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  1. Ordia

    Dagath Ultimate

    But that's what DE was all about atleast back in the day. Pushing crazy stuff out that no other company would even fathom putting the work into and the community would love every step of the way. But for just practicality I think it could work if they just use a kaithe then... since they would already have some of the ground work. Kaith and lance.
  2. Ordia

    Dagath Ultimate

    BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, she would be soo cool with a lance and chariot
  3. nah i don't think it'd be more profitable really cos then they would have to design a place to farm it either with story or new location. like they have been doing with every new frame... and that takes time and planning so surely reworking should be easier no?
  4. Ordia

    Buff Exilus

    Make Hata-Saya and Exilus mod for soma INFACT MAKE ALL weapon specific mods exilus mods. And add the viper weapon specific mod to the twin vipers because you are super nice and love me. <3 love us*
  5. Dagath should get a chariot (with 4 horses) that she can hop in and run people over based on duration and strength OR Just give here the chariot ( with 2 horses) that works like Yareli's board but does damage (just like it does now) on enemy impact ragdolling them while simotaneously allowing her to either use her primary or secondary or altogether summoning an "exhalated" chariot and lance of her own. That would be like super cool. Call it Like Chariot of Death.
  6. Let Companions pick up ayatan stars , they keep falling through the floor especially on corpus v2 tilesets. Please, I beg.
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