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  1. I will get to the chase. I was playing and chilling as dps in warframe in the warframe high risk index. The game did not let me extract. I would click on it and it would not work. After I was in the game, and not allowed to extract. The game would bug and subsequently I would lose all progress. I was in the index for only 2 rounds so I'm missing 500,000 credits along with some golden mods in which I would like reimbursement. I don't understand these bugs that keep happening. I have stream proof here:https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1954868180 I am not streaming for the sake of becoming popular or fun, I stream with no webcam and no microphone. I stream so I can capture annoying bugs like this. I also instantly was forced to restart my ps4 when it crashed due to this bug and then I instantly started streaming again which shows that I am not trying to do this for 500,000 credits. I hope this is resolved asap since this is extremely frustrating and annoying. Espescially when I spend 30 mins in a index run at times, which is no small amount of time. Thank you for your time and kind regards, obeseasian05, ps4, mr17 if you skip to the last 30 mins you will see me play out the mission as normal and then get bugged and crash for no reason. Real pain.
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