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Posts posted by Basalto

  1. One of the little things that contribute to the overpriced mods on trading isn't only the rarity, but the fact that the mods take way too many R5 cores to be maxed. 268 for rank 9 is acceptable, but the double just for rank 10 is a hell of an unfunny joke. If the cost to max them was lower, we'd all see Baro's Primed mods going down a bit in terms of price, which would be beneficial for everyone.


    Just so you guys have an idea, I sold a maxed Primed Continuity for 900p once, because it was just a @(*()$ pain to max it and I could have done a lot of other things during the time I was farming the cores.

  2. Steam forums are easier to use and, frankly, people there can be way more understanding with certain things. From what I see, you can't point out something wrong in the game on the official forums without people coming and repeating "it's fine" over and over, when it obviously isn't.


    Steam forums are also forums, wether people want to admit it or not. Just because Steam has some bad forums (*cough* TF2 *cough*), it doesn't mean all of them are bad. It's good to have an officer or two that are willing to spend their time roaming around the forums and checking how everything's going (not every thousand millenia, like it currently is).



    I like Steam forums because they are practical and I got Steam opened every single day, so I don't miss a thing about forums that I go there. Not paying attention to it is not paying attention to part of the community.

  3. Baro himself is a joke of a "Void" trader. His list goes on and on with Prima and Primed, until you suddendly reach a Machete Wraith and a Prova Vandal. How can it be possible that he found such things in the Void? It would be very nice if the event items were kept in events, which is why they are named event items.

  4. Agreed. As I posted on another thread, it needs to either be working like Dead Space's Line Gun


    or it could have a less wide beam, but hitting things inside the angle. The way it currently is, it's like Phage and Flux Rifle had a deformed child with AIDS. This gun has so much potential, an I'd like to see at least one of the forma guns reaching a great balance of fun and power.

  5. Basically, Convectrix needs to be either a Line Gun from Dead Space


    or it needs to have a less wide beam, but hitting everything inside the angle in a shorter distance. The gun itself is too underpowered and easily outgunned by lots of weapons. It has the potential of being a perfect crowd slasher, and I'm pretty sure the "but it would be overpowered" excuse can't work when you see Hek one-shot a hallway with 20 enemies.

  6. There is a bunch of baseless "it wouldn't work" claims by people but first person would work just fine in the game if the work was put in t implement it right.  Thing is DE has stated that they aren't going to do it. So that is that.


    If there was a first person mode option I might use it on occasion but I generally prefer third person view... 

    My friend said that third person would look better for parkour, and he does have a point in that. Also, I don't recall exactly what, but I heard DE already did some things they said they wouldn't do. I don't remember well what, but it did happen.

  7. It's not a recent bug, this has been discussed over and over, DE said they are not implementing this, i am glad, before starting a thread use the search bar you will find the other thousands of threads about this.

    Now, you don't need to be rude. I'm just showing that first person isn't all terrible like people are saying that it is and trying to show a screenshot to prove my point.

  8. "dude r u rly posting about first person this game isnt ment for first person ur dumb"


    Well, with the recent so-called "first person bug", I had the opportunity to take a screenshot that looked quite nice, in fact.

    It was taken after I got the first person view bug after I solved a puzzle that was blocked by a wall. Kinda bugged, really. But I'm not here to complain, I'm here to show how this game can look cool in first person.


    This screenshot below was taken while sliding. That was the only way I found to make the camera not terribly obstructed in first person.




    This leads me to think that a first person camera similar to Mount & Blade's would actually look pretty interesting in this game.


    And if you're going to whine about me suggesting the first person thing, don't even bother. Just ignore me and walk away.

  9. This is also known as the Serration problematic, that used to be very debated.


    Yes, we need this, but not only damage mods for weapons, all those mandatory mods for frames need to go aways too, like intensify and the similar ones; shields or health we always need one of them, etc.


    And for guns it cant be only the damage mods to go away, but all who are similar, since if we remove serration, ppl will jump to heavy caliber, if we remove heavy caliber ppl will jump to multishot mods, etc.

    I honestly can't agree with removing the mandatory mods for frames. I can build Frost either as a pure tank or an extremely powerful caster, and that helps vary the gameplay to me. Guns don't have that same feel, so removing damage mods for them still sounds like a good idea. But I can't see any good coming out of the frame mods removal.

  10. It's not an issue, when items were smaller they were pretty much invisible ... or at least really hard to spot.

    They were up-scaled because of that - players were annoyed. And the first screen is rather an airlock not a door.

    I am fairly sure the items weren't the things getting scaled.



    In fact, I can perfectly understand a giant Corpus robot. After all, we got our pretty Jackal.




    Wait, aren't airlocks technically doors?

  11. Keeping it short and direct: default colours are bugged. I'll explain in the images below.


    First there are Ether Daggers with the full default colours. For those who are not familiar with them, the energy colour modifies the blade colour.



    So what do I do? I click the energy colour on the screen and it leads me to a palette, where I DO NOT CLICK the red colour. I merely put the mouse cursor over it.



    Then I exit the palette and wait a minute. The colour isn't the default one. BUT it shows it as the default one.



    As you can see below, it is not fixed when I exit the arsenal screen/menu/whatever you wanna call it. The blades are kept red while the default colour is still in "use".



    I see two possibilities here:

    1- It failed to update the colour icon to the red one, which it not probable, for I have not selected that colour.

    2- The default colour is bugged because the colour icon does not exist, as what was supposed to be the colour icon shows.


    My suggestion:

    Change the default colours to ones in palettes instead of "free" colours. That way, the colour exists in the game, instead of being a "fake" colour AND it also helps people locate colours they liked, such as me trying to find the liset and Loki Prime energy colours.

  12. I'll put it simple and direct because I want to go back to killing stuff: Archwing missions make your warframe the size of a health orb, while everything around you keeps the same. Just your character (and the other group members, from what I checked) is a friggin' hobbit. Images below to show you how I'm not kidding when I call them hobbits.


    First, we got my beautiful Trinity and a door. Yeah, it's a pretty big door. Giant.



    Then we got a health orb... blob... uh, the health stuff.



    AND THEN we got how it's supposed to be. Which is, um... half a leg.



    It just feels soooooooooooooo weird playing archwing like that. Really, it doesn't feel right. Could you folks from DE take a look at this issue?

  13. Could someone explain the new damage 2.0 system to me? I really must be modding my guns wrong, because their damage are extremely horrible, even when it's puncture + corrosive against Grineer gunners.

    I'm also going to put a specific example and ask why it's that way:


    Marelok. Modded without formas or catalysts, got Barrel Diffusion, 140% Hornet Strike, Concussion Rounds and Razor Shot, using all my mod capacity for a beautiful combo of 540 slash, 84 puncture and 675 impact. Now, as we see from the damage tables, Corrupted Lancers are formed by two layers of defense: alloy armor and cloned flesh, which means that my slash will hurt his flesh well, but not the armor, while impact will have only the -25% penalty on the flesh (curiously, I heard maces and other blunt weapons quite hurt when you hit unprotected people with them).


    That means, from my point of view, that I would deal 675s+84p+506i on the cloned flesh and 270s+96p+675i on the alloy, which equals a total of 1265 damage on flesh and 1041 damage on alloy. Even if I pretend that the damage is sliced in half for the two layers, I'd still get over 520 damage on each layer. Then WHY THE HELL is my Marelok dealing 244 damage on low tier Corrupted Lancers?! No, they are not dead after I shoot them.


    Another question: how does this same Corrupted Lancer takes one second of firing to kill a Frost with Steel Fiber, Vigor, Redirection and Vitality on Tower II? Seriously, is this thing broken or something? Frost is a defense frame, so I think it would be fair for him to last over one damned second in front of an enemy.


    I'd like answers. I really would.

  14. This was partially fixed in a past hotfix, but it seems you may have highlighted an important detail as to how it continues:


    1) See alert A and B

    2) Complete alert A

    3) Return to find no Alert info.


    Will test this repro theory when another alert goes live on PC, hopefully within next 33 mins!


    Testing this theory did not yield results, I returned from an alert with a fully functional panel... if anyone has a solid repro please report, thanks.

    Could this possibly be a syncronization issue between my computer and Warframe's server, missing some data on the way to my computer?

  15. Just passing by to let you people know that I ran the alert on Sao, Neptune, with another alert in the star chart, counting 57min to disappear. I decide to run Sao, since it had less than 20 minutes left. I come back to what? An empty start chart. Yeah, I apparently traveled forward in time again, to a time where no alerts are available. OR Warframe bugged again. I think I'll get the last option. 


    I'd like to gently ask for a fix for this, because I'm not relogging my entire life. Not that I don't like to relog, it's just that I hate to do so every damned alert.

  16. I actually lost the count of how many alert bugs I got in U14. I gave up counting at 12. But this one got me really pissed. So, there was this lovely Locust Ash Helmet on alert a few minutes ago (10, if I'm not wrong) and it had half an hour left. I decide to do the alert that had the smalles amount of time left and clear it in less than 10 minutes. I come back to see that the alert was gone.

    "Wait, how could it be gone in such a little time?" Good question, fellow reader. It was not supposed to. I attempt to relog lots of times and asking my alliance if the alert was still up. They said it was still up, altough my star chart said otherwise. Result: I missed a helmet because of these bullS#&$ bugs that don't have an end.


    On a sidenote: fix the damn UI freezing, for God's sake. I don't want to relog to fix stuff my whole life.

  17.   One thing that always bugged me is the death animation for enemies.

    Let's take an example:

    >Tenno running, gets killed. He falls to the direction he was running.

    >Grineer running, gets killed. He INSTANTLY STOPS and triggers the death animation, which is absurd. For real dude, I JUST BLASTED YOU WITH A SHOTGUN, HOW DO YOU STOP AND FAINT.

    Seriously, why? It just messes entirely the game immersion.


      Another matter: dismemberment. I am using a Miter (YES, I LIKE THAT GUN, DON'T JUDGE ME). I shoot the guy in the waist with a puch through saw. Neil deGrasse Tyson says that he should be split in two and blood should be everywhere. Then please explain WHY DID HIS LEFT ARM RIP OFF. I don't know how that works. Oh, it also triggered the "I feel like stopping and fainting" death animation mentioned before. Nope, just nope. If I aim for the guy's waist with a saw, I mean to tear the bastard in pieces and push him back with a pressurized round. I don't want to make his left arm fall off and that he faints.

      One thing I noticed about death animations, tough, is that Kestrel, a weapon with knockback, does not trigger the death animations, because the knockback (which is amazing, by the way) nullifies the death animation. Same with Fragor's jump attack and other knockdown things or blast rounds.


      My sugestion is:

    1- Take off death animations and make bullets actually impact the body, making it look like he actually died. I.e.: snipe a running guy, he will have the speed that he was running plus the impact of the bullet, making him not fall forward or to the side, but in a diagonal way.

    2- Fix the dismemberment for slash weapons, as the impact with impact weapons. Make enemies get knocked back when they are killed with a Fragor or any other impact weapon, similar to a Kestrel (just make it less intense, will ya? I don't want enemies pretending they are airplanes).

    3- Read numbers 1 and 2 again.


    Image just to draw your attention here.


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