined relics guaranteed drops, because I feel like that would just make everyone go back to spending all their time farming void missions for RNG-riddled drops like before the update, with only brief interludes using fissures.

    Void traces being a normal resource sounds good, though.

  4. Cephalon Cordylon, do you have any information as to the inner workings of Orokin Tower tech?  I've always wondered about the finer specifics of Neural Sentry mind control and weapon enhancements.

  5. Cephalon Cordylon, could you please spare us some insight into Orokin Void tech?  I've always wondered about the specifics of the neural sentry and its modifications to intruders (and their weapons!).

  6. Cephalon Cordylon, could you please spare us some insight into Orokin Void tech?  I've always wondered about the specifics of the neural sentry and its modifications to intruders (and their weapons!).

  7. Cephalon Cordylon, why are Solar Rail-related objects the only research options in the Orokin Lab in our dojos?  I, for one, would love to find out how Corrupted Crewman have wired their Struns to fire Detron energy bolts.

  8. Cephalon Cordylon, why can't Tenno research anything other that Solar Rail-related subjects in the Orokin labs?  I, for one, would love to figure out how Corrupted Crewmen have Struns that shoot energy bolts.

  9. I know, I know, I'm a total scrub.  Hear me out here.




    So, we have here my Rhino Prime with a helmet with the Vanguard design here.  Power strength is 123% because of a 30% bonus from Intensify minus the Arcane Vanguard helmet penalty, so the helmet is obviously powered.  However, the sprint speed is Rhino Prime's base of 1.0 plus the .15 increase from my maxed Armored Agility, apparently without taking my helmet into account.  Is this a display issue, a helmet functionality glitch, or just a nerf that nobody (including the wiki) noticed?

  10. O wise and all-knowing Cordylon, please tell me- why are Solar Rails and related subjects the only available research options in the Orokin Lab?  Surely by now at least some of the Tenno should be able to crack open the secrets of old Orokin tech, especially considering how popular searching the Void and Derelicts for artifacts is.  Are even Corrupted weapons out of our reach?  (Because I, for one, would really like to know how Corrupted came across Struns that fire like Detrons and Ogrises with energy missiles.  Or why Corrupted Lancers use Deras, because seriously those things look waaaaaaaaay out of place.)

  11. O wise and all-knowing Cordylon, please answer me this: what the heck is going on with Corrupted enemies' weapons?  Crewmen have Struns that fire Detron bolts, Lancers apparently nicked Deras from said Crewmen, Bombard Ogrises fire energy missiles...  I understand that issuing Prime weaponry is probably out of the question, but these modifications seem, well, kind of odd.  (Also, I sort of want to research some Corrupted weapons in the Orokin Lab of my dojo now.  Not really much to do there besides mess with Solar Rails.)

  12. Cephalon Cordylon, why do Corrupted Crewmen have Struns that fire Detron bolts?  How do those even come into being?  (Also, why do Corrupted Lancers have Deras, of all things, and how do Corrupted Bombard Ogrises fire glowing energy missiles?)

  13. Cephalon Cordylon, how did the six syndicates come by their names?  They seem kind of, I dunno, non-indicative.  I have no idea what a Perrin or a Loka or a Hexis is, and I'm interested in knowing why Steel Meridian is named after lines of longitude.  Red Veil I can guess at (presumably the veil here is blood or something) and Cephalon Suda I guess is obvious enough (it's a Cephalon!  Named Suda!) but I bet there's a story behind those names too.


    Also, it's been a while since Vay Hek shot down our relays- are they ever going to be rebuilt?  My clan leader is still sad about being unable to save Vesper for Councillor Skree, and I kinda miss being able to camp out on Strata and watch the earth from its viewports.  (On a similar note, I heard some of the Rhino statues in the atria were going to be replaced with statues of other Warframes- what happened to those?  Did one of our suppliers bail on us or something?)

  14. How do Corrupted soldiers acquire such, uh, unconventional weapons?  Crewmen have Struns that operate like Detrons, lancers have Deras, bombards have glowing missiles, some classes of enemy don't have altered weapons at all...

  15. How do Corrupted soldiers' weapons come into being?  I've always found it curious that crewmen have energy-firing Struns, that lancers use Deras, that bombard Ogris missiles are glowing and have homing capabilities, that certain corrupted types have completely unchanged weapons despite the ones mentioned previously, etc.

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