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Posts posted by SplitzyPrime

  1. Thanks for hotfix, but please fix Telos Boltor being bugged. I want to see how the gun performs without being bugged and overpowered beyond belief. In case you're unaware, it applies galvanized aptitude 1x for each ammo in the magazine. At full mag, incarnon mode gains +7,200% damage per status effect.

    • Like 3
  2. Remove Ayatan Anasa from the weekly archon hunt, please. This is a weekly rotating mission, why are we getting a pathetic 3400 endo for it? We can farm that much endo in about 4 minutes, this is supposed to be hard and rewarding, but its just a spit in the players' faces.

    • Like 1
  3. Reverse the overguard cap, thats actually so lame. Do you know that enemies at only like level 200 one shot 15,000 overguard? theres 9999 levels.  Being one shot isnt fun gameplay/ You guys also didnt fix the telos boltor incarnon bugging out telos boltor, so galvanized aptitude applies 1x for each stack of ammo (7800% damage boost per status effect), i want to see how the gun actually performs without being so bugged and overpowered.

    • Like 14
  4. On 2023-05-29 at 4:08 PM, Traumtulpe said:

    Is this about Tornado charging Incarnon meter? Could you maybe also fix Tornados dying after taking 500k damage (oftentimes one or two hits)? It's been an issue for a long time now, and at the very least increasing their HP by 10x really shouldn't be hard to implement.

    Love how they drag their feet to fix bugs that we hate but will speedrun fixing ones that benefit us.

    • Like 2
  5. Host swaps are still breaking stuff. In an hour long circuit, a host swap not only caused the game to push us back a mission (we had just completed excavation, next up was exterminate, it pushed us back into excavation after the host swap.) After the host swap, meeting the 300/300 cryotic requirements yielded no success as the game did nothing/did not advance upon meeting the requirements for mission completion. We were forced to abort the mission and lost an hour of progress over something that you claim was already fixed.

    • Like 2
  6. Please let us fully color the conquera armor set and syandana, the syandana can be colored on drifter, but not the armor, nor can the syandana be colored on warframes.

    Please fix the zenoriu face mask not sitting on the face of drifter if you aren't host.

    Please let us "copy main colors" on drifter and operator, putting the colors in manually is a pain.

  7. 4 minutes ago, FSK41 said:

    and why is that? a *legendary* arcane should not fall  in your hands for logging in once a week and doing fun stuff. You  should earn it.  Also if you dont want to farm eidolons just farm sth else,sell it and  buy a set.

    Grinding for an arcane in an event is still earning it. Don't blow my comment out of the water by acting like I want a freebie, I want ALTERNATIVE ways to farm an arcane, and I'm not going to buy one or do eidolons.

    • Like 11
  8. 4 minutes ago, FSK41 said:

    Why not add them every event? Energize to Plague star next time too i suppose? So that prices stay low hopefully,sounds like a good idea /s

    They take 60 hydrolyst captures to get each energize, meaning it takes over 1000 captures for the average Rank 5 arcane. They need to be more commonplace in the game.

    • Like 7
  9. Would've liked arcanes for the event..it took me 30 seconds to turn in my 1700 coins i already had.

    Simulacrum also constantly "mission complete"s and softlocks your game until you can relog.

    Melee weapons constantly swap to the wrong hand and when swung animates all wonky.

    One certain ESO map constantly spawns player under the floor.

    Nullifiers will sometimes be immune to all damage even when their bubble is depleted, this is active until their bubble reopens, then they can be killed again.

    Having your gear wheel open or actively modifying warframe appearance when a mission starts will remove all items from your gear wheel and reset your warframe's appearance.

    Blocking too much with melee will bug you out and you will no longer be able to block.

    The "auto swap on empty" toggle in options does nothing and whether or not its on or off, the weapon you are using will ALWAYS swap upon being empty.

    This is only a handful of bugs i've listed, and theres hundreds more you guys haven't fixed, despite years of asking for fixes.

    would also greatly appreciate a toggle for wings, as I would like mine always visible, even in combat.

    • Like 9
  10. 47 minutes ago, MakeLuvNotWerFrame said:

    when is there ever going to be a fix for ivara's dashwire and globe interactions? it's been over a year now


    As an Ivara main that relies heavily on dashwires for extra CD, I second this. It's really annoying.

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