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Posts posted by (PSN)DurandalTyr

  1. But doesn't the Grineer Napalm have invisibility during the Ground Slam animation?


    They can take damage but you can't interrupt their GS animation.


    You mean invincibility.


    Yeah, I've used weapons with a ground slam attack, and if they're doing a ground slam they won't get knocked down.  It happens the same way with capture targets, so I'd figure that the Grineer Heavies would just ignore your ability, until DE changes the reaction time/priority.

  2. Molecular prime is simply too powerful.  It saps all of the challenge out of the game and devalues other warframes such as Saryn(when was the last time you used or saw one when a Nova was available?), Ember, Volt, Banshee and all that will follow. 

    Her ability is literally Press 4 to Win Fight - Nova has taken over all of the roles where other crowd control Warframes are involved.  Why use a Nyx when you have a Nova, save for t3 defenses?  Her ultimate makes Nekros's ult unusable.  She gets all of the kills, not like those matter but nonetheless. 

    Something needs to be done.


    Saryn has crowd control?  The issues you're looking at have only to do with the lack of utility that the other warframes generally bring to the high level missions.  Nekros' ultimate isn't as good for crowd control or damage, it's good when you selectively kill Ancient healers or Shield Drones but otherwise doesn't provide much utility for the numbers (and it clogs up the minimap with a bunch of green dots).  Nyx has her own uses, and you can have a Nyx AND a Nova (nothing is forcing the team to only bring one).


    Also, does it really matter to you so much who gets the "kills" when the objective is to keep the pod/artifact intact?  You're looking at the results tab too much.


    If anything, Saryn's issue is that molt lacks the same mechanics as decoy, and that her ultimate isn't very strong and limited to a smaller radius.

  3. In mobile defense there's usually 1-2 spawn points, and if you can control the flow coming in, it's easier than handling 4 corridors approaching a central defensive location (especially if dealing with Napalms or Bombardiers).  However, as long as the majority stay back and the 4th player doesn't move out of affinity range of the rest of the team, it works out.


    I've had fun times where one person doesn't notice on survivals that they're all by themselves and end up getting killed and wondering why we don't run halfway across the map back to them.

  4. On Exterminate missions, the host's client will spread the units out over the map, usually in the main rooms (sometimes it spawns them behind you, after you leave), but it doesn't use the side room spawn point as much.  Defense maps are in the dead end rooms off the main area.  Spy/Sabatoge missions, can't say since most of the time there's little reason to explore.  Mobile defense they spawn in adjacent rooms/halls and run to you.

  5. The Corrupted Heavy Gunner has the same armor type (Ferrite) but it has doubled armor compared to the regular Heavy Gunner.


    All the corrupted versions have the same armor/shield type as their normal versions, but they have improvements to them (Corrupted Drone, so high damage).

  6. On Grineer planetoid survival missions, I've been in the large, tall room with the 4 elevators, and I can see them from the upper level, spawning down below.  But you won't see them spawning, they will be in rooms that are generally closed off or on the opposite side, behind cover.

  7. Sometimes the rooms are terribly arranged.  The best ones are small rooms where you can control the chokepoint entries and have the adjacent rooms be large enough for plenty of spawnpoints for the life support capsules and infested.


    Everyone should try and stick together, and if you want to reduce the amount of running to get the life support, get a Loki who can keep a long invisibility to make the run to distant capsules and activate them without changing the flow of battle.  Nekros is nice but the drops are RNG and you can just as well get a batch of 10 from regular killing, it's just a matter of finding a high-density spawn point and letting them come in droves.


    Nova and Nyx are both handy for AD & M.P and Absorb/Chaos to slow and block incoming waves so they're manageable - I tend to use M. Prime also to help get teammates revived.


    Remember to bring ammo/energy restores.

  8. It's hard to aim the two whips in the game at the moment - but usually using a Dual Ichor for grineer is worthwhile as you'll be able to use Berserker.  Otherwise I'm always rooting for a quick charge Orthos (Prime) build.  Galantine is nice for the high damage, but the charge is still longer and it doesn't have the same range sweep.

  9. Corrupted mods are usually not worth maxing out, especially weapons mods where the cons start to outweigh the pros.  The warframe ones are potentially worth maxing out for the specialized builds (forever-invisible Loki).


    Stuff like Redirection, Serration, Hornet Strike, Split Barrel, Barrel Diffusion, Hell's Chamber are all worth maxing.  Use the Common 3 fusion cores for the lower ranks, use uncommon 5s and rare 5s for the higher ranks.

  10. I'm disappointed that it doesn't use injectors.  I swear, I have too many detonite injectors...


    Not to mention, I don't see any infected carrying around guns to shoot - the other Bio lab research weapons are organic in some form or another.

    Although if we did see a gun-toting infected, there would be lots of bruhaha-ing because people can't just stand on platforms and kite them around anymore.

  11. This completely explains why I keep seeing these invasion nodes being pushed towards Grineer (oddly, on PS4 I'm seeing the Pluto node being pushed back to Corpus for some reason).


    Still, I would laugh if there was an equivalent hunter-killer for the Grineer - some kind of Scorpion with Heavy Gunner primary, ground slam, and Alloy Armor all in the tiny frame.

  12. I try to resist the urge for the improvements to super-charge my Tenno allies' warframes and weapons, but the other rewards - Fieldtrons and Neurotodes, are not any source of appeal to cause me to ally with one faction over another.  Grineer are dangerous, certainly, but they are not trying to experiment on Tenno technology and reverse-engineer any of our equipment that we know of.  However, Corpus have shown that they are actively trying to dissect warframes (poor Excalibur with his Avalon helmet), and I don't sympathize with that unless they can sway my trust with breaking Grineer dominance over a planetoid.


    Sometimes, I just think it'd be better to let the Infested overrun some of the more distant parts of the system, in order to keep the Corpus and Grineer constantly fighting them.  Not a whole planetoid, but parts of it.  Eris just hasn't been the same since the Phorid went on vacation.



    Skates are more human than Corpus. I've have 0 battles for corpus and I have multiple detron blueprints and parts. I could build 3 or 4 spare Detrons at this point. I keep supporting Grineer.


    Courtesy of Yuikami

  13. Antimatter drop is the easiest to watch the numbers soar, especially if you prep the targets with M. Prime to double the damage received.  Not to mention the damage is radiation, so it'll affect most Grineer heavies just fine.


    Bit hard to make enemies shoot at it, though.

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