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Posts posted by Basalto

  1. 8 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    This is quite possibly the most wrong thing said on these here forums.

    Saying it's wrong without any proper explanation doesn't make it wrong. Ivara is pretty much a one-trick pony and everyone uses her for spy only, due to how she doesn't really shine anywhere else. The things she can do, aside from cheesing spy, other frames can just do better. One mod slot on her is not important, because that mod slot will invariably be used for her only function, which is doing spy missions. You're overestimating Ivara's usefulness in other missions. Actually, that would imply she even has such a thing.


    10 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    You can't damage anything while invincible and there's an energy bar that means you can't stay invincible forever. Revives haven't meant much of anything since they tossed out 4/day/frame.

    You can't damage anything while being invincible, such a huge and hindering trade-off. Oh, and then we have the immensely low time of eternal seconds for the unupgraded Void mode, with which I spend 1/4 of my easily rechargeable energy to revive someone in the middle of an eximi crowd. Operator mode removes any degree of punishment from entering bleedout, and yet people complain about a single mission mode people only play because farming affinity in a survival is just too hard for them.

  2. Just now, peterc3 said:

    With an Augment. Ivara needs to lose a mod slot to do that. Limbo can be seen by cameras, though. Both of them have costs. Just up and giving the Operators the ability to basically jump to the end of the vault with no possibility of being seen or triggering anything, with no cost, is silly.

    The mod slot is barely important. I run an Ivara build with three augments just because of how lazy I am to keep swapping builds (which is a thing, so people just make a build for spy and another for not-spy, which trivializes the "you lose a mod slot" issue) and it doesn't really affect me. Her kit is already good enough with just duration and efficiency, and since she's squishy as #*!%, it's not like she could use the prowl augment slot for something like Steel Fiber, which is often in conjunction with Vitality.

    I'll ask you too: do you believe that operators being able to have complete immunity to damage and trivializing every single revive in the game is, somehow, not silly? How does someone who is invincible and invisible still trip a physical laser?

  3. 51 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

    Wow... someone is salty...
    You know, you really had a point. Host migrations aren't great. I said you had a point. You had to phrase your post in a hostile manner. That's why all your credibility went down the drain.
    Why couldn't you write proper feedback? What went wrong?

    Maybe spend some of your time having your matches ruined by host migration and the other assload of technical difficulties the game nearly constantly throws at the player to hinder progress. People supposedly play games to have fun, and there's no fun involved in losing progress time after time because of issues that should at least have been minorly mended after such a long time. At times, playing this game is more of a frustration than a pleasure (actually, the pleasure is almost unnoticeable, but for the sake of not triggering anyone, I'll consider it something that exists), and, as the name implies, frustration is frustrating. I've had several times where I'd just sit in front of the computer, put my hand on my face and say "yeah, I'm done with this S#&$ for today, I can't handle it"; my most recent one is a single day in which I was forced to exit five missions due to the game's bugs.

    People can only be nice for so long. Sometimes it takes hostility to show the importance of a situation, because just not being affected about something at all shows more that they just don't really care about it in the end.

  4. 4 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

    I never wrote something like "It's a power fantasy game" in any thread. Just stop...

    I never said you did, though. However, these forums seem to be filled with contrarians left and right, always naysaying every single thing that would provide a change in the game in any form, whether it'd be for better or for worse.


    6 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

    No need to be so hostile.

    I'm not being hostile, I'm simply making a comparison and indirectly asking the question I will ask now: do you support Void mode removing any degree of challenge from reviving a player in any mission the game has?

    • Like 3
  5. 49 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

    In other words: Remove even the last bit of challenge from Spy...

    Alright, so the moment someone suggests an increase in difficulty for the game, the thread gets showered by "iT's A pOwEr FaNtAsY gAmE", but the moment someone makes a suggestion that is actually valid, given how Void mode makes reviving players something even more trivial than Soul Survivor, there are complaints about challenge? I already do spy with frames like Rhino and Chroma just for the sake of it and it's still awfully easy without the cheese of Ivara's augment or Ash+Limbo. It just makes sense with Void mode's power, and not being able to cross lasers while in Void mode is the actual inconsistency here, since it makes you immune to quite literally anything in the game.

    I take it you disagree with Void mode being used to easily revive players anywhere at any level, if you feel the need to point out how it'd trivialize an already trivial mode.

    • Like 3
  6. I'd like to mention the only Banshee I've seen in the past who-knows-how-many months was me, and that my abilities themselves never did the damage, but my guns, which were buffed by sonar and still crippled by a Saryn spamming spores and miasma, since aiming for a glowing spot in each enemy is harder than tapping 1, shooting a single bullet and then tapping 4 to nuke even what no one can see. Although yeah, the game's design sucks and all that.

  7. 9 hours ago, Ely.I said:

    The issue I have is that the augment does the same that quick thinking does, but quick thinking doesn't affect your building, I understand clearly that to build for something you need sometimes to disregard other stats, however the problem is that Quick thinking does the same without the need to disregard your most important stats which are range and strength; duration (as someone else said here too) has a low priority for garuda compared to those two. I don't mind if the augment gets better or not because I already achieve what I would with that augment using quick thinking with no negative. But there's no harm to point it out.

    Shouldn't that show an issue with how easy Quick Thinking's tanking power is instead? Even Valkyr ended up being this "you still have to tank with abilities" frame, despite having the highest base armor (and probably the highest moddable armor, unless ice Chroma works better) in the game. I believe the game just grew in this way where people got used to things being a bit too easy to do, such as killing enemies or just being invincible in general. I mean, Chroma and Mesa just hit 3 and become nearly invulnerable. I don't even need something big on Mesa for it, I just slap Intensify and that's my tanking power right there at 95% DR. Grabbing Healing Return on a fast weapon like the Mios, she just beats my Chroma's self-healing and I get depressed, due to how depressing it is to see how things needing a certain set up just get ruined or ruin the easy fast pacing of the game. Tesla Link is probably one of those "hey, that's kinda cool" on paper, but setting it up is just eh.

  8. 54 minutes ago, Ely.I said:

    It's not killing something, it's making sure something survives with less than 40% HP and then attacking it, too high level and it's a waste of time it's better to just kill it, too low level and it's unnecessary or impossible due to the monster dying in 1 hit. @CodeUltimate Is likely right it's not the duration it's the activation condition (given i still think the duration is too low). If the activation condition was "kill something with garuda's 4th debuff active" i would have no issues. I am not complaining about the effort it requires READ carefully before you reply to me if you don't that just makes us waste time in circles, in resume I think it's a worse quick thinking. The rest of your first paragraph can be easily disregarded because you're just saying things i already addressed or that I don't have any issue for, you're projecting what you think is my issue instead of reading what I said. Re-read please.

    That's a problem with the game's bad design that I constantly hammer on people's heads. You either kill an enemy in one hit, or one hundred. The augment itself requiring an enemy under 40% health isn't necessarily a bad thing alone, but when coupled with the questionable quality of modding, it sure shows a dissonance. However, I would not ask for the augment to be changed, but the game. When getting an enemy to 40% health is such a gruesome task, it shows the kind of difficulty the game is having with making enemies not be a joke to kill so often. And besides... time you enjoy wasting isn't wasted time. If you believe I am projecting, you could always try explaining it in a different way instead of having a nervous breakdown and just echoing "read again". Seriously, it gets old.


    54 minutes ago, Ely.I said:

    I already explained this point, I don't like repeating myself again that would just case a never ending cycle of replies, re-read.

    Your third paragraph is basically the same as your first paragraph you're projecting again.

    And your last paragraph is your opinion on why i'm not qualified, I don't really care what you think about me simply as that, seems you brought an old grudge, i don't remember you and couldn't care less, and i say this not for malice but as just that, I meant what I said, I stand for what said about itzal too, this is however irrelevant to this discussion and I won't bring it forth.

    If you explain something and the person didn't understand, try explaining it in a different way. It's kind of the basics of the teaching of any subject, and also basic discourse. If X point of view doesn't work, maybe Y will. Hammering on X just makes things tiresome and won't really do much good, just annoy both people. Call it a friendly advice for your future.

    There is no "old grudge" here. I'm simply pointing out that you're being a hypocrite in that regard and that, in a very exaggerated analogy, I shouldn't take advice on socializing from a sociopath. Getting off the high horse would do wonders for the discussion you seem to be claiming to want to have.


    *: A little something just occured to me. When you tagged Code, you said that he's likely right about having pretty much the same opinion on the augment as you, that being that the activation conditions are bad. "Likely" doesn't exactly imply certainty, though; are you advocating for something you're not even confident you're right about?

  9. 2 hours ago, CodeUltimate said:

    they just want to white knight DE and defend their bad decisions lol

    Considering how my post history is filled with what can be summarized as "DE makes bad decisions for breakfast", I'd hardly say I'm white knighting for DE.


    2 hours ago, Ely.I said:

    Read the rest of the post, I'll address your doubts.

    First; committing to 300% duration means sacrificing range/efficiency/strength, all those 3 stats are more important on garuda than duration given that all her abilities have good base duration, the mod only last 5 seconds and 15 seconds with maxed duration this means that you have to constantly look out for targets then make sure they're left with less than 40% HP without killing them (if you're solo), when quick thinking does the same without sacrificing anything. TL;DR 300% duration investment is not worth when something else can do the same better without sacrificing anything.

    Second; while invincibility is pretty good, it's not a guaranteed endless scaling, what makes the difference on endless scaling is your damage and/or KPS (kills per second) not your EHP alone. It does help however. 

    Third; you need to stop selectively reading, complain is not about mere 15 seconds of invulnerability, the complain is the required investment of 300% duration that gimps the rest of your kit and the condition for the activation and refreshing makes it simply a worse Quick Thinking.

    People on this forum really like to skip or project their opinions on what others say, instead of attempting to understand what the posts are about, this is a bad habit.

    First: I just can't really understand how 15 seconds in a game where you can easily down an enemy in less than 2 is somehow bad. People constantly defend this game as a power fantasy, yet when they're allowed to spend 15 seconds without dying, they just toss it away because it requires some effort making a build around it? If people want a perfect build with 200% on everything or something similar, they're gonna have to look somewhere else, because I'm pretty sure such levels of absurdity still haven't reached DE's heads. Sacrificing a stat to boost another is nothing groundbreaking or new in Warframe, and I myself have to stand 46% range on my Mesa so I can have over 200% duration for my peacemakers, bullet dance and shattershield, otherwise I'll just keep recasting and recasting and recasting more often than necessary. Wukong can reach such levels of invincibility with a duration build, but not once I saw anyone complaining that it was too little time for too much investment. If anything, what people criticize in Wukong are his other abilities.

    Second: If you're invincible, you can't die. Even if the game doesn't specify invincibility, but "unkillable", either way you just can't die unless DE messed up something yet again. If you can't die, damage has no effect on you, be it from a level 1 enemy or a level 150. Not dying literally is something that scales endlessly and with brutal efficiency. You can do so much more in a lot less time if you don't have to dodge hitscan enemies and automatic weapons with over 1000 damage per shot. It's an immense help, and I already say that with my Wukong's invincibility lasting me a mere 7 seconds. Those 7 seconds just work like a damn charm to me.

    Third: Sacrifice is part of balance. If you don't want to die for 15 seconds, dedicate your build to not dying for 15 seconds. You sound like the kind of person that would build pure strength and range on Mesa and complain that peacemaker drains energy too quickly.

    Honestly, I'm not really confident you're qualified to say that it's other people who "like to skip or project their opinions" when the only other interaction I had with you was you defending Itzal spam against new players and insulting the intelligence of people who disagreed with such a wonderful idea. I'm actually reading it right now, you called it "natural progress". Yeah, it was totally natural to feel like a complete hindrance because you didn't have one very specific item in a game where you're supposed to have a more than decent level of freedom. Being a self-righteous hypocrite doesn't do you any good, and you'd do better by just not acting high and mighty when trying to get your point across. Even land missions don't have things like Volt and Nova selfishly blinking across the entire map and leaving the team behind; their squirrel on crack abilities still benefit the team somehow. Itzal does not do such a thing and you were hellbent on defending that selfish playstyle in a coop game.

  10. On 2019-04-09 at 1:44 AM, (XB1)RPColten said:

    Show me a decent mid range MR weapon that needs all 8 slots to tackle Sortie level enemies first.

    Until then, weapons don't need an exilus slot when they can easily make do with only using 7 on average.

    Depends on what you consider "tackling". Some people think taking 10 seconds to kill a Corpus tech is okay because he's supposed to be a heavy unit, other people might think that even 5 seconds is already too much.

  11. 21 hours ago, Ely.I said:

    you need to have 300% duration for it to last a mere 15 seconds

    Wait, people actually complain about being unkillable for "a mere" 15 seconds in a build dedicated for it? I know everyone got used to Chroma, Inaros and who knows what else, but let's be real, being unkillable is pretty much endlessly scaling, as opposed to something like getting more armor and more health with a limited amount of maxed mods. I'd love being unkillable for 15 seconds.

  12. 5 hours ago, Skythin said:

    What if you don't use clickbait and write a complete title?

    Besides that I disagree. As peterc3 already said everyone and everything is considered hostile during radiation impact. If it would affect enemies too it'd be the ultimate troll factor. Just imagine Trinity, Oberon or Harrow.

    Is it that hard to just hover your mouse over the title for like a second to see the content without loading the page?

    But hey, troll factor is what makes radiation fun.

  13. 3 hours ago, Steel_Rook said:

    "more accuracy better, less recoil better, hulk smash."

    Personally, I'd believe that's the exact reason DE hasn't done jack S#&$ about showing those stats in the weapon so far. It's the usual bad argument of "just get the biggest percentage and it helps, why do you need to know the exact numbers when things are equally dying left and right?"

  14. On 2019-04-08 at 7:44 AM, Tsukinoki said:

    DE wanted to catch both AFK people, and people that could be replaced by rather simple scripts without the rest of the team noticing.
    They want people to play the game, not essentially be a "drinking bird" that hits a button every so often and does nothing else (as Steve put it).

    Honestly, if they want to stop people from ezmoding the game with AFK builds (hello Umbra), they should have thought a bit more before making it so easy to AFK in the first place. I'm not even necessarily saying "nerf DPS abilities", but when a Saryn just sits on top of the defense pod with a range/strength build and nukes the whole map every 20 seconds with her spore/miasma combo (because that's sooooo different from just spamming old miasma) through every single wall within her ability's range, things get a little bit awkward. Imagine if things like radial blind just locked any enemy within the range instead of requiring line of sight. Actually, that is how radial blind works, right? Tell me I didn't notice it being yet another broken AoE all this time because it really isn't and am just being paranoid.

  15. 1 hour ago, Gamma745 said:

    I have to disagree with this one. Some games have "RPG stats" yet almost no clear progression, GTA San Andreas, for example. Just because it has "RPG stats", doesn't mean it need to have clear-cut progression.

    The enemies don't have a progressively scaling armor in GTA and your gunfights are pretty much the same nearly every time, but also quite dangerous, depending on which game. GTA IV never stopped being dangerous to me during gunfights, partially because of the sluggish shooting mechanics and partially because your character always kept the same max health and max armor throughout the game. There's a very important difference between implementing them as some kind of side stuff or just an independent part of the game, and creating them as something that theoretically should work alongside enemy progression and a bad modding system. To put it in simple words, Rockstar didn't get stupid with that part of the design and thus the game doesn't suffer for it; as for DE, make of the previous sentence what you will.


    1 hour ago, Gamma745 said:

    I kind of know how the progression goes in Dark Souls (watched someone played it, but never played it myself). But that's not how it works though in the game I mentioned. In Anima: Gate of Memories, the enemy literally scales alongside you, even the enemies from a previous zone you've already cleared. As in, every enemy in every zone, not just the new zone you're about to get in. The enemy differ in mechanics for each zone, but otherwise the power level always scaled to yours, all the time, even when you choose to backtrack (It's kinda necessary to backtrack if you aim for 100% completion). Which is why I want to hear your opinion on it. Nothing malicious, I'm just curious.

    Well, since I don't like breezing through previously "cleared" zones in RPGs, I'd welcome previous enemies getting stronger, provided the game does that with a point, and not just to throw enemies at the player to increase the played time and brag "we have 12h of campaign content", where 6 of them would be mandatory and unrewarding fights. So assuming the enemies still retain their "type" (the most common ones not reaching the defense or attack level of a mini-boss, unlike Warframe's Grineer), and the fighting isn't a chore, I say "why not". 110h into Dragon's Dogma and the only boredom was becoming a literal god. The combat itself made even goblins feel entertaining. Meanwhile, Neverwinter retains enemy types as you level up, and you still meat the low-health swarm ones, independent of where you are. While repetitive, the combat itself isn't painfully boring (although burning out is always a thing in every game, of course), which leads to similar tasks not feeling boring to the point of pushing the player away from the game.

  16. 1 hour ago, Steel_Rook said:

    That's true. In fact, I'd argue that the player-facing weapon stats display is both badly insufficient, often misleading and occasionally straight-up wrong. The Status Chance display is an utter farce. The default layout has no means of depicting variable fire rates, multi-component attacks and other oddball design. We lack - as you said - basic information on how our weapon handles or what effect handling mods actually has.

    But I see what you mean now, though. Balancing the mods system towards altering weapon handling and away from just tweaking damage would absolutely require far better display of said weapon handling. I don't understand why video game after video game keeps consistently failing to deliver usable weapon handling information to the player. From Payday 2 to The Division to Wildlands to Warframe, figuring out how your guns are supposed to work involves digging through wikis, asking on forums and doing the math yourself. Which is absurd.

    I mean, Warframe was always a hardcore carrier of the "show, not tell" syndrome, aka "just Wiki it lol". Hell, we don't even have charge attack information, or the 100% procs on melee combos. I ended up finding out about the slash procs from dual dagger charges and making a build not even a month ago on it by pure dumb luck, because Fang Prime was one of my first Prime weapons, and that's the stuff of years back. And then the game also didn't told me the slash proc was just by the weapon's base damage mods, so even putting slash mods won't work. The little stuff that just makes it frustrating to have to trial and error almost everything.

  17. 1 hour ago, (PS4)GrandisSupernus said:

    Wait... they changed it? Is it a bug?

    Can you give me some screenshots to show the difference? I'm really hoping that this is a fluke and not another "design change", because recently I've disagreed with those more and more.

    I can confirm what Prexades said. My Wukong didn't get a forma until a few minutes ago, and then I could change the secondary colour and it did, indeed, change the helmet's energy. Although this kind of stuff just feels lame, and I liked my neon blue energy. I'm using a blue/orange set for my warframes, but apparently this one will have to remain blue/blue or just be orange/blue to get the helmet energy colour back to blue.

  18. It's particularly obnoxious when the waypoint feels this need to point 30m ahead of you time after time, as if it was a trail of breadcrumbs to be followed, and not a pointer to the exit of the cell. I've had these times where I'd keep going back and forth between places and the waypoint would switch between them, alternating from crap like 70m to 350m within the space of 30. DE really should've gotten real with those waypoints by now, since it's been about 5 years since the game went on open beta and such basic issues are still messing people's missions.

  19. 11 hours ago, Gamma745 said:

    Your asking for the game not be a joke is essentially remaking the entire game from the ground up.

    Depends on how #*!%ed the game is, in this case being "a lot".


    11 hours ago, Gamma745 said:

    That's what I call asking the game to bend over backwards for you.

    If that's what you wanna call asking for a game and not a chore, sure.


    11 hours ago, Gamma745 said:

    I don't have any love for the meta, so you're preaching to the choir about it. I think the meta is the most boring and tedious way to play this game. Unfortunately though, Meta will always exist, no matter how you design it. Some people seems to get an excitement in pushing the efficiency to the absolute limit. That said, it doesn't mean you have to follow them. Let them have their fun and you have your own fun. Use whatever you want for the mission you want and have your fun. Isn't that better?

    My fun is derived from the good use of something showing proper result. CC frames suffer from that because in Warframe the best CC is DPS, since dead enemies can't damage you. It's a flawed design that has been brought up quite a handful of times and meta or not, the idea that CC frames are one of the biggest jokes in Warframe is true to the very chore and it takes lunatics to bring CC when they have pure DPS available to them. Underperforming so harshly is not fun for me. I can't talk for other people, but I like performing in a not-pathetic way while having enjoyment from it. Being too powerful without having fun is as bad as being too weak and having a hilarious time.


    11 hours ago, Gamma745 said:

    I wouldn't use that alert as an example. I assume you're talking about the Halloween alert against the Jack O'Naut. Some people have called it "fake difficulty", which just sends mixed messages about the so called "difficulty". 

    I can't say it wasn't fake difficulty; after all, it was based on crippling the player. Although let's be honest here: whenever someone complains about lack of difficulty, there's always that one asshat that goes "just use bad equipment and remove your mods lol". An alert did something on that path and people complained. Can't please everyone, but it also shows the mentality of the classic contrarians that pester the game's community with their obnoxious "disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing". People are unfortunately rabid about criticism of a game and seem to take it personally, even when it doesn't remotely involve them.


    11 hours ago, Gamma745 said:

    That's not what I meant. I don't mean to say that you don't play Dark Souls or you don't enjoy it.

    What I meant to say is, you're pushing those who want an easy game to play a Barbie game, yet when told to play Dark Souls for a difficult game you complained about being told to play a game that is different, which I see as a big irony.

    Also, that idea of putting the weapons in hard tiers will piss off a lot of players, specifically those who are a fan of weapons that would become low tiers. There's already some bitter feeling about the Mastery Rank category as is. Let's not make it worse.

    I should probably screenshot this and put it on r/woooosh.

    Putting weapons in hard tiers is exactly what this game needs to have a visible and proper progression with the RPG-like stats DE themselves gave the game. They only did part of it and pushed the other part away, which crippled the system and gave a pitifully fake impression that "you can make everything good lol". We already have things like "prime", "vandal" and "wraith" to indicate a clearly better weapon than their standard counterpart, yet I don't see anyone complaining about it. Imagine making primes just a sidegrade; a weapon that you get super easily will be the same thing as a weapon that RNG can make you take ages to get, and nobody likes that kind of S#&$. Hell, it's already kinda easier to get the prime version of certain things, as opposed to the standard version. Mesa, for example.


    11 hours ago, Gamma745 said:

    I don't play Mass Effect so I can't comment any further on the game itself. But the "matching strong player against strong enemies" is kinda broad, especially in a game as diverse as Warframe. How do you make a strong enemy that could match every Frame in the game? For example, how do you make an enemy that is threatening to Inaros with 2200 health and almost zero damage boost but also threatening to Banshee, with 300 health and 500% damage multiplier? This is just base stat, mind you.

    Slightly off topic, but I would like to hear your opinion about this one game I found a few years ago in which the enemy level (and stat) scaled along your arguably linear level: Anima: Gate of Memories. It's on Steam, so it shouldn't be hard to find.

    The game's core and the "strong player vs. strong enemy" dogma can't coexist. I don't make such a thing happen in the current game, unfortunately, therefore I don't really have an answer. However, on the topic of making enemies threatening against specific frames, it goes back to the RPG-like stats that DE half-used and made a mess with. Pick a game like WoW, for example: Inaros would be a tank and Banshee would be most likely a DPS. Inaros' role would be taking the punishment, and therefore the enemy's damage wouldn't be threatening to him. However, for Banshee, she'd be down quickly (and not in a single hit), but also be capable of dealing a lot more damage than Inaros, as that'd be her role.

    I saw a handful of videos complaining about games that scale enemies with you, as they "remove the sense of progression", but that's the kind of stuff that always keeps the player on edge and shows evolution on the enemy too. That said, I think one of the most important things for a game's scaling wouldn't be to just make enemies have more health and/or more damage to match the player, but to make them more complex and mechanically harder as the player advances. Pulling Dark Souls, the hollows from Undead Burg are a threat to the player, but quite simple to kill. You have predictable attacks on a weak enemy. When you reach the inside of Anor Londo, the silver knights will be your common enemy, and they will also be a threat, not because of increased health or damage when compared to the hollows (which is fine in this case because it's following the player's supposed progress, like a proper RPG; the player gets stronger, the enemies also get stronger), but they're also different: they're towering, menacing and the environment they're in makes use of that. You could probably stunlock hollows easily. Silver knights and their armor? A bit less likely. Then we have the giants. The player fought giant enemies before, but... those are also different. They have a solution for nearly everything you do, and can even heal themselves if you let them, providing them an advantage against the player that is fighting another enemy, or simply the one that keeps his distance way too much. It's the small differences in both environment and enemy itself that makes a game entertaining to play, and Dragon's Dogma also capitalizes on that; fighting a pack of goblins during the day is fine, but fighting the exact same one at the exact same level at night takes a whole new turn for the gameplay. I don't think I've ever seen an enemy work in conjunction with the environment in Warframe, most likely due to the random spawns in random rooms.

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