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Posts posted by Basalto

  1. 4 hours ago, Steel_Rook said:

    We have mods which affect all of the stats I listed.

    No, like, as actual stats listed on the weapon. You don't know how much recoil a weapon has until you bring it somewhere and shoot it, as opposed to the game having an actual listed recoil stat on the gun's stats. Same with spread, flight speed and AoE radius.

  2. 26 minutes ago, justin0620 said:

    I forget how long I have waited, but I have waited for ember prime to drop it from 800p to 300p so that I can afford it.


    Paitence is the key my friend.

    I mean, Warframe Market has Ember Prime set listings as low as 70 platinum. Not exactly ideal for a warframe set, in my opinion, but it's worth mentioning Mesa isn't even vaulted and going for 85p minimum on the same website.

  3. 2 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    So, what powers would she use in combined form? 

    • S&S putting targets to sleep while giving them a speed boost, calling it "crippling anxiety". We all love those times when we're in bed trying to sleep and our hearts suddendly up 20 BPM for literally no reason whatsoever, so now the enemies get to experience it too.
    • P&P will give devastating "your mom" jokes, to the point where the enemy loses the will to fight after hearing them, but starts getting angry while Equinox tells the joke, which is the provoke part of the thing.
    • M&M just increases Equinox's brain volume tenfold because the combined form is enlightened centrism, so she's more intelligent and all that stuff. When unleashing the accumulated knowledge on enemies, their ears get blasted by a thundering "I'm a libertarian, that's the old school liberal" and the whole map goes to Stefan Molyneux's Twitter to follow it.
  4. On 2019-04-07 at 12:10 AM, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    A name is only a name, it doesn’t mean the frame has to be an exact replica of the source material of which that name originates.

    Yeah, but when it boils down to "he's a god an has a cloud, so make him a cloud and immortal lol", as well as a completely unappealing stance for his staff, not to mention his appearance being quite boring, he just ends up being one of those frames you'd rather avoid due to how there are just better and more fun options (that also look better). Why Wukong when Chroma is also immortal in his own way, can buff his team and all of his abilities have their use, as well as getting not only a huge defense, but a huge damage with it. Seeing Wukong be more faithful to Chinese martial arts would be a breath of fresh air, as their staff styles are just so amazing to see and pretty much look like dancing at times.


    Personally, I think Wukong's issue in abilities is how "just there" his cloud is, and how the iron jab augment isn't integrated into the ability, aside from the aforementioned boring staff stance. I think that finding a better third ability, integrating the augment on the first one, changing the staff stance to something more faithful to martial arts (I mean, ninjas in space, hellooooo) and overhauling his default skin a bit would do wonders to shed some light on a warframe that is ironically among my favourites, not because of what it is, but because of what it could be.

  5. 53 minutes ago, Gamma745 said:

    When the response for anything is "just use X", that's a red flag that DE will nerf it eventually. But that's just an observation.

    That part sure seems up to debate, considering how a corpse blocking bullets has the solution being "just use punch through lol". Doesn't help that they apparently bug floating with weapons like AkBolto, but... no one uses that. Projectile weapons are 3hard5me.


    55 minutes ago, Gamma745 said:


    Asking for a game that is not a complete joke in terms of difficulty is hardly the same as asking DE to bend backwards for me. That and it seems they also experimented their own difficulty tweaks with things like tactical alerts, arbitration and sorties. Unfortunately, people just cheese those because the game allows them to, and it ends up just further pushing the meta down the drain. I mean, why don't you see Nyx, Banshee or Mag in arbitration? Why do we have people rolling things like Trinity, Inaros, Wukong and Chroma? I remember this time there was this weird alert that took away all your weapons and the enemies matched your consequent power; ironically, it was one of the most balanced things in the game. What does it tell about the game when removing all of the equipment is the way to make something not feel like a joke? Even if DE tries to make something difficult, their biggest problem is actually the core of the game they ended up designing. To put it in simple words, the current design of Warframe is incompatible with providing the player a challenge that isn't anything but a bulletsponge or forced invincibility. DE is welcome to prove me wrong, of course.


    1 hour ago, Gamma745 said:

    Or are you not asking for difficult stuff?

    I literally am, that's the whole point of the thing. I want to go back to those times when the game didn't feel like a joke in terms of difficulty and I felt at the very least a minimal degree of non-artificial difficulty, ironically through the lack of one of the game's main issues: the modding system that consists of damage/crit/status and nothing else.


    1 hour ago, Gamma745 said:

    Who was it again that says that those who want to play an easy game should just play a Barbie game?

    Me. You can read it a few replies ago.


    1 hour ago, Gamma745 said:

    You're the one who started it and now you're complaining to me for throwing it back at you? If you think it's stupid, then why did you do it?

    I think you're getting the wrong idea here (I mean, obviously, say "I don't like the current state of the game" and people just look at you like you killed their mother) and I personally have no idea what you meant by the two previous quotes, unless you were implying I was denying playing Dark Souls because I deemed it too hard or something. I didn't, as a matter of fact. Played through the whole thing with zero knowledge of the game and it was enjoyable to not fight enemies that either die in a single hit or a single million. It also had a proper progession in its RPG stats, something that Warframe doesn't have an suffers for it. It would cure so much S#&$ if DE would just label items as inferior, similar and superior when compared to other items, as well as giving the game a proper calculator to check the TTK on X enemy at Y level, giving the player a rough estimate of the weapons effectiveness against Y level of enemies as a whole. At the same time we have freedom of equipment, we have freedom to use subpar or even trash equipment that doesn't have its power exactly written in levels. You just get damage numbers and don't know what to do with them.


    1 hour ago, Gamma745 said:

    You want me to address your point? I got a few things to say.

    One; the reason I'm saying that is because Warframe and Mass Effect offer two fundamentally different experience. Like I said, in Mass Effect you control one squad in a single player game while in Warframe you just control one unit in a multiplayer game. I can say that DE should look at the experience of rhythm gaming where the players are pressed to do a specific action on a specific time, but doesn't outright fail at one misstep; and that would be equally unhelpful. How is that supposed to be translated to Warframe?

    Two; what you see a lopsided power is something which I see very much inline with what the story has given us.

    What are we, the Tenno? Super-soldiers drawing power from an incomprehensible and unreasonable source, designed or at least molded by a long-lost, highly advanced civilization to turn the tide of a losing war against a highly adaptable and destructive enemy. We were only deployed as a last resort after said civilization realized that unleashing a zombie plague is not enough to stop the enemy.

    In contrast, our enemies, let's start with the Grineer. A rapidly decaying clone race whose only individual advantage is their strong muscle and fortitude, most likely a leftover when they were designed as a slave race by the Orokin. Intelligence were never raised as their strong point, and the reason they have control over the system is their unending number which could put the Russian army to shame. We have the definite advantage per-skirmish, but couldn't make too much difference in the big picture.

    The Corpus; a bunch of pragmatic merchant who probably knows more about turning a profit than firing a gun. The ones were usually fighting are named "Crewmen" not soldiers or mercenaries.

    Infested; said zombie plague. Individually they behave not much different than a raging beast. While as a whole they could be a threat, on a battle-to-battle basis they are not different than facing a horde of mindless animals.

    The ones that could give us regular pause are the Sentient, the enemy we were meant to fight long ago. But the ones we faced so far are either remnant of something that is already broken or fragments of someone whose main body is already dead.

    Mass Effect's squad system is irrelevant to the situation. You can play simply as Shepard, the lone wolf that doesn't know what powers their teammates has and just brute forces everything. It works, surprisingly. It comes a point in the game where you're the one detonating your own combos and still dealing a #*!%ton of damage, and it still just works™. Again, it's all about pairing a strong player with a strong enemy, not nerfing the player to match the weak enemy's weakness to the point where the game becomes even more of a chore (and, again, a joke) to play. It can't be translated to the current Warframe, as it'd need a redesign of the core, most notably the broken piece of S#&$ they call "modding", which has one of the biggest illusions of freedom in gaming nowadays.

    The Grineer are described as "crude and dangerous". The idea that their unending numbers are what makes them a threat kinda ignores the beautiful lore of armor scaling, where each Grineer is just as armored as a KV-2 tank and hits equally hard at such levels. Their weapons are made to take down the Corpus due to the impact priority, but that also means they're nearly perfect for our shields too. Their crude weaponry and tactics theoretically shouldn't be underestimated, as we can remember that the US military lost a war to rice farmers with AK-47s and spike traps coated in cow S#&$. If it works, it works. The Grineer conquered a surprisingly great portion of the system, given their lack of intelligence.

    The Corpus are merchants and merchants have money. Money gets resources, be they materials or scientists, and those in turn can provide top-notch weaponry like the classic sapper osprey and the so-hated nullifier that is actually one of the few enemies that is genuinely threatening in the game, due to how people can't pull a quick headshot inside his bubble to save their life. Where the Grineer are supposed to be threatening in archaic brutality, the Corpus are supposed to be threatening in futuristic technology, a part they play well when the game fills your screen with 30 enemies under a nullifier bubble, 5 of which are sapper ospreys. Money also gets territory, so another almost-half of the solar system to them.

    Infested are brainless and I can't really think of a way to make them not so, so... yeah, cool.

    The sentients are among one of the most annoying enemies (in a bad way) because they have pseudoinvincibility phases where you just pop your operator out and spend a single flick of energy to completely reset their resistances. It doesn't even look like an actual enemy when his gimmick is so easily undone by a nearly literal click from the worst amp the game has. That and you're rarely fighting them alone, unless your enemies decided it was lunch time or something, so even by dodging one of their most annoying moves, you still have to deal with other enemies and are locked in place while doing so, unless you like getting an insane DPS from a nearly unavoidable disco globe. It's just cheap and doesn't actually provide something on the same level of a boss' special attack that you have to dodge, mainly because it's not a boss, it's not a special attack and the enemy can be trivialized if you just do like everyone else and build maximum damage.


    The game has "difficult" moments, but those moments are artificial (hence the quotation marks), on the level of "why the #*!% did this guy just hit me for over 1000 damage with a single shot of a fast-firing automatic weapon that is just harassing me everytime I try to move?" Glass cannons are only fun if they're an intentional part of a game's design (like RPG classes being actually made to be glass cannons), and as we can see with Mesa's incredibly broken jack-of-most-trades design, she can negate 95% of damage and dish out punishment like it's just another Saturday night in Chicago.

  6. 41 minutes ago, Steel_Rook said:

    weapon spread, magazine size, rate of fire, projectile flight speed, falloff distance, AoE range and so on

    I don't think we even got half of these, so there's that as a little objective for before setting builds around actual weapon handling instead of damage, which I personally would love.


    1 hour ago, peterc3 said:

    Just because there are issues, doesn't mean they require any attention. Present feedback, don't expect a pat on the head for doing so. Don't presume they agree with you that a given issue is an issue.

    Take the Dark Theme issue you mentioned. Making it dark might compromise usability. Maybe the control they used doesn't have theming. Maybe it's just not a priority.

    If "it might compromise usability" was an actual argument, Warframe wouldn't have had a single update since... well, forever. Every major update compromises usability and DE fixes it (or not, as I've had the unfortunate pleasure of experiencing several times in bugs that break missions that are literal years old) later on. Why should it be different for a website? Do you get up to get water in the kitchen, or do you dismiss your thirst with "I might trip and fall, so might as well not do it"?

  8. 2 hours ago, (XB1)Tornicade said:

    Uh...its called a test.run ...and i wasnt suggesting he play this way all the time but that seems to be what he is asking for...that has nothing to do with game design...i cannot stress this enough . These changes proposed by op would not make the game more challenging but slower and even more grind time. People would just use their tenno and blast weapons more . Throw on their silencers and take even less damage as the spend more time auto blocking.....poor game design is one that nerfs abilities to make content more challenging . The op didnt even limit suggestion to specific encounters or new nightmare variants...instead the whole game....add this as a standard mission option and people will be forced to do that version for the better rewards

    A test run for an extremely bad idea that is still within the game's bad design of complete lack of challenge and bulletspongy enemies.

  9. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)Tornicade said:

    Why not take your volt though a moa ,sentient filled zone called lua with a hobbled key...sounds like you want something that looks hard on paper that will net ya more rewards

    I can't stress this enough: willingly crippling yourself for the same rewards as someone who chooses the easy path is not the sign of a good game design.

  10. DE should've done something about base damage mods ages and eons ago. The build variety is dead when I can't get stuff like reload speed and recoil reduction due to how I need to max my damage to always be ready for a content that never scales the player, but always the enemy.


    10 hours ago, Aveax said:

    U dont need 2 use same mods over and over again if u dont want.

    A ridiculous answer to a genuine concern, but also not entirely false. I sure could swap my Vital Sense for a Split Chamber, after all. So many choices, so little time. I mean, you can always name me the two mods that affect total ammo and magazine size respectively, since the majority of the players probably already forgot they even existed, due to how overshadowed they get by S#&$ like this:



    Would you swap that Infected Clip for Fast Hands, or that Point Strike for the godly Rifle Aptitude. If I gave you the option to go from a pile of S#&$ into a pile of S#&$ with diahrrea, it'd be pretty close to "just don't do it if you don't want lol". In the end, you'd still be in S#&$.


    10 hours ago, Loza03 said:

    Insulting people will get you nowhere.

    And neither will dismissing important concerns over the game's mandatory mods with the crappy echo of "you don't have to use them if you don't want to". This concern has been brought way too many times and there's always that one person to just advise willingly crippling oneself. I guess people call it "shilling".

  11. I mean, what can you expect from people who just nearly mindlessly push out content over and over? It has to go somewhere, and that is either polluting the already polluted drop tables, or a rotation of unavailability.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Variks_Prime said:

    It's why the community overwhelmingly wanted universal vacuum and Fetch, rather than restricting Vacuum on a single sentinel as it original was.

    There's a world of difference between QoL changes and adding to the power fantasy. There's no power fantasy about sucking salvage and energy orbs from the ground.

  13. 1 hour ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    There’s already several ways to heal yourself. It’s not needed.

    Then what's the issue with one more? Can I go "we already have enemies in the game, we don't need more" or "we already have tilesets in the game, we don't need more"? Sure, more can be detrimental in the right conditions, but we're talking about something that makes sense realistically and works in favour of everyone, not being overpowered at the start and just enough to help people when they need it, and clearly not being a gamechanger at later on, when enemies might just hit over 1000 damage on you per hit with an automatic weapon. There's a lot that can be said in favour of a minor passive health regen, and so far I haven't seen nothing worthwhile against it, since "it's bad because I said so" or "if I got #*!%ed, so should you" are not exactly arguments that scream "constructing".

    • Like 2
  14. On 2019-04-07 at 5:22 PM, JaycemeSwain said:

    Not really, just means you have to focus on pure crit and damage, just like with the eidolons.

    Take a garuda(cause you can continously increase the damage of your 1) or have a tanky frame when you're trying to farm his ass

    And when you're not trying to farm his ass and he shows up, you just sit there and take it up yours? At least assassins go away if their target dies, but Wolf just keeps being there until everyone in the squad goes down, and at that point it's just obnoxious. I've been trying to get Nyx to see if she does something to the plot armor ragheads that spawn with Wolf, but due to the unreliable RNG, I either spend all my missions playing as Nyx (hello boredom) or just give up.

  15. 7 hours ago, Chewarette said:

    How the heck did DE "missed their goal"? Do you have an idea how successful Warframe is right now?

    Because money is the goal and entertainment is secondary nowadays. I don't even share OP's issue with the repetitive maps, as I believe it lies somewhere else, even more in the core, but... man, your sentence exhales ignorance regarding the difference between a game and a product.

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  16. Rejuvenation is one of those mods that just became worse than physique to me, specially due to the same polarity and the access to things like healing return, life strike, abilities that force health orbs and with how important it is to have more health, because shields take full damage and the most threatening faction uses impact weapons. 90% more health compared to 3 health per second looks like an absolute no-brainer to me at this point, and I always pick physique over rejuvenation due to how much extra damage I can take and how healing it back usually is easier than waiting for a passive to kick in and slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwly replenish your health. Comparing the power of other auras like corrosive projection and steel charge, rejuvenation is underwhelming and often boils down to "I can't use it due to polarities, maybe someone who joins my mission brings it", which just gets obnoxious.

    Then we have the issue with warframes being these hulking masses of self-aware flesh that can't even regenerate a small bit by themselves. What sort of organic tissue does not regenerate itself? Can someone point out literally any animal that is cut and just bleeds to death because they can't close the wound at all? I can't think of any, really; all organic tissue I know heals itself, even if slowly.

    So from both a "muh realism tho" and "yeah, why not" point of view, I just don't see why not, besides people who want to be against it for the sake of being against it, which seems to be more meta than Arca Plasmor.

    • Like 1
  17. 17 hours ago, Gamma745 said:

    But "the game being easy" doesn't mean it's completely broken. That depends entirely on what kind of experience the game intended to deliver. Which in turn depends on what the developer want from it.

    Even the devs don't know what they want to deliver by releasing those all-in-one-and-better-than-what-we-have frames like Mesa, Inaros and Hyldrin. Sometimes they push the power creep down the hill, sometimes it's like they say "oh no it's too powerful, who could have done that" and need to nerf something that they should've known properly in the first place.


    17 hours ago, Gamma745 said:

    They have their own preference, some have others. Asking for a difficult gamemode is one thing, but changing the entire game to your own taste is crossing the line.

    Nobody set up a line to be crossed. If I crossed yours without even knowing it existed, that's more your problem than mine. Also, how do we create a "difficult" game mode in a game where "difficult" is understood as invulnerability phases, ability immunity and skyrocketed EHP? The problem is the following: asking for a difficult game mode and changing the entire game are linked, because the current game offers no difficulty. You can't have one without the other, and things like the Profit-Taker still show that. The classic "bring a tanky frame or be ready to be constantly revived if you can't spam your bullet jumps randomly and without any clear purpose".


    17 hours ago, Gamma745 said:

    I could throw this right back at you. There are a lot of teeth-grindingly hard games out there for you to play, such as the famous Dark Souls, Ninja Gaiden, the MegaTen series, etc. Why not go play those instead of asking this one to bend over backwards for you?

    I'm not asking anything to bend over backwards for me. I'm pointing out a huge problem and providing the best solution I have in mind. If you can point me out where in Dark Souls and Ninja Gaiden I can play as warframes and fight Grineer and Corpus, I'd be glad to change. Warframe is also about an art style, and you're purposedly ignoring that to just pathetically reduce it down to "you can also grind in these other games, they're literally like Warframe!" Really, you want to defend this game so harshly, but pull S#&$ like that? That's desperation, I have no other word for it.


    17 hours ago, Gamma745 said:

    About Power fantasy, are you sure you're even paying attention? Even the earliest promotional video sells this game as "play as a ninja wielding a forgotten super-weapon from a lost era". How is that not a power fantasy at it's core?

    Because it comes coupled with "it's easy as #*!% lol lmao". One of my ideas for this game is not to hardcore nerf everything in a desperate attempt to make the game "balanced", but rework a system where you're an incredibly powerful character fighting an incredibly powerful enemy. I made that comparison when I started talking about how Mass Effect plays, in which you couldn't have missed the point more and just replied something random because you still have to try to prove me wrong at every turn, I guess. I mean, I did provide criticism, such thing is an absolute heresy nowadays and the equivalent of a personal attack on someone I don't know and don't care to know. When I read that quote, I imagined "there's a reason for the ninja to wield a big #*!%ing gun", not "he's just wielding it because it makes the game easier and faster lol". Again, the idea is to make everything incredibly powerful and competing against each other, not one side being composed of literal gods and another side being composed of absolute morons who can't even fire at someone who's jumping around in an open space.

  18. 6 minutes ago, Gamma745 said:

    Pot, meet kettle.

    This seriously sound like "Change the game to what I like and screw everyone else". Do you really think that's a good attitude to have?

    And since when is "keep the game the broken mess it is and screw everyone who wants it fixed" a good attitude to have? You might not like the other side, but that doesn't mean the other side is invalid or outright wrong just because you disagree with it. Personally, I understand people wanting an easy and braindead game, and for that I am glad to say that there is a lot of Barbie video games in the market.

    Sarcasm aside, I remember when I started playing this game. It was this unique experience of shooting and looting with rank 0 weapons, a rank 0 waframe, fighting enemies that were designed for such things. It all pieced together and worked, along with the now outdated parkour 1.0. There I played a shooter and used my abilities sparingly, but also effectively. It was good to use things like radial disarm and radial javelin on a tight spot and seeing the enemies just become melee idiots or simply disappear from the screen, while also knowing that I wouldn't be able to do so often. Most missions, if not every single one, felt rewarding because I'd be walking a fine balance between struggling with the difficulty and improving myself to overcome it; all part of the experience, so to say. I also barely met players at those times, and the ones I met were this breath of fresh air that would make the mission a lot easier for me and my limited resources, even if they didn't really talk that much. Nowadays it's just... #*!%ed. People race to the exit every single time, they don't give a crap about stopping to catch a breath and I'll always be finding myself in the middle of some sort of competition instead of a co-op game, where people almost fight between themselves for kills due to how easily everyone can nuke a whole room. Of course, everyone wants a piece of the experience; you don't launch a game to sit there and wait for other people to play it for you, but that's unfortunately how it mostly goes, due to the game being way too easy and way too braindead. "But then just play solo", says a smartass. Great, now it's easy and lonely; entertainment at its peak form. I can't spend one day anymore without trying to guess which of the people I play with will spam Volt's speed and say "omg come on" while waiting at the extraction they rushed to, instead of just doing their rush solo instead. Or maybe I'll get a Saryn spammer and see all rooms just die before I can even kill a pair of enemies in it. Power fantasy and a rushing mentality turned this game from one of my favorite games of all time into a barely recognizable hardcore catering to the meta crowd of "pls pls pls pls make game ezier I need finish mission in 57 seconds insted of 58 omg literally unplayable angry emoji".

    One of the best examples I can give is my experience playing Mass Effect 2 on insanity: you're a force to be feared, but so are your enemies. You're both dangerous to each other and the game plays around that. Mistakes will cost you, but you're not going to be facing those through bad game design forcing you to get cucked by something like armor scaling or three energy leech eximi that you can't notice. "But you were just saying the game was easy and now you're complaining about mechanics in it, can you shut up and stop criticizing a game that deserves it?" Artificial difficulty does not make a game harder, just more tedious. Wow, they made an enemy that drains my energy and gave it more health. Now I'll just shoot for a second longer and get rid of the problem with as much simplicity as pretty much every other problem; engaging and innovative gameplay. Back on the topic of Mass Effect, it was all about playing with the cards you had, and nearly every situation had a way out, even if you messed up your squad's order. If you paid attention and made a move that took more than half a second to think about, you'd get out of a tough situation and feel proud of yourself. Warframe does not put the player in such tough spots. Even rooms filled with enemies can be just rushed through and the co-op element is nearly unexistent, because everyone can be a self-sustainable god nowadays. The new player experience I had and the experience I have now as a veteran are nearly polar opposites, and it's just depressing to see. A perfect specimen of wasted life.

  19. I find it kind of funny that the general response to threads like these is "you're in the wrong game" and "changing what makes the game a joke will make the game not a joke and I don't like it". Hell, people play this like an actual shooter when they start and don't exactly know about the infinite amount of garbage you can do to just breeze through the map nearly untouched. The new player experience back in parkour 1.0 was great because you weren't a god; you had your mobility, it was limited, but it worked within what you needed to do, perhaps with the exception of stamina. Base stamina was too low, but the parkour itself brought a decent challenge to people who didn't know about the exploits, and doing things like melee wall attacks and running along a wall blasting everything on the way was part of the fun... emphasis on running. There's nothing appealing about the so-called frogframe, where you're basically hopping around walls in some kind of ezmode mobility that doesn't even take basic things like timing into consideration. I remember when spy vaults were actually fun to do with the old parkour, and how DE designed them well to still offer some degree of challenge to people who knew how it worked. It's also worth mentioning that I'm not bringing up the several exploits that came with it, like the obnoxious coptering; I'm glad things like that are gone, but I'm not exactly glad DE kinda integrated them in the game instead. Honestly, the whole idea of "people move faster than your sprint by mashing control and spacebar like maniacs" is just something I don't really understand about the design; it just sounds so counterintuitive to make the parkour moves be faster than freaking flying sprinting. I mean, you're supposed to jump to reach ledges and other high places, not to go magically faster. It brings me flashbacks to those games who make your character faster than the sprint speed when dodge rolling, like The Division 1.

    So to sum it up, it nails a lot of the issues with the general game difficulty: AI is braindead and it's too easy to rush through them. It also brings me the question: lore-wise, the factions conquered pretty much the whole solar system and the Tenno are basically mercenaries that go around beating people up. However, it brings questions when the faction with the least territory is the strongest, and not by a short margin, either. The modding system allows the player to annihilate even the best units the best factions can throw at them, and that alone shows another issue with the game: you're not a warframe fighting warmongers. You're a warframe fighting idiots and none of it actually makes sense. You know, it'd surely piss a lot of the "I want ezmode" people off, but I'd absolutely welcome threatening AI and proper mobility (and fixed enemy scaling) to design a game that ends up being harder to master, but also more rewarding when you do so.

    All in all, I firmly believe the Warframe people are playing today and can't seem to handle seeing literally any criticism of is the wrong Warframe, and the more I play it, the more I keep being convinced of it. A shame to see such potential squandered.

  20. By "finishing" I mean "it's yet another bug in the bugfest that's constantly #*!%ing up my missions and forcing me to exit what I was doing". As much as I can understand such updates not exactly being stable and needing hotfixes, it feels like pretty much everything I try to play is broken to the point of mission failure. Do you guys play your own game?

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