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  1. I understand the need to catch players up, and i think the solution is unfortunately not the easiest. Players really just need to play the quests. I think its the reality we have to accept. I get you want new players to hop into the new content but that content means nothing to them if they don’t understand it. New players dont need another thing to make them feel lost. The big bad wolf solution is co-op, or rather, sherpa’d questing. Even if players only see their own tenno as the “canon” one in the cutscenes, allowing people to play through them together sequentially and uninterrupted is the best play. If you can group these into a “critical/main story” quest chain where they can be played back to back in coop (no starchart, no crafting, no junctions in between), a new player can get through them in a few hours/play sessions. Any quest requirements like a railjack or necramech would have to be owned by at least one player (the sherpa). Youll probably have to add loaner things for players to use in the missions like the broken necramechs or archwings. I know thats a pain in the ass from a lot of standpoints, but it uses one of warframes biggest assets to retain and help new players. Their friends and the community. Allowing an advanced player to utilize their gear to get a friend through the story missions is as good as you can get without pissing people off IMO. You can already skip through a lot of story related grind via plat. In fact, exposing that content to a new player faster via their friends in a streamlined path may result in them pursuing those established options anyway. It gives a few carrots for them to chase almost immediately. To be honest, its always been sad that the story quests are solo only. In an ideal world, theyd all be made coop friendly. Imagine all four of your warframes losing control as the four of you fall out of the pods in the second dream. Imagine Kahl getting up from that crash with three generic grineer lancers behind him, controlled by your friends. Honestly just makes me nostalgic for the old halo 3 and reach campaigns.
  2. I appreciate the civil reply. My wording was actually pretty precise though, the game takes away control not DE. Pretty much all of these design decisions were made at points in the games life cycle where they made sense and just havent been adjusted to where the game has evolved. Its a beast that has taken a life of its own and DE just needs to rein it in to better reflect the new direction of the game. Its admittedly hard to foresee a lot of these smaller issues that add up when you have to bounce between so many things as a studio.
  3. Oh hey a reasonable reply, I was beginning to lose hope lol. But yeah I actually agree, enemies do need to way of disabling or combatting us in ways other than more damage or hit points. But Id actually argue the current systems i critiqued result in more mindless gameplay than my suggested solutions though. Knockdowns currently are almost completely bypassed by primed sure footed, meaning most players don’t engage with the mechanic at all. Im generally in favor of keeping the mod but allowing us to roll out of knockdowns means you can forego a mod and deal with an enemy interaction manually - thus creating a decision to be made. With the incredibly narrow and therefore unreliable current knockdown recover, its not even worth the attempt and is best avoided all together via mods. Hard landings are the opposite where it requires interaction too often. I think the velocity required to initiate a hard landing should be slightly higher than what you get with a default bullet jump hight. Imagine if in any other game a normal jump hurt you upon landing. Would feel weird right? Why can i jump this high but my character cant safely land from that hight? The roll/glide to avoid hard landing is a cool learning curve and should be preserved, id just like it to feel more natural given our abilities.
  4. This isn't a complaint about difficulty, its a critique about flow and interactivity. Also as I alluded to, this isn't the biggest issue to me, its just not a discussion I've ever seen happen. Most of these issues aren't a problem in isolation, its death by a thousand cuts. Movement works until it doesn't, which is what I want to address. People in this forum seem to have an obsession with either straw manning or being purposefully dense. If you put as much effort into being condescending as you did actually thinking about the things I've said maybe you could've added something meaningful to the discussion.
  5. I agree that generally some level of engagement has been lost and maybe the power scale needs to be readjusted to deal with that, but thats not really relevant to this discussion. My propositions were for the health of the game's movement and flow. The game has come a long way and its not my intention to drag its past through the mud, as I hope anyone can see. The second half of the post was demonstrating the need for future proofing against problems down the line.
  6. Thanks for adding this info and doing so much testing, i couldn't pin down the issue on my own!
  7. What a disingenuous set of replies. If you actually read the text wall you'd see all this comes out of a place of love for the game. I conveyed both problems and potential solutions, while being completely fair to the devs. This elitist attitude towards me because im not on the forums all day so my opinion doesnt matter is so cringe. How you can sit on here all day and not even read the stuff you reply to is so wild. You literally just read a clickbait title and assumed the rest. Also, you dont get to decide whos part of the community and who isnt. My views are no more or less valid than anyone elses. Grow up.
  8. Easily one of the biggest selling points of this game is the movement. Ask anyone what this game’s key note feature is and they’ll say the freedom of movement with bullet jumping, rolling, and sliding. Its genuinely top tier in the market. So what, on god’s green earth, is with this game’s OBSESSION with taking control away from the player? Theres so many intentional and unintentional instances everywhere across the game where this happens that it genuinely makes this game frustrating to play at times. There needs to be massive changes to the engine or game design to fix these things, not to mention bug safeguards. I’ll start with the intentional examples. An easy one to target first is stagger and knockdowns. Many vets like myself, with thousands of hours in game, know how important Primed Sure Footed is. Tons of enemies across each faction can knock you down and do so liberally. This is most prevalent in enemy dense areas and certain boss fights (everyone remember the original Profit Taker fight?). Getting chain knocked down is not only a death sentence but its also so god damn BORING. Taking away control like this is just eye rolling because it turns you into a spectator, unable to interact with the game. Luckily, theres a solution right in front of us. Manual roll recovery - which is already in the game. Problem is, the window is so incredibly tight that me, someone with over 3000 hours in the game, cannot do it consistently. My solution is to just streamline this feature and allow us to use our normal roll out of the knockdown animations. This adds a cool learning curve to an established mechanic and also allows us to react to enemy behavior. Not to mention it will free up our builds from auto including knockdown resistance and/or status immunity (don’t get me started on cold procs). There are some other intentional examples such as archwing, conservation, and hard landings to quickly mention as well. As anyone who uses their archwing will tell you, crashing (which happens constantly do to their speed) automatically stuns you and can chain back to back with how frantic flying can be. This should probably just be removed pending more major archwing changes. Conservation is a great way to gain rep for the open worlds but for some reason every fish and captured wild life forces you into an animation with the creature. This is a less egregious example but maybe adding a setting to skip these would be nice. Lastly here, hard falling. Oh boy. A relic from a past version of the game without bullet jump. I’m actually okay with this mechanic staying, but the speed at which it triggers needs to be upped massively. A simple bullet jump can cause this to trigger and it’s incredibly annoying. This is a side effect of collision issues that will be discussed more further below. Getting snagged on a ledge or other surface can cause you to not move while still gaining downward momentum from falling, forcing you into a hard landing. Kavat’s Grace is a mod i wish i knew about earlier. Okay, now we get to unintentional examples of control stripping. Bugs. We call it Bugframe for a reason. Im generally pretty forgiving on this front because important ones are usually addressed by the team before too long, but these keep cropping up. An example I’m sure many are aware up after the auto melee update from Update 34 is the operator/drifter endless void blast spam. Now I’m sure this will be fixed soon, but this COMPLETELY disables you from using your operator. This also isn’t the first time, duviri was notorious for these odd issues of the player character fully losing all functionality and control. In addition, its been common place with warfarmes as well. Back in the day, we had issues with ability disabling enemies like the scrambus permanently disabling abilities due to a bug. Hell, just recently i was doing a solo steel path extermination and Violence completely disabled my Ivara from using anything other than my primary because i couldn’t swap weapons or use abilities due to a bug. This isn’t the first time these issues have cropped up and it wont be the last. So, before i make an ass of myself purposing this idea, id like to preface it by saying i am not a game developer. I have a vague understanding of game engines and coding, but I’m by no means educated on the topic. So here it is: I think there needs to be a way to “hard reset” our player character. This probably takes form by way of respawing after death or by using the /unstuck chat command. These can already fix some types of the aforementioned issues, but i think we need code or a script that completely wipes and recreates the player pawn to act as a safe guard for future issues. /unstuck is already a contingency plan for getting stuck in and underneath geometry, so it may be a good avenue to pursue this sort of thing. Speaking of geometry though, that something we need to finally address. This may be the hardest or most unfeasible thing to change as I both dont fully understand the game engine or how it functions. But consequentially, this may also be the most important to address going forward. Anyone who has played for a dozen or more hours will realize how incredibly easy it is to get snagged or stuck on geometry (the environment) in this game. You practically cannot walk past a corner or piece of debris without getting fully stopped by it. Grendel has a very obvious problem with this in Pulverize, as you’ll notice you will fully stop and lose all momentum when landing at random. I have no idea what the problem here is. Maybe its the player capsule or geometry being shaped weird, maybe its the collision code, maybe its a server synchronization issue, i don’t know. All i know is, collision doesn’t work as it should. We should be able to run and jump around things without getting hard stuck on everything. I wish i knew more about how to address this or could make proper suggestions on what to do, but I genuinely feel like I’m not informed enough to speak on such things. So yeah, sorry for the incredibly long post and ranty nature of it but as someone who’s supported this game and company for years, i felt i should voice these concerns. i feel like they fly under the radar and aren’t discussed enough. These kind of things make the game feel a little janky and it would really help smooth over the day to day activities we all play. Hopefully this doesn’t come off as too negative or like a vent post as I’m just a grumpy old veteran when it comes to Warframe. All these quality of life changes have me hopeful for the new leadership and i want them to keep pumping out great changes. Game couldn’t be in better hands, honestly.
  9. After playing Grendel you may notice you'll randomly stop (as if colliding with a wall) when moving at high speeds in Pulverize, even on level ground. It makes him incredibly frustrating to play as it completely breaks his flow. Notably, this only seems to occur when he has eaten an enemy with Feast and they are still inside his stomach. After some testing, I'd assume it has something to do with the collision of the enemy or the Warframe itself after growing in size. My first thought was it was caused by the hardfall mechanic but installing the Kavat's Grace mod doesn't alleviate this problem.
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