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Posts posted by Basalto

  1. Saryn's issue comes from a few things:

    • Viral procs halve (half?) enemy health, which is extremely useful nearly anywhere in the game, specially against the worst faction in the game, the Grineer, which bring the second point, that being
    • corrosive combats the armor scaling that just is never removed from the game, and spores spread like the black plague in medieval Europe, and therefore
    • both corrosive and viral combined make for the perfect killer against nearly any faction

    Saryn is basically mandatory to combat bad game design. It's a vicious cycle where you need a broken frame to combat a broken game, and in turn it breeds the idea that this is the whole point of the game. Personally, my only issue with her comes from how she's from the Fantastic Four of the game, but has three damage types at her work, instead of just toxin. It's pathetic to see Ember focusing solely on heat, Frost focusing solely on cold and Volt focusing solely on shock, while Saryn has corrosive, viral and toxin all in the same place. Imagine if Ember had radiation and blast (hell, she might have blast, I never actually noticed), or Frost had magnetic and blast, or Volt had magnetic and radiation? She's both too good for her own good and good enough for the current state of the game, and thus the issue people usually see with Saryn is the issue I see in the game itself. Fix the game and Saryn fixes herself.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    Weapon Switching is different - we got instant switch for some parts now, so now we definitely need all of the rest to have it too. getting a part of it makes the rest feel very slow and limiting.

    Punch-Through gives far more than just ignoring Corpses though. it's a massive Damage Multiplier that few Players actually make use of, despite it having such immense power.
    i think there's more than enough benefits to it for it to be a major consideration to peoples' Mod choices ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Whether it's useful as a damage multiplier or not is irrelevant to the situation. The point is that I should not be forced to use it because death animations get in the way of the shooting, plain and simple. Serration and any other base damage mods are already bad enough as mandatory mods; let's not keep metal auger and the other punch through mods being the same case.

  3. 6 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    this is part of why Punch-Through Mods have such great value and are worth those 15 Mod Points, and the cheaper Nightmare versions being worth more than their Mod Points. shrug.

    People also use holster speed mods to mitigate the painfully slow weapon switch (for a game about space ninjas with fast-paced gameplay and now a nearly instant switch between melee and ranged), but that still wouldn't make it an unnecessary change. Honestly, draining 15 points out of 60 (and even 8 out of 60) to mitigate a bad design choice is just absurd.

    • Like 1
  4. Death animations have been one of the things I've talked about (complained) to people for quite a lot of time, possibly going over two years with the same story: it's boring, bland and nullifies any impact a weapon is supposed to have in the gameplay. Imagine getting a pistol that's the equivalent of the Desert Eagle, one of the most powerful handguns in the history of gaming, and headshotting an enemy; they're supposed to feel something, right? Maybe get pushed back severely, drop dead with the impact force alone, two backflips and a half, I dunno. What can they do instead? Fainting backwards as if they had a heart attack from the gun's noise or something. The worst part about these is that not only do they break the immersion of an otherwise powerful weapon (thank #*!% Corinth doesn't do that; it's an actual video game shotgun and possibly my favorite single-shot weapon in the whole game), but they also work to block bullets. Without punch through and using a weapon that has this very bad affinity for triggering death animations, you're looking at wasting bullets on an already dead enemy because they just refuse to go down until their death animation ends. That said, what I ask is either of the following, which I already kindly put in the title: remove the death animations entirely and make every weapon trigger physics or add innate punch through for every single weapon in the game to prevent death animations from blocking bullets.

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  5. Recently I was experimenting with Fang Prime while trying to find a build that didn't completely suck (because Fang Prime itself is a complete piece of crap in its stats, with 5% on both status and crit, as well as a pitifully low block percentage and stances that are all based on obnoxious attacks that propel you to the moon. So I got Amalgam Organ Shatter and remembered the thing that DE basically tossed away, which was the glory of the charge meme. It's the only mod with charge speed that I have in my inventory (and I believe the only one remotely related to charge attacks that I have), so I imagined I'd give it a shot. Instantly I found out that the charge attacks deal slash damage; the damage, however, is not present on the Fang Prime itself, but tied to possibly the dual daggers stances (which actually sounds kinda neat), which are all awful to use, and I simply cannot stress this enough. No stance there is free of attacks that propel you, and often I find myself missing enemies, because apparently the melee lock just doesn't work anymore (thanks), which leads to them being a waste of time. Back to the topic of the charge attack, I noticed it's actually really interesting when racking up the combo counter with Relentless Combination, and would be with Enduring Affliction, if that mod wasn't for the boredom that is channeling. I even pictured Healing Return to make the charge attack proc a healing slash that would rack up on enemies, while you just become one with the healing slash. Imagine just needing to do one charge attack on an enemy and watching the slash proc eat them at 2,5x the duration while you keep fighting somewhere else. Sounded great to me, and a differential from the usual "grab the best combo in your stance and spam it until the enemy is dead, then proceed to the next", or the even worse "just spam slide attack lol". But what really happened?

    • Since Enduring Afflicition is a channeling mod, you need to activate channeling every single time you want to start your charge attack spree, which naturally breaks the flow of seamlessly alternating between gun and not-gun. It breaks the flow, and I would absolutely love to see a mod that does that without the need of channeling, which is a mechanic I can't say I've seen anyone using in all my time playing.
    • Healing Return only works when you're hitting the enemy. The slash procs do not heal you. The "heal X health for each status type affecting the target" text is actually a load of bullS#&$ and I'm confident more people have pointed that out, as it does not need status procs affecting the target to actually heal you, case in point being Fang Prime having 5% status chance and still healing me on every single hit. I would ask for a consideration in making Healing Return heal on slash damage (and before I get "but Atterax", that's an issue with the weapon, not the mod), or possibly any status procs with a DoT.
    • Slash mods, for some ungodly reason, do not affect the slash proc damage from the dual dagger stances. While I understand it possibly being some sort of limitation or unintended hindrance on the lovely meta of pushing your DPS to the roof in this broken system we have, it would've greatly benefitted the charge attack build if I could just replace my Auger Strike with Buzz Kill and my Finishing Touch with Jagged Edge, as well as adding Rending Strike to insult the injured and turn the slash from the charge attacks into a gaping wound that is spitting half a liter of blood out per second. So what I would ask of that part is for any slash mods to affect the slash damage from such stance-specific attacks, despite the weapon itself possibly not having any slash to go with it.

    And while we're at it, for the love of everything sacred, add stats for charge attacks just like we have for the glaives and their throws.

    *: Silly me, I almost forgot one of the most important parts: pretty please add automatic melee parry while charging the attack. I'm sure some of you know Payday 2, and there's an ability there that's very similar to this. It's where I got the inspiration from.

    **: They don't stop coming: please remove the initial attack on the dual daggers charge attack and make it only a charge attack, not a normal attack followed by a charge.

  6. 21 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    I'm only saying that you were quoted as saying 'the puncture procs from smite deal more damage to alloy than the initial radiation blast'. Now it was either a mis-type, or you were having a bad moment. That's fine. I was illustrating why it seems to some of us that you're getting wound up over things because you're not understanding them very well or getting them mixed up.

    I don't fancy calling them "orbs" because they deal puncture procs; I can't think of one round object that is actually adapted to pierce armor, specially one the size of an orb. They are puncture procs and they deal damage at the same time that they proc puncture, so while it might confuse someone with two hours into thinking that puncture procs deal damage, anyone that actually looked at the Wiki for damage 2.0 for more than two seconds will understand that I'm simply referencing the orbs' damage, because there's nothing else on Oberon's kit that causes a puncture proc along with damage. That's pretty much it.


    10 hours ago, Dr.Wuzzah said:

    You're right of course. Although I wouldn't accept anything else from someone who unconsciously walks into nullifier bubbles and then complains about abilities not working on the forums. Screw it let's just rework all of the frames because they aren't Loki and Loki is master race.

    Loki so happens to be on my list of rework suggestions, due to how strength doesn't affect him at all (unless there's a courageous soul that uses strength RD on Infested) and how simple his kit is, as well as basic things, like not being able to switch places with your decoy without targeting it (could be a switch teleport hold) or switch teleport not opening enemies for finishers. He's in a bit of a "too old" case, like Rhino and his "this button deals damage, this one deals damage in a different way" mojo. I should probably brainstorm a bit and lob a thread on the feedback section later.

  7. 4 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    Copy-paste directly from Wiki:

    Affected enemies that survive the impact will emit an intense flash of light, blinding surrounding enemies within 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 meters that were unaffected by the initial cast, for 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 seconds. Additionally, if surviving targets were standing on HallowedGround130xDark Hallowed Ground when affected by Reckoning, their armor is permanently reduced by 10% / 15% / 20% / 30%.

    • Armor reduction is affected by Ability Strength.
      • Armor reduction is applied to the enemy's base armor when accounting multiple casts.
    • Blind duration is affected by Ability Duration.
    • Blind radius is affected by Ability Range.
    • The blind mechanics and affected enemy behaviors are identical to those of ExcaliburIcon272 Excalibur's RadialBlind130xDark Radial Blind.

    All in all, though, I do have to point out that some of the things you're claiming are a little... off, so please forgive me for being a bit rough with the reply.

    For example: 

    Puncture Procs, the Status, do not deal damage. The proc is 'weaken' and reduces the damage that enemies deal to you by a percent. The way Smite works is that the base damage is affected by your power Strength, dealt as a base of 250 Impact and 250 Radiation (no Puncture at all), but the projectiles that form are actually based on a percentage of the enemy's Health. So each does a base damage of 150 (affected by your mods) and then 35% of the original target's maximum Health as Radiation.

    This was another deliberate thing. They like 'potential' damage in Warframe, not raw damage. So any damage that's based off the damage that enemies feed in, or that you feed in with weapons, that's fine and dandy. Damage that's based on the enemy's own scaling, but has the programming that means it'll only hit the same enemy with that damage if there are no other enemies it can seek out? Also fine and dandy. With Smite generating 6 Orbs that deal a little over 35% of the enemy's max Health as damage, if all of those orbs hit the same enemy they would be taking 210% of their health as damage from one cast, which is enough to kil un-armoured enemies with no problem. Combine that with an Armour Stripping function, and you could, potentially, power Oberon through one-shotting every enemy in the game infinitely.

    But the Orbs will seek other enemies, and the trick instead is to Smite the biggest enemy there to ensure that the most damage is spread around to their allies.

    You said that enemies on HG have armor stripped from them, which was not the case, as it's reckoning that does it to enemies who are on HG. HG itself does not strip armor. And yes, I know how puncture procs work, I'm not exactly a stranger to game mechanics playing since 2014 and using the Wiki for pretty much everything, due to how badly the game explains things. You're being a bit rough, sure, but also unnecessarily so, as you simply repeated things I have read at least three times before replying.


    4 hours ago, Benour said:

    If you play this game without wiki open, you doing it wrong. Also nothing to rework on oberon hes top tier frame. Somebody complained about his heal "turning off on teammates randomly" guess what they went in nulli bubble and got dispelled, cast your 3 and let them just step on it, you genius. 

    Oberon is so top tier, that nobody plays him, partially because they aren't aware of the synergies that DE never explained in the abilities screen, and partially because there are better alternatives available for the things he does. If you want to heal, get Trinity; if you want to CC, get Nyx; if you want to strip armor and deal massive damage, get Saryn. The idea of spending 150 energy just to be able to strip armor, for example, is absurd, when Saryn can just pop spores for 25 and keep them chaining on enemies and dealing increasing damage with every second. The idea of a sometimes average health regen is crushed by a warframe that can give you 75% DR and instantly heal both shields and health, who also happens to be able to do so nearly infinitely, because she has another ability to regenerate everyone's energy, including her own. I enjoy playing Oberon, but for pretty much everything he does, I have another warframe that can do it better.

  8. 3 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    Enemies that are on HG have rather hefty amounts of armour stripped off them. With builds for Strength (as is kind of common to get the most out of his Renewal and Iron Renewal, usually helped by his easy access to Growing Power), he can achieve total armour strip in two casts, radially.

    There's very few abilities that can reliably deal 2 million Effective Health damage without an Augment (like Seeking Shuriken or Sonic Fracture need them) but Oberon's Reckoning and HG combo does that. Heck if you go for even just a regular 195% Strength build on him, that's more than 50% armour per cast, meaning total strip in two.

    The Wiki doesn't mention anything about HG stripping armor off, and then there's the issue of recasting abilities because doing them once doesn't cut it. The game itself doesn't mention anything about irradiated enemies taking more damage from reckoning, as well as the buff that is applied to allies who cross HG, and the armor stripping is mentioned only at the last tip in the abilities screen, which was something that didn't exactly exist not long ago.

    Oberon could benefit a lot from a proper explanation of his abilities in the abilities screen itself, as such lack of information is part of why I ended up creating this thread. Not that I'm surprised that DE did such a thing, but it's always disappointing to know.

  9. 16 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

    Dunno, laying out a nicely-sized (yay Overextended) Hallowed Ground to irradiate enemies en masse,
    then casting Reckoning to (shred Armor and) make use of the bonus damage, it's been working fine enough for me. *shrug*

    Oberon isn't a damage-focused Frame, he's got CC, healing, multiple (de)buffing options and even a stack of get-out-of-death-free cards,
    so while I'd hardly scoff at damage buffs for probably my favorite Frame, I'd primarily like his Renewal to see some more love,
    reaching allies with it / re-applying it on allies who've lost the buff can get somewhat problematic.

    Yeah, I've had more than a few weird cases where my renewal just turned itself off while I was at full energy and getting hit from everywhere with a rage build. Personally, I appreciate the radiation CC, but the way it's handled ends up being one of those "another frame does it better" cases, case in point being, ironically, Nyx. Another issue I see is that the puncture procs from smite deal more damage to alloy than the initial radiation blast, despite radiation being the thing for alloy. I'm absolutely not opposed to Oberon's current kit, as I feel like I'm one of the few people who actually has some enjoyment playing him (partially due to some level of comprehension about the wonders of Chernobyl and making high level enemies shoot someone else), but his holy "power" feels a bit underwhelming for such a "mighty" paladin of justice and stuff. It's like he's more of a priest or something.

    Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Saryn just beats the armor stripping too with the spores, which cost less and spread like the black plague.

  10. 26 minutes ago, Genitive said:

    I also don't need to put myself over water when fishing, fish spawn well enough from the shore.

    I went and tried hovering over water and I have to admit that it is not that uncomfortable, but it's not that great either – might just be my personal preference.

    I also checked the conservation stuff and I learned that you can use both the tranq rifle and echo lures from archwing. So one thing actually works. Huh.

    You know, whatever, if one thing actually works, the rest might as well, I rest my case.

    The tranquilizer very likely was an oops case from DE, as it actually forbids you from floating up or down, or even using afterburners. I tried it because I couldn't jump on some mushrooms to shoot a bird, and found out I couldn't go up at all while using the tranquilizer, so I had to swap to a weapon first, go up, then get the tranquilizer back. It's why I included the tranquilizer in the title.

  11. 38 minutes ago, Genitive said:

    Yes, you can hover over the water, but once you move it takes some time to stop. It would take much less time to position yourself on the ground.

    And can you position yourself over water on foot without being thrown back on land? This game has some really broken mechanics, but I didn't find that to be one of them. Besides, it's not like fishing is supposed to be part of rushframe. You move, you stop, you fish. You don't just sprint around desperately aiming at a fish and crossing fingers to hit it.

  12. 4 hours ago, Genitive said:

    I don't think it's worth the effort. I can't imagine it being comfortable at all, or easier when aiming at small elements like fish.

    As much as I bash archwing on a nearly daily basis, it's in no way uncomfortable to just stand still over water and aim downwards with a screen that is barely cluttered by your warframe or archwing. The biggest issue for fishing just so happens to be the visibility in the water itself. The idea of being able to use archwing means you'll be able to more reliably chase a fish that fled to the middle of the lake, since that usually has you stuck on a rock while tracking its name through a water that is cluttered by refraction, displacement and sunlight. Anything that improves the gameplay is worth the effort.



  13. Reckoning dealing more damage to irradiated or punctured targets, which would work in conjunction not only with his first ability itself, but any weapon that deals radiation and/or puncture, similar to how Ember's accelerant works with any fire damage.

  14. Recoil is:

    1. A dumb stat that doesn't actually show in the stats list.
    2. A stat that needs to be changed by removing a key element of the weapon's DPS, as per this game's current flawed system.
    3. Paired with bad mods, costing too much or not existing at all.

    I wouldn't personally want to get rid of it, as it makes weapons feel a bit more unique, but there should be a clear statement of what is the recoil of weapons in both the hipfire and aiming shots.


    2 hours ago, SupremeDutchGamer said:

    they're guns... have you ever shot a real gun? they have recoil. if you dislike recoil, use a mod to lower it. welcome to the freedom of choice. 


    Have you ever shot a laser gun? Why do some of them have recoil, like the Dera, and even the Opticor having a recoil in its firing animation? DE doesn't really pay attention to that kind of stuff; they don't try to adhere to either realism or fantasy as a whole, because they don't really adhere to anything in their guns besides giving people a reason to get it over older weapons. Remember when you'd use a status weapon to freeze or stun a bunch of enemies, and built it specifically for that? Hystrix exists now. Remember when people came together with different elements on each weapon to hunt prosecutors? Hystrix exists now. Remember when you had to make at least a mild choice between status and critical builds? Hystrix exists now.

  15. Yeah, it looks pretty lame. Maybe they did that so it doesn't look like the character is sliding on the ground while an animation plays, but I'm not even sure people care enough about it, and given DE's taste for different animations on weapons, it would be a nice change, specially with how many Volts want to break their #2 key.

  16. Just now, Katinka said:

    When Relics were added we were told that Baro may bring along some special Relics at some point so I wasn't really surprised to see that.

    As to the farming other Relics to get Prime Parts to cash in for Ducats to buy the Axi A2 Relics...  Baro has always been a thing for people who already have spare parts to then have a use for those parts.  If you don't have spares right now then he'll probably bring it back later and maybe then you'll have built up a stock of spares.  Until then, go get the other Prime stuff you need and you'll get spares as a by product.  Although, it would be nice to have a rough idea of how often this Relic will be in stock.

    We could have two tabs for Baro. One for items that rotate, and other for items that are there every visit.

  17. I'm fine with getting relics that drop a single equipment's blueprints and parts, but waiting for Baro to come so I can get them? Honestly, that's pretty lazy. Sure, it's guaranteed, but farming for relics, so I can farm for prime parts, so I can trade them and get a relic so I can farm the part I want? I don't like the sound of that.

  18. But your have your 900P be happy with it.

    the guy who buyed is also happy also think about your trade was contributing to keep the game & the dev alive.

    Indeed, I used them well, but that doesn't mean that I don't think the price is pure bull. If cores weren't fairly easy to farm now, the prices would skyrocket. A mod that would be 900p now due to the core prices would be over 1800 a while back. Does that sound like a "good" way to keep platinum flowing? By making things so annoying to obtain that they become overpriced?


    I also managed to sell Trinity's systems for 75p, which I thought was a fair profit for the time I spent looking for it, then the guy thanks me for the "cheap" trade. 75p shouldn't be considered "cheap" just for ONE warframe part. The day DE fixes the droptables and actually develop a decent trading system that is not based on greedy bastards overpricing things, I'm sure the trading will be much more pleasing and money will flow better.

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