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  1. Here you go: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1381871-incarnon-acrid-argonak-stug-convectrix-ripkas-lecta-suggestion/#comment-12957427
  2. support this post: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1381871-incarnon-acrid-argonak-stug-convectrix-ripkas-lecta-suggestion/#comment-12957427
  3. riven gambling simulator is disgusting. Should let you ban a stat every 10 rolls (2 bans at 20, and so on). You roll a riven and just keep getting the same junk stats over and over and over like it is rigged or something. No I don't want projectile speed for the 15th time thanks
  4. Exalted melee's stances should give them 10 polarity. Having to lock in their mod config with 8 forma just to fit the exilus is bs Garuda talons needs an arcane slot. It is a normal melee weapon not exalted so where is the arcane slot?
  5. I don't even know why they exist. They are inferior to any melee. No arcane like normal melee's, no strength scaling like exalted. No special behavior. They need to be given an arcane slot, innate 1% lifesteal for all attacks. +attack speed = to garuda's current passive damage% Edit: Maybe let garuda be able to switch between normal melee weapon and talons mid mission too so she can have 2 melee's. Hold weapon swap button while already in melee only mode to swap to the other melee and start using that one as the quick melee and single swap hold weapon. Hold twice again to swap back.
  6. Every single time there is an update where we get an end of round reward, I notice an unnatural bias towards specific items. This time, on the disruption game mode, I get Ruvox Blueprint and Ruvox Glove, every single time. No Onos Blueprint or Ruvox blade. I have 3 Ruvox blueprints and 4 Ruvox gloves and 0 of the rest. What's up with the rng? Is it programmed to skew one way based on the player? You get one person that always gets reward A but never B and another player that always gets B but never A.
  7. Hi I'm "those people" and I provided a solution right here last week. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1392106-class-restriction-instead-of-rng-suggestion-on-how-to-fix-deep-archamedia-design-by-keeping-the-intention-and-removing-the-rng-reward-and-helminth-shard-suggestions-too/
  8. It lets you do that but if you click the buy button it will ignore the purchase
  9. Every time i try to kill an eximus or an acolyte or anything, my hound starts humping it with his reflex denial globe and none of my attacks land. It acts like a frost globe that moves to troll you. Can you change it so it just buffs the hound instead of making a globe? Or let player shots go through it.
  10. this is what happens when you build a system around rng. If rng is good "too easy". If rng is bad "too BS" Should just restrict weapon classes but otherwise let us use our well-built equipment and instead make the enemies actually strong and do other things to turn the mode into absolute chaos
  11. "game mode that doesn't let you play and complete it is not flawed" what a joke. You must own stock in Copium Inc. because you are pushing cope so hard Yes it is flawed. It's a dumb roulette that sometimes tells you "thou shall not play". It should be super difficult content that requires super optimized loadout or an efficient squad to clear, not "do you own all 600 weapons and have the majority of them with 5 forma and a catalyst so you can probably have atleast 1 weapon that you use once per year if it happens to show up in the roulette"
  12. More and more weapons keep being added. Can you increase the max riven cap from 180?
  13. Malurth was clearly responding to CrendKing saying swap the vosfor and diamond box positions and I agree with Malurth. Fk that idea. I have to deal with junk RNG loadout and I cant even leave the "no operator" penalty out or get atleast 1 viable weapon that can actually kill things? lol gtfo. That guy is on some crack
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