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Posts posted by TheDragonGamer11

  1. First time ever doing Tennotober! Excited to see everyone's art. Hope you guys enjoy mine!
    Day 1: Night


    First thing that I thought of for this day was Lua and the quest line! Hope you enjoy :)


    Day 2: Orbiter


    I wanted to try and do something with both of my Domestik Drones, however I just did my newest one, Verv. Hope you enjoy :)


    Day 3: Crew


    "I am glad you are back. Cephalon Ordis certainly has many, many opinions." - Cephalon Cy when boarding

    When I was thinking about this post, I needed help with this. I saw many people were posting lovely art on actual crew members and completely forgetting about Cephalon Cy! Hope you enjoy :)


    Day 4: Sister


    When I saw this prompt I had a REAL hard time figuring out what to do. My brain only went to Sisters of Parvos for some reason. Of course I rushed this since I was a day late, but it's the Tenet Diplos in briefcase form. Hope you enjoy :)


    Day 5: Plague


    The FIRST thing I thought of for this was my Kubrow-Hemolith baby: Farmith! This was my first Kubrow in Warframe (thanks to a clan member telling me to save my cyst for the Kubrow Egg) and she holds a special place in my heart... And Companion slots. Hope you enjoy :)


    Day 6: Riven


    Riven is a past participle of Rive, which means "split or tear apart violently."

    I didn't want to do Riven as the mod or shard in the game, as I wanted to do something that would still fall into theme but also different. Xaku's 4th ability is to tear apart his exoskeleton violently to thrash them around and harm enemies. So, I drew Xaku in his bare bone look when you use his ability. Hope you enjoy :)



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