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Everything posted by (PSN)Madurai-Prime

  1. Or you can ask for help or brainstorm ideas.... Here's some secret veteran advice.... Subsume Voruna on nyx (drops energy orb on headshot) use Energy generator (Dethcube) or subsume dispensary.... See how easy that was. I've already done 45 min in SP Mot without losing energy. Rolling and void dash, nice try.
  2. This reminds me when all the new comers came to these forums complaining about how destiny was better than warframe. In a year you guys will be eating your words....why would you ever compare a brand new game to an already established game of over 10 years? It's just really sad how much you want some special placeholder to take over warframe as some "gotcha" moment.
  3. I agree, especially having to get hit to get the max effect.
  4. Glad a voice of reason statement was made to help meta chasers understand every frame isn't for them to play.
  5. What do you need the extra damage for? It's a huge damage boost already which you can already synergize with to enhance via faction damage mods.....arcanes....other allies' abilities, shards, helminth etc.
  6. Caliban has both a vulnerability to damage ability (like Novas 4) and an armor strip ability. The animations are slow....but we have shards and natural talent. Yes, we all know there's a better frame that can do it better....since that's what everyone says. But the tools are right there to make any level enemy into paper. As I've said numerous times, and evidenced by one of the responses in this thread, people are wondering why his abilities don't do all the damage when we all know they have 2 guns and a sword. People shouldn't expect every frame to do all the work for them while they ignore their guns and melee. People are basing a frames usefulness on how little buttons they have to press.
  7. Most players are lower tier and lack knowledge and skill and experience. There's nothing wrong with this, because games are supposed to be fun and not a job. Since it's really hard for people to admit they aren't good at something, they instead turn their aggression outward and blame something else. It's always the devs fault or the game, or the mechanics or the enemies etc. This is why telling someone to practice or be better is met with such vitriol.
  8. Some things in the game aren't for you. They are for someone else to use.
  9. Thanks for saying it. If I did I'd be called a white knight contrarian. Hey whatsup fellow chungus! Updoots to the left. Tips fedora and by the way I love D&D!!
  10. Just a reminder that things that heal a percentage of your health are basically made for inaros. Healing 6% of 3k is much higher than 6% of 800.... So Arcane Grace, or that arcane that heals on headshots for example. No reason to lower Inaros health of all frames...
  11. Cause a youtuber hasn't told the lemmings what to do yet.
  12. If all abilities were scaling burst damage that stripped armor you guys would still only pick the strongest one. The masses lack of imagination also factors in. There's also a lot of choices and every single one isn't meant to be used. It's not even physically possible (without sacrificing your health) to use all frames and abilities on a consistent basis.
  13. It's not up to others to explain how or why you should like a game. Either take a break, play it or don't play it I guess.
  14. There are many people with thousands of hours. Maybe we just like the game. If some people need boring nerfed play they can wait for soul frame or play 100 other games with the same boring formula. Conformity is a bad thing some times.
  15. Gloom is for inexperienced players so they need the crutch. Any capable player knows some CC effects are a huge hinder to spawns.
  16. Or maybe try using literally any tactic with the many tools provided in the game.
  17. 3 to 4 host migrations with no context? There's probably details you're leaving out.
  18. And that's why we're glad overly strict people like you don't design games.
  19. Because public missions would be a nightmare with people trying to do 6 separate objectives. Also, the reward is the OP weapon you get after doing those 10 to 15 separate missions. Another edit: Some people use kuva/tenet as a 1 and done mission, while others constantly farm multiple weapons, so it's in the players hands how they decide to engage with the system.
  20. I don't even know what you're talking about.
  21. We can only wait until it's real to see how it's implemented. If I go into a public fissure and fall into the ground....then I unstuck and move on. If it's bad lag, I exit mission and reenter. None of this is a huge issue though unless you just need something to rant about out of boredom.
  22. That's exactly what he said.... He's pointing out that people shouldn't expect a Torid riven with bad stat rolls to be sold for 50p. Even if the stats are bad, I know someone would pay possibly 200 for it at least. Obviously if someone wants to be generous....or simply doesn't know any better, they're more than welcome to basically "give it away" for cheap.
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