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Posts posted by 007-Creed

  1. Mutalist Cernos is an interesting weapon, fires an extra arrow that poisons the air, dealing aoe damage over time.

    This bow is unique for its mechanics but comparing to the others one we have isnt so special after all. Damage is decent but the poison arrow is lackluster, very poor damage over time or utility.

    At the end this feels like playing with another bow we already have because poison aoe is terrible

    I would like to see the poison cloud play bigger part on weapon gameplay and not just forget it exists. As it stands now theres no actual reason to choose it and forma from scratch, it feels like playing with other bows and we have better options.

  2. 2 maps and even activating more excavators, nothing. I dont even know why spawns got changed since they were great before and made game feel more active. Now im just standing bored near excavator waiting or running map trying find them while digging on standbye for ages

  3. I have to agree with OP. I dislike this right from start just by how these poor mechanics work.


    1st of all will this be the solution or mechanic for every tanky abilty? We had snow globe, then iron skin and now warding halo? Its just boring, feels like the same over and over. Disapointed with lack of creativity on these


    Snow globe works perfect with these mechanics because is a huge targeting ball, it will absorb any shot, we cannot say same thing from IS and WH. Mobs have accuracy, they will miss acording to distance, movement speed and parkour and by the time invulnerability phase ends u have mediocre health.


    Only way to correctly boost these abilities is to play careless and jump on crowds. Its all fine until later on enemies deal S#&$ ton of damage and u die during animation or even before casting, not worth the risk nor the reward.


    This rhino rework rly didnt make me want play him again because of these poor mechanics on this case. Nezha worst content of 2015, is a rhino copy paste, with cooler looks, animations but way worse performance. Not kidding Oberon is better healing and decent CC.

  4. CREED ITS ME!! Please friend me and tell me what happened to the clan!! D:




    MR 15

    Normally play at least 3-6 hours.


    You better message me back! :P


    Who are u? :P


    Where you been nab, been waiting and dont see you for ages. Message me in game when you are back, so we can talk.


    After all these months u only notice now im no longer one of the leaders, I left a post on forum explaining the situation, such a casual xD


    Just a quicky then: We peacefully split up cause clan was stuck on the past. There were things that had to change to ensure it had a future, that wasnt on my hands only, but also on the rest of leaders. So i created Bond of Honor with help of my followers

  5. There is something off and weird when using absorb. Sometimes enemies dont shoot at all, other times some shoot and rest stares at you. After detonating absorb they all start shoot again normally.


    Note: I was the host and soloing, tested a few times both on grineer and corrupted

  6. Saryn:


    Rework was on the right direction, much more enjoyable, synergy, better spore perfomance and how rest abilties work together to build up a stronger miasma. Still there are few changes to be done and molt scalling is crucial. Molt is her survival ability and interacts with miasma, which is currently not working very well at high lvl for either aspect because gets killed really fast as soon as is deployed. We also need a UI improvement displaying molt health to maximize damage.




    Weapon augments plsssss, we dont have those since forever

  7. Yeah... honestly this doesn't surprise me. After cerata came out I spent a good 3 days or so straight trying to make glaives what I would personally consider "useable" That is NOT to say they cannot kill things at a decent rate- but they have serious issues. Namely the throwing mechanic.


    If I may inquire, are you speaking specifically of the thrown attack, or the explosion that follows. From my testing, the explosion can neither status proc nor headshot- which iirc it used to be able to...


    yeah glaives arent close to be decent weapons for what they stand for.


    both normal throw and explosion arent being afected by toxic lash because it isnt proc-ing toxin. Damage i didnt test but at least toxin proc is bugged

  8. Hello!


    My IGN: AndruEX


    My MR: 17


    I´ve been playing Warframe for quite a long time, if i recall correctly when it became open beta, got 2334 hours playing in total and increasing, i am quite comfortable with the game, i try to keep playing it on a daily basis, i enjoy warframe but it gets boring sometimes because of doing it mostly alone. since the clans started i have been jumping from clan to clan due to them practically dying out of inactiveness, i had to piggy back my last clan with all the researchs for almost half a year, it was Quite the work. I am looking for an active clan in wich i can partake on, and have fun.


    Add me in-game so there can be a. more active chat about what else you would like to know about me.



    Welcome and thx for joining :)

  9. There is a big problem with molt.


    Molt is feeding miasma while being damaged but as enemies lvl scales it gets instantly destroyed, giving us no chance or time to cast miasma and take advantage of it.


    Molt needs to scale with enemy lvl or give it an invulnerability phase for a brief seconds and sound before insta exploding. This way we have a time window and notification when molt is about to blow.


    Current mechanic we have to aim at molt if we want check health and maximize damage + high lvl enemies insta kills it, giving us no chance to buff miasma.

  10. 1st of all i must say the skin looks awesome, good job on that :D


    Regarding the ability rework i understand why these changes were needed, there was no rly use on other abilites besides miasma due to modding in order to max its damage output.


    This new saryn has some problems that in my opinion and experience are molt and miasma. I expected molt to slightly scale in high lvl enemies to be more reliable, which is disapointing it doesnt and miasma isnt dealing enough damage.


    After casting all abilites, spreading disease to the enemies and finally using and waiting for miasma its surprising how bad damage it is...spending all this time and energy into feeding 1 ability that at the end does not justify it.


    My suggestion is buffing bonus damage with miasma on enemies under viral/toxin proc as well as the ability duration. This way other powers would still have their utility instead of directly increasing base damage and making her again a one ability frame.

    Molt could be affected by warframe HP mods and have 2/3 seconds radial stun after being destroyed by enemy fire. Another idea to increase its health pool could be stealing highest halved target health by viral proc or making toxic lash heal molt with each melee strike.



    Molt needs better scalling and miasma damage doesnt make up for all the trouble into feeding it (time, energy casting all abilities and spreading disease)

  11. Hello there!


    My IGN: Samtastic101

    My MR: 14

    I've played Warframe for a long time, I got 779 hours played total, So I'm quite comfortable with the game, I play regularly every day so online-presence is no issue. I've been looking for a clan to play with for quite some time, I really like to be active with Clan events and the likes.

    Add me In-Game and we can talk more, since I have some questions and maybe some answers if you yourself have questions about me.



    Thank you for applying :)

  12. IGN: Povlock


    Usually play 2-4 hours a day, On weekends 3-6 hours

    Always play when their is an event 




    IGN: Shrade.R

    MR: 3

    Considered a newbie because i started 2 weeks ago. 

    Normally play 3-4 hours per day

    Trying to increase my knowledge of warframe by playing



    Thanks for applying, but we are looking for people with higher mastery rank, as stated on the title.


    Im sorry for the misunderstanding and good luck :)

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