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About Vashramire

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  1. I'm sure I'm in the minority but I view Helminth and augments as a bandaid. The frame should function well without those crutches in a good game. Him being simple isn't really a pro or con as long as he's engaging. Radial Disarm is great against guns and robotics while useless without an augment for other factions which is a flaw that a 4th ability doesn't do anything vs half the game. Also he is no longer the exclusive disarming frame so it feels wasted to spend more energy to disarm than a Mag or even hounds now which feels bad. And that's just tackling his 4. His 2 is nice I guess and you can make the duration decent but it's just weird in a fashion frame era that in a mission I never get to see my frame even though I was dumb and own the deluxe skin. Best bad decision you can make is have a custom skin for something that's invisible lol. But I feel that partially lies in the poor way the visually convey invis which is a graphical choice. I think part of his appeal is also how easy he is to get. If you had to unlock him with some investment of time and resources and he played like this I think he would feel like more of a let down like Caliban. Sure an early frame that can drop aggro and disarm 2/3 of the star chart in the early game that seems "simple" is a good frame in the beginning but realistically why disarm a room when most other frames can hit their 4 and just kill the room instead which works on all factions? Something else has to be brought to the table if they want him to be CC/disable heavy because there are others that also do it and better.
  2. They need to get on frames that have been in a bad state for like a decade. Wukong, Hydroid, Ember, and soon Inaros are nice but Loki? My boy is a 4 button wonder that requires an augment to work on some factions. His 2 is for survivability but they also gave it to Ash for some reason when his 4 gives I-frames. Identity crisis much? His 1 is useless unless augmented (so you can hide the taunting decoy to survive better? Surely you can see the counterintuitive gameplay DE) as unlike any other clone/decoy it just has health and duration, no invuln absorb time or damage capability and it's his subsume. What? His 3 is for trolling almost exclusively with minor mobility uses and has had times it's more toxic than Limbo was. It's so disorienting to use and even worse on teammates. His trickster theme even was done better on Mirage so what does he have that makes him, him? He can wall latch for a long time. *slow clap* DE he was my first frame in the beta. I've been drinking copium for a decade but I can't ignore this any longer. I don't lightly make a plea for some attention but I think 11 years is a reasonable wait. He has been pushed under the rug when he should have been reworked a long time ago and his skills aren't fun anymore or even in line with the current warframe designs so I'm baffled as to how it has lasted this long. All the other starters got updates a long time ago but not him. Make him the trickster god he's suppose to be not an inconvenience to play. PS: why do you hate Vauban Prime so much? That farm is toxic.
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