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  1. Yeah I wanted to snag my old stuff from my old ps4 account but ran into the same. I think the most you can do is contact support and hope they dissolve it
  2. I'm a lil disappointed since I got a lato vandal now + riven but eh, not the worst case scenario. Least now I can finish my stalker set + make my zylok feel a lot nicer. Either way more incarnons in my arsenal is a net good
  3. I have an update on what seems to be the cause for a lot of it, the incarnons are removing the ammo cap while in incarnon form, so when they go back you're above your maximum, letting you still get pick ups but they can't be added edit: and to add to it, it seems to be growing more frequent in general. I can't do survival -at all- as a result even after a full reinstall of the game. Once that bug kicks in I can no longer grab life support modules
  4. Worth noting that there is a key difference in their names. There's incarnons, and genesis incarnons. It may not sound like much, but they're categorically different as far as the game is concerned.
  5. tbh the real issue is its a fairly large gap overall on a weapon set that's supposed to be bridging the gap. 15%'s a huge damage change, the only reason telos keeps up right now is a bug. I don't think we should factor in rivens into a weapon being good or not. If you need to farm a crit riven to make the 15% gap close, or only use very specific frames, the idea that incarnons should close the gap falls short. And that 15% was before the recent buffs to prime evos
  6. yeah I love the silly look with the more realistic looking guns in warframe, and I"d love to see them for other weapon slots. Let me get a generic looking rifle that I can color hot pink for my frames
  7. imo it looks fine enough, better than switch probably. But switch is running on weaker hardware than most phones these days
  8. I've noticed since duviri, if I use some of the new incarnons, or at least if I'm using two at once it seems to sometimes, and only on steel path make ammo pickups start swarming me, once it does this, I of course start hearing the pickup clicks repeatedly, which is frustrating but not end of the world, but the real issue is that it prevents you from reloading with a controller (you can hit R on keyboard) and no method works at all to interact with objects other than getting your frame and operator positioned just right so the ammo pickups stay on the frame while operator can interact edit: and if it matters its going on on my account right this instant at 2:57 AM eastern on 5/13/2023
  9. tbh I think base damage alone would fix most of the gap, or at least put it more in line with what the others have. Someone on reddit did the math and it ended up with about a 14% gap in total damage. tbh I think if it were 8 or less I'd be fine with it, as it stands that gap's pretty big
  10. skana they even rebalanced part way into the week to make prime, base, and prisma about blow for blow, so its definitely intended to bring them on the level, which is why I can't help but wonder if they used that gas proc in their balancing you are correct! If you use telos and own prime, you get prime
  11. at least on braton variants and skana variants they're roughly equal. Usually its a mild bit ahead for one variant over another in specific sets. But like, a braton, a braton vandal, and a braton prime are all gonna be blow for blow in incarnon mode A good example is this evolution Perk 2: Munitions Grit: Increase Damage by +14 (Braton) / +20 (MK1) / +2 (Prime) / +8 (Vandal). Multishot consumes ammo directly from Capacity and increases Damage by +60% (Braton) / +48% (MK1) / +54% (Prime) / +58% (Vandal). +20% Multishot. you can see it boosts normal a fair bit more than prime, and since prime has higher base damage it gets less of a bonus over vandal too, and mk1 gets a huge boost
  12. yeah, I like my telos, and its not -bad- but the prime seems to come out ahead especially with them becoming slash based weapons. When the end result is if both pick crit sets, it'll have prime with 36% crit chance and 36% status while telos will have 42% crit chance and a measly 16% status Or it can be 36 and 36 while prime has higher base damage, fire rate, and accuracy
  13. Main point is in the title. Seems like truth is factored in -very- heavily on boltor incarnon evolutions. Which is 1000 gas proc damage every 30 seconds or so. For example, while telos boltor has a base damage of 30 vs prime's 46, both get evolutions that only increase damage by 2 or 4. Prime has a higher projectile speed base, but both get the same percentage boost on projectile speeds. Telos has a lower base accuracy, yet prime and telos both get the same accuracy bonus. And the kicker is that while prime has a far higher status chance, and telos has a higher crit chance, telos gets a 6% crit bonus, while if you pick status, prime can get a 10% status bonus, or if you pick the split one, prime gets a 10 and 10 and telos gets a 4 and 4. Basically it seems like telos gets the short end of the stick on nearly every stat purely off the fact it has a truth effect. At least I think it should probably have a slightly higher base damage boost than prime gets to bring it up to par.
  14. Nice, we can actually do defense long term without defensive frames now. That fixes it pretty much immediately keep in mind its a weapon a brand new player can get nearly immediately into the game. That's why sun and moon aren't as strong as some other melees, but they surpass other MR1 melees by a large margin
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